
In English we have been looking at ‘slam poetry.’  The children wrote their own poems about Bicton School.  We have been thinking about what makes our school special in PSHCE and these ideas helped us write our poems.

In maths we continued our work on shapes and looked at multiples of numbers and numbers with common multiples.

In geography we did some follow up work from our trip last week.  We discussed what makes Shrewsbury special and what we knew about these features of Shrewsbury.  The children worked in groups to try and persuade the rest of the class that a particular feature of Shrewsbury was the best one.

We wish everyone a happy half term and will see you all next half term!


Class 4 Homework

This term, the children have been looking at biographies and autobiographies. We have read extracts from Boy and Going Solo by Roald Dahl, and Singing for Mrs Pettigrew by Michael Morpurgo.

Over the holidays, we would like children to write a biography on a person of their choice. It can be a family member, a pop star, an actor or a sports personality.

Please can homework be completed in children’s homework books and be returned to school by the first day back after the holidays.

Thank you for your support.

Welcome to Miss Carr

Following interviews for Mrs Chadwick’s position, we are very pleased to have appointed Miss Eleanor Carr who will be teaching Class 4 alongside Mrs Foster after half-term. The children in Class 4 enjoyed a Maths lesson with Miss Carr earlier this month and she will be spending time in Class 4 to get to know the children before we break up.

Many thanks

Class 4 Trip to Shrewsbury

We had a lovely time today in Shrewsbury! We completed lots of activities as part of our work in Geography, comparing Bicton and Shrewsbury. We undertook traffic, foot count and shop surveys as well as considering advantages and disadvantages to living in Shrewsbury.

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Class 4 Homework

Today we have sent home part of a text that we have been reading online called Cosmo Mars. Please could the children finish reading Chapter 3 and then all of Chapter 4, A Distressing Letter, before Monday next week.

Thank you

Class 4 Update


This week Class 4 have been learning about the features of biographies and autobiographies.  They have also looked at different word endings, many of which are in their spellings this week. The children are also practising varying the types of sentences they use in their writing.


In Maths Class 4 have been practising different methods of subtraction.  They enjoyed making ‘maths museums’ one day to show us what they know already.


The children are continuing to enjoy the electricity topic.  They have tested a range of materials to see which ones conduct electricity.  I also set them the challenge this week of making their own buzzer games!


The children finished their maps of the school grounds.  We explored Shrewsbury using Google Maps this week in readiness for our visit there next Wednesday.  The children used the computers to make their own maps of Shrewsbury, adding images and text boxes of points of interest.


The children have been exploring the Purple Mash games and activities.

We are looking forward to you seeing all the exciting work they have been doing when we see you at Parent’s Evening soon.

Class 4 Homework

In Maths we have been revising and practising methods for addition and subtraction. This week we have looked at different methods for subtraction, including counting up on a number line and using the more formal column methods. We have also talked about which methods we are more confident with and which methods are more efficient for different types of questions.

Please ensure children complete their homework by Monday so that it can be marked and new homework stuck in before it is due to be sent out again next Wednesday.

FOBs BBQ Photos

Thank you to everyone involved with FOBs for all their time and effort in putting on such a fabulous back-to-school event last Friday evening and thank you to everyone who was able to attend. Keep an eye on the website this week for a post from FOBs letting you know how much the evening raised!

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

In English we have been looking at different types of clauses within sentences, including relative and embedded clauses.

We expect that all children complete some homework each week. Children can complete the activity independently or with your support and choose which questions they would like to do.

If any children feel that they would like an extra challenge, they should speak to an adult in Class 4, and we will happily send additional homework out.

Please ensure homework is returned by Monday so that it can be marked and new homework stuck in before it is due to be sent out again.

We thank you for your support with this.

Kind regards,

Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Foster

Class 4 update


In English we have been working on the ‘Just So’ stories by Rudyard Kipling.  Today we began planning ideas for our own Just So stories ready for writing them next week.


The children have been learning about decimal numbers and how to order them, place them correctly on number lines and understand the effect of multiplying or dividing them by 10 and 100.


Following our walk around Bicton last week we focussed on map skills this lesson.  The children worked really hard to produce maps of the school grounds using aerial photographs.

Linked to this, in Art the children have been collaging pictures of things that they see on their journey to school using a variety of materials.


Continuing with their work on electricity, the children made their own circuits this week and learnt how to draw circuit diagrams.  They also had to test a variety of circuits to see if they worked or not and make predictions about what might happen each time.