Joseph Rehearsal

Dear Parents/Carers,

This is just a reminder that the Joseph rehearsal for children with main parts will be on Thursday this week.

Miss Barratt

Live Streaming of Choir at Theatre Severn

Please find below the link for the live streaming of the choir performing at Theatre Severn. It will go live when the concert begins at 7:30pm.  You will need to copy and paste the link into your browser.

If there is a technical problem with the internet connection at Theatre Severn and it cannot be streamed, a message will be posted on the Theatre Severn page on Saturday.

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 have been set a new piece of homework today of a reading comprehension.  This homework is set according to the end of the year expectations for your child’s year group.

Thank you for encouraging your children to bring their homework back so promptly.  The new homework will be due in on Monday 21st November.

Many thanks.

Miss Carr

Indoor ‘Cross Country!’

Even though we couldn’t go off site on Friday for cross country club, the children really enjoyed the indoor circuit training instead.


Mexican Day!

Dear Parents,

As part of our geography topic on comparing people and places, Class 4 have been learning about Mexico. We would like to have a Mexican Fiesta and Feast Day in school on Wednesday 30th November.  We would really appreciate it if the children could dress up for that day in some Mexican themed clothes.  For example :  ponchos, sombreros and/or lots of brightly coloured clothes.

We are looking forward to seeing what the children wear and to having lots of fun that day.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Many thanks for your support,

Samantha Foster


Choir Performing at Theatre Severn

This is just a reminder for choir children wanting to take part in the performance with Concord College at Theatre Severn on Saturday 19th November –  please can you bring in your letter by Friday.

Thank you!

Class 4 Homework

Good afternoon,

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today, based on our work in class on rounding numbers, and using rounding to estimate calculations.

The homework is set according to the end of year expectations for your child’s year group.

Please bring completed homework back in on Monday 14th November, so that it can be marked and new homework set to go home on Wednesday.

Thank you,

Miss Carr

Joseph Lyrics

Please find attached a copy of the lyrics for each song from Joseph in order to help your child practise their songs.


Class 4 Homework

In English we have been practising the correct use of commas in sentences.  We have also been looking at main clauses and subordinate clauses.

We are sending out homework today that is based on the end of year expectations for your child’s year group.

Please ensure children complete their homework by Monday so that it can be marked and new homework stuck in before it is due to be sent out again next Wednesday.

Thank you.

Choir at Theatre Severn

Please find below the letter that was sent out this week regarding the choir children singing at Theatre Severn. Please could permission slips be returned to school by Friday 4th November.

Thank you.
