St Chad’s

Well done to the Choir children who sang at St Chad’s after school today – you sounded beautiful!

Thank you to the mums and dads and nans and grandads (and aunties as well!) who came to support the children.

Arrangements for KS2 Joseph Performance

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you are aware, tomorrow is the first night of our Joseph performance. The children need to be at school at 5:15pm where they will go to their classroom to get changed into their costume. The doors for parents will also open at 5:15pm so that you can drop your child off and go and get a seat straight away. This arrangement is the same for Thursday’s performance too.

The children will go home in their costume after the performance on Tuesday but please can you make sure it is returned to school on Wednesday morning so it is ready for the next performance on Thursday.

The children have been working so hard and are really looking forward to performing for you. There are still some tickets available at the school office should you wish to purchase more.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Barratt

Class 4 party

Dear Parents,

On Wednesday 14th December Class 4 will be having their Christmas party.

Please can children bring party clothes to change into that day.

They don’t need to bring anything else, as Class 4 staff will provide the food and drink for the party.

Many thanks,

Mrs S Foster

Choir at the Co-op

Just a reminder that the choir are singing at the co-op tomorrow morning at 10:30am. I have given out some more permission letters today for children who needed them which will need to be handed to me first thing tomorrow morning.

I have told the children that they are allowed to bring some festive head-ware if they have some – tinsel, headbands, hats.

Thank you,

Miss Barratt


Class 4 update

In English the children have been learning to write instructions and explanation texts.

In maths we have recently been practising methods of subtraction, multiplication and division.  This week we have been learning about measures including converting between grams and kilograms and litres and millilitres.  The children have also been learning to read timetables and the 24 hour times that appear on them.

Our DT and science topics are now linked, as the children are working in pairs to make a festive light decoration.  This gives the children the opportunity to use what they have learnt about electrical circuits to make their decoration move and light up.

The children have been enjoying learning about Mexico and we had lots of fun on our Mexican Day making decorations for the classroom and some guacamole to taste at the end of the day with lots of tortillas and wraps!


Class 4 Mexican Day


Visit to the Co-op

Last week a group of children, including some of the School Council members, spent a morning at the Bicton Heath Co-op learning about how the stock control works.

They split into 3 different groups and each group had a turn at putting out chilled food, frozen food and scanning and changing over the magazines.  All the children very quickly got the hang of rotating the stock and checking the sell-by dates and they were very keen to remove everything out of the chillers in order to stack the newer items at the back!

Several shoppers commented on how hard the children were working and even asked if they were on work experience!

Joseph Rehearsal for children with Main Parts

Dear Parents/Carers,

This is just to let you know that next week the Joseph rehearsal will go back to normal, it will be on Monday 28th November, 3:15 – 4:30.

Just to remind you, this rehearsal is only for children who have a main part, not for the children who are the choir.

Thank you

Miss Barratt

Mexican Day

Just a reminder that it is Mexican Day in Class 4 on Wednesday 30th November.  If children could come to school in Mexican / brightly coloured clothes, that would be great!

Many thanks

Mrs S Foster & Mrs E Carr

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today based on punctuation.  Year 4 will be practising using commas to separate clauses, and Year 5 will be practising using brackets for parenthesis.

This homework will be due back on Monday 28th November.

Many thanks.

Miss Carr