Never a dull day…

It’s certainly never a dull day at Bicton, as you can see from the gallery below!  We had some unexpected visitors shortly after 7:30 this morning so it was quite an experience for the staff as well as the children arriving for Breakfast Club.

Thankfully Mrs Ross and Mrs Hill came to the rescue and stepped in to escort the horses back to their field, accompanied by Miss Moran (in some very inappropriate footwear!)  – thank you ladies 🙂 Thank you to the children for being so sensible and to all the staff who directed traffic, escorted children safely past the horses and for cleaning up what the horses left behind!

Hunchback of Notre Dame Performance

Earlier this week, a professional theatre group visited school to perform the Hunchback of Notre Dame for the whole school.  The children really enjoyed the show and immersed themselves fully in “It’s behind you!”, “Oh no he isn’t!” and also a lot of booing and applause!  Well done to all the children for being such a fantastic audience.

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today.  It is a reading comprehension text with questions to answer about the text.  The children can see how much detail is needed in their answers by the number of points the question is worth.

This homework will be due back on Monday 16th January.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Carr

Novel Study Freeze Frames

After reading chapter one of ‘After Tomorrow’, the children worked in pairs to freeze frame different things that happened.  They had to really think about the facial expressions and actions of the characters.

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Class 4 Homework

The children in Class 4 have brought home their holiday homework today. This is a decimal addition activity  and a review of a book they have read recently/over the holidays.

This homework will be due on Monday 9th January.

May I take this opportunity to thank you all for the lovely cards, gifts and good wishes we have received in Class 4. I have really enjoyed getting to know your lovely children the last half term, and I am looking forward to all of the exciting things we have planned in the Spring term.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Joseph Comments Book

Just a reminder that there is a book in reception for comments about our Joseph performance. We have loved reading the comments so far and welcome anyone who hasn’t left one yet to pop in at the end of the school day to do so.

Thank you for your support with helping to make Joseph happen and thank you for the lovely comments we have received so far. We are all so proud of the children for their hard work and fantastic singing. The children of Bicton are extremely talented and have been a joy to work with throughout this project. Well done to all!

Class 4 Christmas Party fun!



KS2 Joseph Performance

Here are some photographs from our dress rehearsal on Monday. We hope you enjoy looking through them!


School Council News

Our School Council have had a busy few weeks and were invited to Bicton Church last week for their Christmas coffee morning. Whilst they were there, they were kept very busy decorating the tree and one of the church windows.

At the end of the week in Friday’s assembly, the School Council also drew some of the tickets in the FOBs Christmas raffle.

A Special Visitor

Just a snapshot of our visit from Father Christmas last week…!