Class 4 Summer Assembly

Homework for new Class 5

Homework for new members of Class 5

Our first topic after the summer holidays will be Ancient Egypt.  Your task is to research and present information on one aspect of Ancient Egypt that you find interesting.

This might be:

  • The mummification process
  • Pharoahs
  • The River Nile and what it was used for
  • Ancient Egyptian Gods
  • Hieroglyphics
  • Egyptian cartouche

Or anything else that interests you!

The research can be presented in any way you choose.  It might be a piece of writing, a piece of art, a model, or a mixture of the three.  These will form part of our topic display in the autumn term.

I would like this homework to be returned on the first day back in September.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Miss Carr

Cardingmill Valley

We had a great day in the sunshine measuring streams and building dams

Jack’s Group – Gorge Walking

Every group had an amazing time gorge walking but, whereas the other 3 groups climbed from the road down to the sea and back up, Jack’s group climbed up the gorge from the road to the top of the valley – this route is pretty challenging but, as you can see from the children’s faces, great fun!  On the final photo looking out over Cardigan Bay, you can see the minibus and where they started their journey!

Jack’s Group – Kayaking

On Saturday, Jack’s group spent a very sunny morning kayaking on the Dysynni Estuary.

Class 4 Update


The children are reading to the end of our novel study ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ now.  They have written biographies of Kensuke’s life this week.  Next week they will be exploring the main themes in the story and doing some essay writing based on this.


The children have studied line graphs and presenting and interpreting data this week.  They are now looking at using decimal numbers accurately within measures.


The children had lots of fun building coastal landscapes using Modroc plaster this week.  Next week they will be finishing and painting these to put on display.

We are all looking forward to our visit to Carding Mill Valley next week to learn more about rivers and living things in their habitats.

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today based on our learning on using data.  We have been interpreting data using graphs, and creating some of our own in class.  Please encourage your child to complete their homework as independently as possible.

This homework is due back on Monday 10th July.

Thank you

Oswestry School Science Day

We had a brilliant time at Oswestry School for a Science in Sport day.  The children were, as always, a credit to Bicton with their excellent behaviour and manners.