New! Class 4 spellings for 08.11.19

Class 4 children impressed us with how they tried to learn their new spelling words in the last week of term but we have decided to revisit these spelling patterns and words when we return after the half-term holiday and we will retest children on Friday 8th November.

Here’s a reminder below of their spelling patterns / words.

Year 3 – Seals: Year 3 and 4 statutory words. The words chosen are a sample of these 100 words which we are using frequently in Class 4 this term. (See link below for the full list of words.) although, appear, decide, describe, different, difficult, group, material, notice, through.

Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings

Year 4 – Surfers: More words with /shun/ endings spelt with ‘sion’ (if root word ends in ‘se’, ‘de’ or ‘d’) e.g. expansion, extension, comprehension, tension, corrosion,  supervision, fusion,  conclusion, persuasion, suspension.

Year 4 – Waves: Words with the ‘igh’ phoneme e.g. bright, fight, high, light, might, night
sigh, sight, thigh, tight.

Class 4 spellings to be tested 24.10.19

The spelling patterns which we are learning this week and which will be tested on Thursday are:

Year 3 – Seals: Year 3 and 4 statutory words. The words chosen are a sample of these 100 words which we are using frequently in Class 4 this term. (See link below for the full list of words.) although, appear, decide, describe, different, difficult, group, material, notice, through.

Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings

Year 4 – Surfers: More words with /shun/ endings spelt with ‘sion’ (if root word ends in ‘se’, ‘de’ or ‘d’) e.g. expansion, extension, comprehension, tension, corrosion,  supervision, fusion,  conclusion, persuasion, suspension.

Year 4 – Waves: Words with the ‘igh’ phoneme e.g. bright, fight, high, light, might, night
sigh, sight, thigh, tight.

Class 4 spellings 14.10.19

The spelling patterns we are learning in Class 4 this week are:

Year 3 – Seals: More homophones (A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning and may also differ in spelling.) e.g. berry / bury, brake / break, meat / meet, ball / bawl, fare / fair.

Year 4 – Surfers: Words with /shun/ endings spelt with ‘sion’ (if root word ends in ‘se’, ‘de’ or ‘d’) e.g. division, invasion, confusion, decision, collision, television, revision, erosion, inclusion, explosion.

Year 4 – Waves: Words with the ‘er’ phoneme e.g. term, fern, herd, herb, adder, letter, river, farmer, better, super.

Class 4 spellings 07.10.19

The spelling patterns we are learning in Class 4 this week are:

Year 3 – Seals: Homophones (A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning and may also differ in spelling.) e.g. hear / here, main / mane, heal / heel, mail / male, not / knot.

Year 4 – Surfers: Homophones (see above) e.g. medal / meddle, mist / missed, bored / board, which / witch, scene / seen

Year 4 – Waves: Words with the ‘air’ phoneme e.g. air, pair, stair, hair, flair, chair.

Class 4 spelling patterns 30.09.19

The spelling patterns we are learning in Class 4 this week are:

Year 3 – Seals: Words with the /ur/ sound spelt ear’, e.g. earth, early, heard, learn, searched, earning.

Year 4 – Surfers: Adding the prefixes ‘il’ and ‘ir’ before root words starting with ‘l’ or ‘r’ e.g. illegal, illegible, illogical, irregular, irrelevant, irresistible.

Year 4 – Waves: Words with the trigraph ‘ure’ e.g. cure, lure sure, pure, mixture, picture.

Class 4 spelling patterns

The spelling patterns we are learning in Class 4 this week are:

Year 3: long ‘ai’ sound, e.g. rain, container, brain, strain

Year 4: adding the prefix ‘im’ before root words starting with ‘m’ or ‘p’ e.g. immature, immortal, impolite, impatient

Class 4 spellings to be tested 20.12.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Words from the Year 3/4 statutory word list (and words derived from these root words: believe, believed, appear, appearing, arrive, arriving, describe, described, continue, continued.

Year 4 Surfers 

Words from the Year 3/4 statutory word list: potatoes, favourite,  material, opposite, minute – plus a selection of other words learnt this half term.

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘ou’ phoneme   e.g. out, outing, loud, shout, count, found, sound,  ground, around, mouth.

Class 4 weekly update

English – We focused on Chapter 19 this week and discussed what happened with Elliot and the wishing pearl in the story.  The children talked about whether a wishing pearl would be a good or bad thing and explained their reasoning.  They then planned and wrote a debate discussing all the reasons for/against a wishing pearl and shared them with the rest of the class.  They had lots of great ideas to share!

Maths – This week we have been working on converting units of measurement.  The children have looked at measures including kilograms/grams, kilometres/metres, millimetres/metres, millilitres/litres.  They have also been converting metric and imperial units of measure.

Topic – The children worked in groups to research an aspect of the Greek Olympics, looking at the different sports they did and the celebrations/entertainment.  They will be presenting their findings to the rest of the class next week.

RE – We have been looking at the ten commandments and what they mean.  The children then made up a modern set of the ten commandments relating to how to live in the world today.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 13th July


Homework – Solving measuring problems (in their homework books).

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Thomas

Class 4 weekly update

English – We read the Greek myth ‘Pandora’s Box’, which is linked to the characters in our class novel.  The class were introduced to a fancy looking box and discussed if they would be tempted to open it like the character in the story.  The also talked about what might be inside.  They then looked at features of an email and planned, drafted, edited and published their own email explaining an apology from Pandora.

Maths – We have been continuing with work on coordinates this week.  Year 4’s have been focusing on moving points on a grid and describing the movement (left/right, up/down).  Year 5’s have been focusing on translation (movement) on a grid and translation with coordinates.

Topic – Comparing government in Ancient Athens compared to government in modern Britain.  Many of the children were able to discuss what happens in today’s government which was interesting to hear.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 6th July.


Homework – (for Year 4’s only) English: using apostrophes for missing letters and to show possession.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Thomas

Class 4 weekly update

English – Writing events of Chapter 16 from the perspective of either the character Millicent or Colin.  We discussed the key events in the chapter and made a plan of our first person narrative, making notes on the events/feelings of the characters and recording a range of cohesive devises to use in our work.  Then we wrote a first draft of our narrative and edited and improved our ideas.  The children all worked really hard to include all the features we discussed.

Maths – We have started a new unit: ‘Position and Direction’.  Year 4 children have been describing position and drawing on a grid using a set of coordinates.  Year 5 children have been looking at position of points/shapes in the first quadrant and reflection of points/shapes with coordinates.

Topic – We continued to compare schools in Ancient Greece and modern Britain. The children did further research to find out lots more interesting facts of their own to compare schools.

RE – We discussed the behavior of Adam and Eve and whether what they did was right or wrong.  They also talked about the part of the story where they ate the fruit is known as ‘the Fall’.  The children then used the events in the story to produce the front page for the ‘Eden Times’ newspaper to describe what happened.

Spellings – To be tested on THURSDAY 28TH JUNE due to Year 5’s going to Arthog on Friday.

Spellings 22-6-18

Homework – Maths work on coordinates / angles.

Well done Class 4, you’ve all worked hard this week!  It’s great to be back and lovely to see you all.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Thomas