Special Menu 24.03.17

Following the success of the pizza, pasta and salad bar special lunch, the school kitchen will be serving this menu again next Friday 24th March.

As last time, the kitchen will provide an alternative for those children who do not like pizza or pasta.

Medals Assembly 10.03.17

Today we introduced a new ‘award’ in our weekly medals assembly. One or two children from each class were nominated by their teacher to share a piece of work that they have produced this week which really stood out.  The work shared included science work on solids, liquids and gases, narrative writing on Jack and the Beanstalk, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and setting descriptions and also Winston Churchill fact files. We are looking forward to seeing more children share their work over the weeks ahead.

Well done to Will who was also the recipient of this week’s Secret Teacher award and thank you to Mrs Hughes for being our ‘secret teacher!’


Cross Country 10.03.17

We had a fantastic cross country session tonight and 47 children, over a third of the school, took part. The lovely, mild weather saw many children having to remove layers as you can see in the photo which was completely unrehearsed and I just happened to run past as some of the Class 1 girls were taking a breather! Soon after, the top of the goal post was completely obscured with many more sweatshirts and jackets being discarded!


Co-op Fairtrade Visit

As part of their Fairtrade Fortnight activities, the Co-op very kindly invited a group of children from school to visit the store. Some of the children from Mrs Roberts’ Sewing Club took part in the visit today where they met different people involved in Fairtrade and learnt about how some of the money raised supports children’s education in Uganda.

Before returning to school, the children went on a treasure hunt around the store in search of specific Fairtrade products and, as always, they were super ambassadors for our school.

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 have been set a reading comprehension as homework today. Year 5 will be reading a non-fiction text, and Year 4 will be reading a historical diary entry.  Please remind your child to look at how many marks the question is worth – this will tell them how detailed their answer should be.

This homework is due in on Monday 13th March.

Thanks for your ongoing support.

Miss Carr



Class 4 Update

A busy week straight after half term!

In maths we have been working with 6-digit numbers.  The children have been doing addition and subtraction with them, rounding them and ordering them.

In History they have explored Viking trade by playing a trade game in class.

In science this week we have revised the water cycle and words evaporation and condensation.

In English the children acted out a courtroom drama based on our novel study text ‘After Tomorrow.’  All of the children had roles as judges or as part of the jury, prosecution and the defence.  Photos of our courtroom drama are below.

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Class 4 World Book Day

Class 4 World Book Day

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Class 4 Homework

The children in Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today based on their learning in English over the past few days.

The Year 4 children will be practising using adverbial phrases, and ensuring that they are punctuated correctly.

The Year 5 children will be practising recognising and using modal verbs.

Please encourage your child to complete as much of their homework as they are able, and to return their homework books promptly on Monday 6th March.

Miss Carr

Class 4 news reports

As part of their novel study Class 4 are going to be writing and recording news reports about refugee camps in their English lessons next week.  Today they took some photographs and recorded some video clips to use in their reports next week.

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