Class 4 Science

We had a brilliant afternoon exploring our forest area and finding all kinds of insects.  We then did an observational drawing of the insect we found as part of an illustration showing lifecycles.

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Class 4 Homework

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today based on spelling words with prefixes.

Please encourage your child to complete their homework as independently as possible.  This homework will be due back in on Monday 12th June.

Thank you!

Miss Carr

Class 4 D.T

In Class 4 we will be completing our D.T project next week, and the children will be making dome structures that they designed before half term.

We would be very grateful for any donations from Class 4 parents of cardboard tubes e.g. Kitchen roll tubes, empty wrapping paper tubes etc., in order to help the children build their structures.

Thank you!

I hope you are all having a wonderful half term.

Liverpool Trip – thank you

On behalf of staff and governors, thank you for your support today and for the positive response towards our decision to cancel today’s visit.  Mrs Foster and Miss Carr will send out a letter once they have made arrangements for an alternative visit later this term.

Many thanks

Mrs Johnson

A fun day in Class 4

We have had lots of fun in class today.  We did pastel shell drawings, sewed rock pool creatures, and created our own rock pool museums.  Some of us also had lunch outside in the sunshine.

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Class 4 Trip

We are really looking forward to the Class 4 trip to Liverpool World Museum tomorrow.

Just a few reminders:

-We may have time to visit the gift shop at the museum and children may bring a maximum of £5 spending money

-Please ensure your child has a packed lunch with no glass bottles

-We will be due to return to school at 4.40pm

Miss Carr

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today, revising the use of commas in writing.  Please encourage your child to complete their homework as independently as possible.

This homework is due back on Monday 15th May.

Thank you!

Miss Carr


Class 4 Update

We have begun our new novel study of ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo.  The children have written diary entries as the main character.  This week we are focussing on what life is like on a yacht.  The children will be writing ‘A survival guide for life at sea’ next week.

In maths the children have enjoyed learning about Roman numerals.  We are now going to be doing some work on the place value of decimal numbers.

In Science we have looked closely at flowering plants and their parts and done some water colour paintings of tulips.  This week Class 4 began their ‘River Rangers’ work with the Shropshire Wildlife Trust.  This will continue for 3 more weeks.  This week they learnt all about water as a precious resource.

In Geography the children have made models of the water cycle and they are going to be researching coastlines next week and doing some map work.

Class 4 woods visit

Class 4 will be going to the woods near school tomorrow for an exciting activity to launch our new novel.  As the weather forecast is not brilliant, it would be helpful if children could bring suitable outdoor footwear e.g. wellies/walking boots, and a coat.

Thank you!

Miss Carr