Arthog Thank You

Thank you to all the children who went to Arthog for what was a fabulous long weekend. The children’s behaviour was some of the best we have ever experienced and as for their effort and perseverance … they should all feel very proud of themselves for what they achieved. It was genuinely an absolute pleasure to be away with them and they did Bicton proud!

We will upload the rest of the many photos taken, over the next couple of days.

Mrs Johnson, Mrs Walton, Mrs Pat Johnson and Jack.

Oswestry School Science Day

Just a reminder that it is the Oswestry School Science Day tomorrow for the 5 Year 5 children who have been chosen from Class 4.

Children need to ensure they have a jumper/cardigan with them and a coat if it is bad weather.  Lunch will be provided by Oswestry School.

We will be leaving school at 9.00am sharp and returning by 3.15pm.

Saturday at Arthog – Mrs Walton’s group

Mrs Walton’s group – Dan, Harry, Luka, Sophie, Dayna, Isabella, Izzy and Toni –  had a full day of water activities with lots of happy faces, as you can see from the photos!

Saturday at Arthog – Mrs Johnson’s Group

We’ve had a day of sunshine today right up until teatime which was perfect for a morning on the sit-on-tops and an afternoon of raft building which saw some fantastic teamwork! Well done Frankie, Seb W, Kieran, Will L,  Javier, Oliver K, George, Violet, Daisy and Lara. Keep an eye out tomorrow for photos of rock climbing!

Arthog Day 1


We’ve been really lucky with the weather today and, although the skies were grey, the rain held off. It was quite blustery at Fairbourne which was perfect weather for flying kites. The nightline on Friday evening was memorable to say the least and at one point 3 groups merged into 1 with a few stragglers creating their own course much to the staff’s delight! We are looking forward to a full day of activities tomorrow and will post some more photos tomorrow evening.

Class 4 update


We are continuing our work on ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’.  This week the children wrote poems about storms.  They had some great ideas for description.  Today they role played a conversation from the story between the two main characters.  Next week they will be working on play scripts.


We have done lots of work on fractions recently including adding and subtracting fractions and conversion of fractions.  This week we revised factors and multiples.


The children completed their river rangers work last week with the Shropshire Wildlife Trust.  They learnt about sustainable urban drainage systems and have begun to think about the plants we need in our own school pond.  The children looked at insects in the wildlife area this week and drew some detailed illustrations of the creatures they found.


Just to let year 5 parents know, we are doing life saving skills next week in swimming so the children need a T-shirt as well as their usual swimming kit please.


Well Done Choir!!

This is just to say a huge WELL DONE to all the children involved in the Concord Choir competition. You did a fantastic job and made us all very proud! Thank you for your hard work and dedication – you had fantastic comments from the judges who really enjoyed your performance. Well done! Here’s to next year!

Photos and videos to follow!