Class 4 Update


We have been working on persuasive writing this week.  The children have been acting as Lucy from our class novel trying to persuade her siblings to enter the wardrobe with her.  We have practised using techniques such as exaggeration, superlatives and rhetorical questions.


We have continued our fraction work this week looking at comparing fractions using bar models and equivalents.


The children did some map work this week, locating the 10 most active volcanoes on  a world map.  When they joined them up they could see ‘The Ring of Fire.’

Class 4 update


This week in English we have looked at diaries and written our own diary entry as Mr Tumnus from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.


We have begun work on fractions this week, focussing on matching equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions.


We have started to learn about volcanoes in Geography this week.  The children seem very excited about this new part of our topic, with some doing extra research at home to find out more.


This week we have planned an investigation using shadows to prove that day and night is caused by the Earth spinning on it’s axis.  We will be carrying out the investigation next week.

Sewing Club

Sewing club have been busy making a range of items after school each week.  They have extra help lately with Charlotte Voyce from the Corbet School, as part of her Duke of Edinburgh award.

Class 4 Update

Welcome back to another busy term!

The children have enjoyed starting our new novel and we have been focussing on the 4 main characters and exploring them through role play, discussion and character mapping.

In maths we have really focussed on multiplying and dividing  numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 in a variety of ways and using different maths equipment.

We have started our new science topic on ‘Earth and Space’ by exploring what we know already about this topic and by identifying some ideas that we are less sure about and need to explore this term.  The homework this week links to this and will give children an opportunity to research independently.

Christmas Concert Dress Rehersal

Dear Parents/Carers,

The children will be having a dress rehearsal for their Christmas Concert on Monday so please can you ensure all children have their costumes in school. Just a reminder that unless you were told otherwise before Christmas, your child needs to bring in a dark pair of bottoms, a white top and a Christmas jumper or party wear.

Thank you for your support,

Miss Barratt, Mrs Conde, Mrs Foster, Miss Carr

Nativity and Christmas Concert Performances

Dear Parents/Carers,

The update on the Nativity and Christmas Concert performances is that we will be putting them on in January and we will let you know the dates as soon as they have been arranged. The children have worked hard to prepare for them and we would like to celebrate their hard work, even if it is after the Christmas celebrations. Thank you for your support .

Fire Service Carol Service

Please could the choir children who received a letter about the Fire Service Carol Service please ensure they bring their permission slips back tomorrow so we can confirm numbers.

Thank you.

Stone Age Day

We had lots of fun today and the children’s outfits were fantastic, thank you!  The children have made stone age bread, torc bracelets and had a go at belt weaving (it was a bit tricky!)  They also designed totem animal symbols for their tribes!


Secret Teacher Winner 17.11.17

Well done to Sam who received the Secret Teacher medal this week for his fantastic piece of writing based on Charlotte’s Web.

NSPCC fundraiser

Class 4 chose to do a dodge ball tournament for their sponsored PE activity this week to raise funds for the NSPCC.  They had lots of fun playing and really tried their best.  Many thanks for the sponsor forms already brought in.  There is still time next week to return them.