Award Winners

Well done to this weeks award winners!

Linda for showing amazing learning in phonics.

Christian for always being kind and respectful.

Hannah for showing joy during our pond dipping session on our school trip to Preston Montford.

Joshua for always trying his best in English.

Niamh for writing amazing poems in English.

Elliot for always having a positive attitude.

Parent Drop-Ins

Good afternoon parents/carers,
We have a slight timetable clash with our parent drop-ins on Wednesday 23rd October.
Each class will be showcasing their PE dance performances at 2.45pm – 3.15pm in the hall so the parent drop-ins will be from 2-2.30pm and 3.30-5.30pm.
Many thanks, Mrs Mavin

Welcome back!

Hello and welcome back to school!

We hope that you have had a lovely and restful summer and are looking forward to the new term as much as we are in Maple class.

We have had a very busy 1st full week back in school. We have been learning the ‘meet and greet’ song in French. In Science, we have been learning about sound vibrations and how sound travels. We did a mini investigation with a drum and some rice to show how the size of vibrations change depending on the loudness of the sound.

For Roald Dahl day, we made our own bookmarks and we had a lovely afternoon reading with some children from nursery. We also took a class photo to show off our amazing Roald Dahl day costumes!

Please continue to read with your child regularly. The children should have brought home their free read book and their new reading record. Logins for Times Tables Rock Stars will be going home next week. New spellings will be given out each week. There will be no traditional spelling test but you may wish to practise these further at home.


Our ‘Number Hero prizes

You may remember last term that Isaac T, now in Maple class, entered a National Numeracy competition in his own time. He won £1000 worth of maths resources for our school and, now that everything has arrived, we celebrated this in school in last week’s certificate assembly. The children seemed most excited about the Tiny soft toys!

Thank you again Isaac for being our very own Number Hero!

Maple Class Remote Learning 10.03.23

Good morning Maple Class,
Here are some activities which you can do at home today.
Handwriting: Can you make any beautiful writing in the snow? Send me any pictures of your snowy handwriting!
English: Watch and complete the activities on the BBC bitesize lesson-
Maths: Go through Oak academy lesson ‘Fractions: Recognising Equivalent Fractions (part 1)’-

Then for the afternoon, please follow through the PowerPoint / PDF provided below and make your own art piece to bring in for next lesson:

Thank you,
Miss Robinson

Tree Planting Afternoon

Just before half-term, Maple class spent an afternoon planting apple tree saplings with members of our community.

We had the most wonderful afternoon planting some apple trees in an orchard in Bicton village. Children worked hard to dig the holes, plant the trees, and then walked to the nearby stream to collect water for the tree’s first drink!

During the dig, they had a worm search and counted how many worms there were in every hole. The children really enjoyed searching the soil and found some lovely other insects too.
We all look forward to returning to the orchard, to see how all of the trees are getting along, soon!

Panathlon Bowling Success

I would just like to say a huge well done to the group of children who took part in the Panathlon bowling event this morning. They came second out of 11 schools taking part which is a superb effort! We had a great morning and the children came back with individual medals, as well as a trophy and certificate for our PE board in school. 🙂

Microsoft Teams

Good afternoon,

Please could you support your child with logging into Microsoft Teams this afternoon/evening to complete a task. This has been set up to make sure everyone knows how to access the work set in the event of self isolating or the bubble closing. I have been through the steps with the class this afternoon and they should know where to find the task set, there are some simple instructions if they have forgotten.

Please let me know if you have any difficulties.

Many thanks, Mrs Erasmus

Spelling Shed

This year we are using Spelling Shed for spelling practise and assessments. I will set the spellings on a Monday and your child will then be assessed the following Monday. Please allow your child to practise their spellings at home throughout the week. Your child‘s login details are in the front of their reading diary and the link is below.

We have practised using the website in school so your child should know how to login and use the games.

Spelling Shed login

If you have any problems please let me know.

Happy spelling!

Mrs Erasmus