Homework to be handed in Wednesday 31st January

Homework this week is based on our English work on diaries.  The children have a diary / recount to read and questions to answer about the text.  It is in their homework books as usual.  Please remind children to complete homework for Wednesday each week.  Many thanks.


Class 4 Homework is on adjectives as we have been working on descriptive writing in English this week.  The homework is stuck in their books ready to do.  Many thanks.

Class 4 Homework

Homework this week is on dividing numbers by 10 and 100 which we have been practising over the last fortnight.  The children have been taught that the numbers don’t change, they just move their place value.  We have used place value charts to help them practise this and included decimal numbers and some problem solving.  If there are any difficulties please ask.  Many thanks.

Science Homework

Use books or the internet to find out what you can about the planets and our solar system.  You can present your information in handwritten notes or as work produced on a computer.  Bring your work to school by Wednesday at the latest please.

Homework to be handed in by Wednesday 29th November

This week’s homework is on purple mash. ( A small number of children asked for paper copies which they have in their homework books.)  The homework is writing an advert to sell something on an online auction site.  They need to persuade me that I should buy their item.  The children have been working on persuasive writing in English all week.

Homework to be handed in on Wednesday 22nd November

Today’s homework is on multiplication which we have been working on in class for most of the week.  I have gone through it with the children but any problems just ask.  It is in their homework books ready to do.

Homework to be handed in Wednesday 15th November

Homework this week is on verbs as we have been using lots of them in our instruction writing this week.  The sheet is stuck in their homework books.  Please could you encourage children to bring in homework by Wednesday at the latest so that we can get it marked and new homework stuck in ready for Friday each week.  Many thanks.

Class 4 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 8th November

Class 4 homework this week is some times table practice sheets which are stuck into their homework books.  We have been working on our 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 times tables in class this week.  Any problems, don’t hesitate to ask.

Homework for half term

Homework for this half term is on Purple Mash.  Children who felt they would not have access to computers over half term have been given paper copies.  They have been asked to write a postcard about a visit to Stonehenge.  They have studied and researched Stonehenge in their History lesson this week.

Class 4 homework

This  week’s homework is a comprehension task on poetry.  The children have poetry to read and some questions on this to check their understanding.  We have worked on poetry in class this week.