Class 2 weekly update

English – This week the children have been reading ‘Flip Frog and the bug’ (red and yellow group), ‘Black Hat Bob’ (blue group) and ‘A Cat in a pot’ (green group). The children share the reading in partners and we discuss using expression to make the story more exciting. After reading the story the children are encouraged to write sentences about what they have read, remembering to include capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and we are now using adjectives more confidently. The children read everyday in school as we now use the Read Write Inc program for our English lessons. I would just like to reassure parents that we hear the children read everyday in class, however we only record in their reading book when we hear them individually. Thank you for your continued support with hearing your child read at home!

Maths – We have focused on addition this week. The children have been learning their number bonds to 10 and 20 and using equipment to show number bonds in a range of ways. In today’s maths lesson the children have been introduced to ten frames and how these show number bonds to 10 easily.

Science – Our Science linked with Art this week and the children made some beautiful collages of different seasons. These are displayed outside Class 2 on our ‘Work to be proud of’ display.

History – In History we looked at decades 1950 – 1990 and how toys have changed over time and what has stayed very similar. The children then put these dates into order and looked in more depth at the different toys.

Spellings – Spellings to be tested Friday 29th September 2017.

Spellings 22.9.17

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly Update

English – In English this week we have been focusing on the sounds s, d, igh and ow. We have continued to learn about the importance of capital letters and full stops in sentences and the children finished the week having a go at writing independently after watching a short video called ‘bubbles’.

Maths – We have continued place value and number recognition this week. The children have represented numbers in a range of different ways and had a go at their first arithmetic test. I was very impressed!

Science – The children made posters about different weathers in Science. They were put into partners and worked together to discuss the clothes they’d wear, activities they would do depending on the weather and how it would make them feel.

History – In History, we shared our findings from talking to older people at home and lots of children enjoyed talking about what they had found out. We then looked at lots of old toys and picked our favourite ones to draw and write descriptive sentences.

Art – Today we enjoyed looking at the artist Piet Mondrian. We then re created a piece of his art and made our own collages using the primary colours red, yellow and blue.

Spellings – Well done to all of the children for completing their first spelling test today and thank you for supporting the children with learning these. You can see their test in the back of their spelling book. New spellings to learn for next Friday are stuck in at the front of their books.

Spellings 15.9.17

Homework – The children have been given a piece of homework today on capital letters to link to our work in class. If they could complete and return this by Friday 22nd September please. On the back of their sheet is an additional piece on full stops. Please start with the capital letters and if you feel your child needs an additional challenge they can complete the work on full stops. Please feel free to write notes on the homework to allow me to see how much support your child needed in completing this.

capital letters and full stops homework

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 Weekly Update

We have had a brilliant first week back in Class 2 and the children have settled into the class routine very well!

English: The children’s English lessons this year are taught through Read Write Inc. The children begin each lesson with a speed sound (this week the sounds are m, a, ay and ee). We then get into our groups and spend time reading a book with our partner, the children are then given time to discuss the story before moving onto sentence work. We have been focussing on the correct formation of our letters, using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

Maths: In maths this week we have been counting to 10 and 20 and learning how to create these numbers in a range of different ways, using play dough, cubes, bears, etc. The children have also been matching up numerals to amounts and writing numbers as words.

History: Our new topic ‘Toys – Past and Present’ has been a great success with the children enjoying telling each other all about their favourite toys! They have painted their favourite toys for a display outside Class 2 (in the role play area) and spent time Friday afternoon writing descriptive sentences. Just a reminder that the children have been asked to find out what an older person at home used to play with when they were a child, ready for our next lesson on Thursday.

Science: In Science we discussed the four different seasons and what sort of weather to expect. They then had an activity where they had to decide what clothes their character would wear in each season.

Spellings: The children have been given a yellow Spelling book to keep in their book bags. We will have a weekly spelling test on Friday mornings relating to the sounds they have been focussing on in phonics that week. We had a practise of our new spellings on Friday morning in preparation. Please could you continue to support your child at home with learning their new spellings on the sheet they have been provided with. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in coming to see me before or after school.

Spellings 8.9.17

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly update

This week the children have been enjoying D&T. We started the week looking at a variety of fruits and describing them to our friends. The children were then asked to write descriptive sentences about the fruit they liked the most. We then carried out a survey to find out which fruit was the most popular. Year 1 children completed a pictogram to show their findings and year 2 made bar charts. We have been discussing healthy eating, the children enjoyed making their own balanced meals on a paper plate and sharing their ideas with their friends. On Tuesday we had lots of fun making our own fruit salads and the children were very sensible in the new eco room. We have been evaluating our fruit salads today and discussed what we liked and what we could have done to improve our over all product.

Spellings – The children had their final spelling test today. They have not been given new spellings to learn for next week.

Carrier Bags – Please could your child come to school next week with a carrier bag. This will allow them to start bringing home work and books we have gathered over the year.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 weekly update

English – This week the children have continued to look at poems. They have been reciting fun poems in groups and writing their own version using rhyming words.

Maths – The children have revisited money this week. They have been adding coins together to make an amount, finding change from 20p (year 1) £1 (year 2) and using number lines to support their working out.

Science – In Science the children were looking at a range of different trees and the specific parts of a tree. They discussed the importance of a trees roots, bark and leaves etc. Then they drew their own tree and labelled it.

Geography – In Geography we learned more about the way seasonal weather in a polar region is different to the weather in the United Kingdom. The children looked closely at the city of Tromso, Norway. They learned about the typical day in Tromso and compared it to their typical day in the UK and wrote diary entries.

Art – The children completed some lovely paintings of a typical beach scene in the Summer. We discussed how dabbing the paper with a paintbrush causes textured effects. The children had a go at this and I was very impressed!

Spellings – To be tested Friday 30th June 2017.

23.6.17 spellings

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards



Class 2 weekly update

English – This week, in English, Miss Hughes has been teaching the children about poetry. They have been looking at a range of different poems, performing their favourite poems and writing their own versions using adjectives and rhyming words.

Maths – We have been focussing on division this week. Year 1 children have been sharing objects between 2, 5 and 10 and recapping how to write division sentences. Year 2 children have been recalling their times tables to help solve division problems, learning how to use number lines to divide and recognising that division is the inverse (opposite) of multiplication.

PE – Class 2 have been practising for Sports Day in their PE lessons this week. They are very excited for sports day on Wednesday and have brought home a letter explaining which team they are in and what colour we would like them to wear.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 23rd June 2017.

16.6.17 spellings

Have a good weekend

Miss Edwards



Class 2 weekly update

English – English this week has linked too our topic ‘weather experts’, we have been looking at our weather and weather in other countries and making comparisons. We have talked about the different climates and today discussed the job of a travel agent. We then made posters to persuade a holiday maker to go to Singapore.

Maths – Maths this week has been extending our multiplication skills. We have been practising counting in twos, fives and tens and year 2’s have been practising their counting in threes.

Science – In Science we looked at a range of different fruits and investigated the different size, shape and colour of the seeds. The children then drew pictures of the seeds and labelled them to the correct fruit.

Forest School – I just want to say a big thank you for your support with forest school and sending the children with the correct clothing, they really enjoyed their first session on Wednesday and I look forward to next weeks session.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 16th June 2017.

9.6.17 spellings

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 weekly update

English Year 1 children have been reading the traditional tale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ this week and have been remembering the story through the use of story maps and role play activities. After finishing the SATs year 2 children have been having a go at independently writing a set of instructions with little input.

Maths Year 1 children have been adding within the context of money, adding 10p, adding to make different amounts, adding to make the same amount in different ways, etc. Year 2 children had a go at recapping their knowledge of capacity yesterday using the correct vocabulary when saying how much a container held.

Science In Science the children enjoyed labelling plant parts and making a poster about ‘what a plant needs to grow’.

Phonics We have been revising split digraphs this week a-e (same), e-e (these), i-e (fine), o-e (bone) and u-e (cube).

Spellings To be tested 9.6.17 due to it being the last day next week.

19.5.17 spellings

Year 2 have made me very proud this week with their attitude towards the SATs paper. They have all tried their very best and I couldn’t have asked for more 🙂 Well done Year 2!!!!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 Weekly update

English – This week the children have been enjoying poems about the Seaside. We have looked at poems that rhyme and don’t rhyme, are realistic and non-realistic, practised performing them and writing our own versions about our own experiences.

Maths – Year 1 children have been adding and subtracting this week, looking for patterns to help them work out other number sentences and using their number bonds to 10 and 20. Year 2 children have revised areas ready for SATs next week, we have looked at multiplication and division, fractions of shapes and amounts and shape properties.

Science – We went on a ‘wild plant hunt’ in our Science lesson and then came back to class to start our class experiment. We have planted four tomato plants and placed them in different conditions to see what happens: 1) water and sunlight, 2) water and no sunlight, 3) no water and no sunlight and 4) sunlight and no water. The children have made predictions about what they think will happen.

Geography – In our ‘Weather’ topic the children have been looking at weather forecasts and making their own predictions about what the weather will be like in the next few days. We then had maps of the British Isles and plotted on weather symbols according to a weather forecast.

Phonics – Year 1 have been looking at alternative spellings for the ‘ar’, ‘r’ and ‘s’ phonemes.

Spellings – Spellings to be tested 19.5.17

12.5.17 spellings

Just a reminder that the Year 2 children will be taking their SATs papers next week (15.5.17), they have all worked really hard in preparation for these and should already be very proud of themselves!

Have a great weekend

Miss Edwards


Class 2 Weekly Update

English – English this week we have mostly been revisiting areas already learned. Year one children have recapped on questions, singular and plural and the days of the week. Year 2 have been looking at previous practise reading and SPAG papers and learning how to answer the questions correctly. We have also discussed the importance of reading questions carefully.

Maths – Year 1 children have been using number lines this week to add and take away. They have worked really hard and shown a good understanding of this! Year 2 have looked at 2D and 3D shapes and revisited properties of shape. We have also completed a practise reasoning paper and gone over this together in class – identifying any misconceptions.

Phonics – Year 1 have looked at the alternative spelling of the ‘ow’ phoneme. Year 2 have revised present and past tense.

Geography – We started our new topic ‘Weather Experts’ this week, the children enjoyed identifying the different seasons and talking about weather expected in each season. We also discussed the difference between seasonal weather and daily weather.

Spellings – To be tested Friday 5th May 2017.

28.4.17 spellings

Just a little reminder that it is Bank Holiday Monday and next week I will not be in school as I am on my Forest School course, Mrs Lupton will be present in my absence.

I have returned the SATs Booster books back to Year 2 children today. Please feel free to now work through these at your own pace, completing any pages you wish. We will complete the Year 2 tests, week beginning Monday 15th May.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Edwards