Class 2 Weekly Update

English: The children have been writing messages in a bottle in response to a message in a bottle they received at the beginning of the week. Yellow group and Green group have continued with Read Write Inc. In yesterday’s lesson, the children were writing Acrostic poems about Owls, linking to our story Owl Babies.

Maths: The children have continued with Place Value this week. Identifying how many tens and ones are in a 2 digit number.

Spellings: To be tested Friday 25th May 2018.

Spellings 18.5.18

The children had a brilliant last day with Miss Melville and Miss Neal. They have written invitations to Pre-school, inviting them to our afternoon Royal Wedding party, decorated cakes and enjoyed food, drinks and a dance this afternoon! Miss Neal and Miss Melville have completed their placement at Bicton and I’m sure you’ll join me in wishing them the best of luck in their final year of university!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Forest School

The children had fun in Forest School yesterday morning, we had lots of fun in a muddy puddle! Next week is Class 2’s last session in Forest School, the children are very excited to have a fire and marshmallows.

Cheshire Ice Cream Farm

We had a fantastic day out at Cheshire Ice Cream Farm today! The children enjoyed seeing the animals, playing in Daisy’s Garden playground, sieving for Gemstones and exploring in the sand and water area. We all loved our delicious ice cream!

Well done for your brilliant behaviour today Class 2, you made me very proud!

Trip to Cheshire Ice Cream Farm

Just a little reminder we are going to Cheshire Ice Cream Farm tomorrow (Tuesday 15th May).  We are expecting lovely weather so the children will need to have sun cream applied before school and bring a sun hat with them please.

We will carry our bags with us all day so a comfortable rucksack/bag would be helpful to carry their lunch and water bottles. Cheshire Ice cream Farm has advised the children to bring a change of clothes for after the sand and water play but please ensure all children come to school in their school uniform.

We will leave after registration and will be returning before the end of the school day.

Thank you for your support!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly Update

English: Yellow and Green group have been creating beach safety posters in English this week and Red and Blue group have been doing Read Write Inc.

Maths: We have been finding quarters of shapes this week, the children enjoyed drawing shapes on the playground and colouring in a quarter. The children have been looking at 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 of shapes, leading onto finding quarters of an amount.

Science: This week the children were sorting animals into different categories e.g. mammals and non-mammals.

PE: The children have been practising and improving their bat and ball skills this week.

Art: In art, the children looked at the artist Natalie Pascoe. They then created their own seaside painting in the style of the artisit.

Spellings: To be tested on Friday 18th May 2018.

Spellings 11.5.18

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Forest School

We had such a brilliant time in Forest School this morning, the weather was lovely, the children had lots of fun and we all made beautiful journey sticks!

Thank you to all the parents that have been involved with the Forest School sessions. The children have loved having you join us and it’s been lovely to watch you all getting involved with shelter building, bug hunting and making journey sticks.


Class 2 Weekly Update

English: At the beginning of the week Red and Blue group have been looking at beach safety posters and leaflets and have been making their own. Yellow and Green group have been doing Read, Write, Inc. At the end of the week we have all been looking at the novel Owl Babies and have been thinking about the story from the Owl Mother’s perspective.

Maths: This week in Maths we have been looking at halving objects/shapes and numbers. At the start of the week we were taping half of everything we could find in the classroom, a practical activity which all of the children enjoyed. Then we went onto drawing what half looks like and writing it. The children used a ‘Halving Mat’ to help them halve numbers, using objects such as cubes or counters. It has been a busy week of halving in Maths and next week we will go onto quartering!

Science: The children have been thinking about their senses this week. They had a lovely lesson smelling, tasting, feeling, hearing and looking at a range of materials.

History: We spent Monday afternoon looking at old pictures of the seaside. The children then made a mind map of all their findings to compare the seaside in the past to how seaside holidays are now.

PE: The children have continued to practise their ball skills this week.

Art: In Art, the children drew four pictures of a shell using different materials. They used pens, pencils, chalks and crayons to create their artwork.

Spellings: To be tested on Friday 11th May 2018.

Spellings 4.5.18

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards, Miss Neal and Miss Melville



Class 2 Forest School session 3

I just want to say a big thank you to the parents who came to Forest School this morning! It was a very different session taking shelter in the eco-room, but it was lovely to see you all getting involved and the children loved sharing their outdoor learning with you.

Could I please ask all parents to sign in through reception next week and leave their phones with the office? We are looking forward to next weeks session!

Class 2 Forest School Session

Thank you to the parents that have confirmed they are attending tomorrows Forest School sessions. The children are looking forward to spending the morning sharing their outdoor learning with you.

We are expecting rain tomorrow so waterproof clothing would be advisable!

Parents who have confirmed they are attending the first session should arrive for 9am and parents attending the second session should arrive for 10:30am.

See you tomorrow.

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly Update

English: Linking to our story ‘Owl Babies’, the children received a letter from one of the owls this week and were challenged to write a reply to the owl reassuring them and telling them not to worry. They have also had a go at describing the setting of the story today.

Maths: The children have been recapping on division this week. They have had very practical lessons, sharing objects into equal groups. Children that have wanted more of a challenge have had a go at problem solving and reasoning. They have also been learning how to double and halve amounts.

Science: In Science the children were thinking about their senses and which body part they use for each sense. They also had to describe the job of each sense.

History: We have been learning about the features of seaside holidays this week. Some children had a go at writing a seaside poem and some children had to pretend they were on a seaside holiday and describe their time through a postcard.

PE: The children have been developing their ball skills this week, practising throwing and catching, independently and with a partner.

Art: In Art, we looked at the artist Monet and how he creates garden scenes using a dabbing technique with paint. The children were given cotton buds and asked to create a seaside scene using this technique. I was very impressed with the beautiful artwork produced!

RE: Today we listened to the story ‘The Prodigal Son’. We then role played the story and explored the differing perspectives and feelings of the father and both sons.

Spellings: To be tested Friday 4th May 2018.

Spellings 27.4.18

I hope you have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards