Class 2 weekly update


This week we started to look at instructions, we had lots of fun playing a game of Simon Says to learn how to follow instructions and then went on to write our own instructions for a game board we invented in partners.


Year 1 – have been looking at ordinal numbers this week (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) and answering questions about number lines. They have also recapped on estimating and what it means to make a sensible guess. Today we will be filling in missing numbers on a number line.

Year 2 – have been learning how to answer multiplication questions. We spoke about the different vocabulary for multiplication before we started to show working out using equipment, drawing pictures and arrays and finally writing multiplication sentences.


Year 1 – recapping on the ‘igh’ and ‘oa’ phoneme.

Year 2 – looking at the ‘n’ sound spelt ‘gn’ and ‘kn’.

Spellings to be tested Friday 21st October 2016.


Have a good weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards


Making paper aeroplanes

In English this week we are looking at instructions. We are learning the importance of having instructions and how to follow them. Towards the end of the week we hope to write our own set of instructions.

Today we had an exciting lesson following a set of instructions. The children had no idea what we were going to make and just had to listen carefully to the step by step guidance I gave them. This was to show the importance of having a title. The children had no diagrams to follow which also made it very difficult. As you can imagine the first attempt at making paper aeroplanes was a disaster and a very good laugh!

After this we looked at instructions with a title, what you need and diagrams to help. This was much more helpful and we had great fun creating our paper aeroplanes! The children will bring their creations home to enjoy 🙂

Class 2 update

We have had another busy week in Class 2.


The children have been writing their own versions of fairy tales this week. We started with picture cards to help inspire us and verbally told each other stories we had invented. We have spoken about the structure of stories and the importance of planning a clear beginning, middle and end. Year 2 children were challenged to identify past, present and future tense and they learned how to write in the past tense. We have worked hard with our punctuation use this week – year 1 have focussed on their use of capital letters and full stops whilst year 2 have also looked at this as well as using question marks and exclamation marks. Today we have written our final versions of our fairy stories!


This week’s focus has been subtraction.

Year 1 – have been learning that subtraction is also known as ‘taking away’. We have worked hard to write number sentences and using the correct symbol. The children have learned to use different methods to help them take away, using equipment, pictures and counting backwards. Today we have been identifying subtraction in word problems.

Year 2 – have been learning how to take away single-digit numbers from a two-digit number using a number line. They have also been subtracting using the context of money. We have taken away 10 from two-digit numbers using a hundred square – they recognised that we use the opposite method of addition and jump up the number square by one. Today we have been identifying subtraction in word problems.


Year 1 – Have looked at the ‘ng’, ‘ai’ and ‘ee’ sounds this week.

Year 2 – Have focussed on the ‘r’ sound spelt ‘wr’.


Just a reminder that children are expected to have a full PE kit in school each week.


We have had fun with our topic this week and discussed what we would need if we went to the Polar Regions. The children thought of lots of brilliant ideas e.g. warm clothing, torches, food, shelter, etc. Some even suggested hot chocolate!


In Science, we thought about plants and trees and which animals choose the Oak tree as their habitat. We have also looked at a range of different seeds and how these are dispersed e.g. the wind, on animal fur, etc.


Here are this week’s spellings to be tested on Friday 14th October.


Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards

Class 2 update

Just a little update about what we have been up to this week…


This week in English we have been looking at the settings in fairy stories e.g. a castle setting in Sleeping Beauty, gingerbread house in Hansel and Gretel, etc. We have also taken part in more role play to act out our favourite scenes, used adjectives to describe the settings (year 1) and written expanded noun phrases (year 2). The children have enjoyed drawing their favourite setting and describing it to a partner.

As homework this week, I have provided the children with a sheet to draw their favourite fairy tale character. I would like the year 1 children to write adjectives around their character to describe them e.g. beautiful, funny, scary, etc. Year 2 children have a similar sheet however I expect them to write expanded noun phrases to describe their character e.g. She was lovely, beautiful and caring. Year 2 if you can add a conjunction and extend your sentence further…even better!



We have completed a second week looking at addition.

Year 1 – Year 1 started the week learning how to recognise one more/one less than a given number to 20. Then we explored how to add small numbers together mentally by starting with the larger number and counting on. We have also looked for patterns in addition sentences and have ended with addition word problems today.

Year 2 – Year 2 have learned how to partition 2-digit numbers into tens and ones using base ten. We then focussed on adding 2-digit numbers together, adding tens first then the ones to combine the two for an answer. Year 2 then recapped on adding 10 to a 2-digit number using a 100 square (as some children found this difficult last week), the children that grasped this were extended to add 20 and 30 to 2-digit numbers. Today we have completed addition word problems.


Year 1 – Have been recapping on the ‘ch’ and ‘th’ phoneme.

Year 2 – Have been looking at the ‘j’ sound spelt ‘g’ before ‘e’, ‘i’ and ‘y’ e.g. gem.


Here are this week’s spellings to be tested on Friday 7th October.


Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly Update

The children have worked really hard this week and should feel very proud of themselves.

Maths – We have continued to identify and represent numbers in maths this week.

Year 1 – The children have been counting forwards and backwards from given numbers within 20. We have also had a go at painting our numbers really neatly to help with forming numbers properly and the correct way around. I have set the children some counting homework to complete and return by Friday 23rd September. Please encourage your children to complete this independently, if you wish to support your child, a little note at the bottom would be really helpful to suggest what they may have found difficult.


Year 2 – We have recapped on estimating this week, the children would look at a group of objects and make a sensible guess as to how many objects were in the tray. Year 2 have identified the tens and ones in two-digit numbers, using base 10 equipment and pictures. Finally we have been comparing numbers using mathematical language, greater than, less than and equal to. The children have been given a worksheet to complete and return by Friday 23rd September, they are expected to write the greater than (>), less than (<) and equal to (=) signs to make the number sentences correct.


English – After looking at the story ‘Who’s that’ – Arctic Animals, we have developed our writing skills to produce our own version of the story. We have discussed nouns this week and why it is important to use capital letters and have developed the use of adjectives to describe nouns. Thursday’s and Friday’s lessons were spent making our own book called ‘Who’s that’; the children have written and illustrated their stories beautifully.


Year 1 – have focused on the ‘j’ phoneme this week.

Year 2 – have learned the ‘dge’ spelling at the end of a word.

Spellings – We have completed our first spelling test this week and they have all done a fantastic job! Thank you for supporting the children throughout the week with their practises. They have been given their new spellings to be tested Friday 23rd.


Reading – Over the next couple of weeks I will be listening to individual children read. Therefore some children may move between bands until we are sure of their decoding and comprehension skills as well as their reading fluency. When you read with your child, it is helpful if you can ask them questions about the text as well as support them in decoding difficult words/sounds.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in coming to see me.

Have a brilliant weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards

Class 2 weekly update

Class 2 have settled back into school really well this week. They have been excited to get started on our ‘Pole Apart’ topic!

Maths – We have started to identify and represent numbers in maths this week.

Year 1 – have been using play dough, equipment (cubes) and stickers to represent numbers to 20, in a range of different ways. We have also looked at writing numbers as numerals and words today.

Year 2 – have used a range of different equipment to represent numbers to 100. We have also answered questions about e.g. What is one more/less? What is double/half? What is ten more/less? To end the week, we have been writing numbers as numerals and words.

English – We have been learning about/recapping on adjectives this week. We started describing Arctic and Antarctic animals with a range of different adjectives, then shared a story called ‘Who’s that’ – Arctic Animals. This used lovely adjectives and helped us match descriptions.


Year 1 – have focussed on the ‘ay’ phoneme this week.

Year 2 – have learned the ‘ge’ spelling at the end of a word.

Spellings – The children have been provided with a new spelling book today and given their first set of spellings to learn for the week. The children will be tested next Friday (16th) first thing in the morning in the back of their books. Please could you spend a few minutes a night practising with your child.


PE – Just a reminder that your child needs a full PE kit available for the whole week. Please could you ensure that individual items of clothing are clearly labelled.

Attached is the Autumn Term curriculum letter sent home at the beginning of the week.


Thank you for your support, have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards

Bug hotels

Here are a few pictures of our bug hotels from yesterday afternoon. Due to the weather, we only stayed outside for half an hour but the children rose to the challenge and created brilliant, creative structures. Well Done!

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Bug hunting!!!!

We went to the woods today and were very lucky with the weather! The children had lots of fun hunting for bugs and seeing them in their own habitat. We then collected lots of leaves, sticks and twigs, ready to make our very own ‘bug hotels’ next Tuesday.

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