Forest School

We had a lovely, sunny morning in Forest School. First the children were challenged to match coloured cards to things they found on the site. Then they all had a go at creating natural pieces of artwork. They made houses, animals, people and had lots of other creative ideas.

Making Fruit Salads

Class 2 have enjoyed learning through D&T this week. Yesterday we went into the new eco room and tasted a variety of different fruits. The children then had a go at peeling and chopping up their favourite fruit and made yummy fruit salads.

Forest School

The children had a lovely morning in Forest School making ‘journey sticks’. They were exploring the site and objects that the children found interesting were wrapped to their stick with string. We found things like pine cones, feathers, leaves with holes in, etc.


Class 2 weekly update

English – This week the children have been looking at letters and recapping how to set out a letter in the correct format. They have been looking at formal and informal language and having a go at writing letters for different purposes. 

Maths – In Maths this week the children have extended their learning on 2D and 3D shapes. They have been remembering how to use the correct vocabulary when describing a shapes properties e.g. Faces, edges and vertices. 

 Science – In Science the children enjoyed learning about fruit, vegetables and salad grown on farms and how they come to buy the produce in supermarkets. They then had to explain how they would grow their own produce on their own imaginary farm and what they would do to help it grow healthily. 

Geography – In Geography we looked at two different maps. A map of the UK and a map of North America. First we labelled the different countries on each map and then we had a class discussion, comparing the weathers. The children then role played their favourite type of weather and the activities they like doing e.g. Snowballing in the snow, eating ice lollies and sunbathing in the sun. 

Have a good weekend. 

Miss Edwards

Forest School

Today we had a special visitor to Forest School and she was very impressed by the children’s behaviour and their confidence to explore the site. We had lots of fun making shelters for toy animals and lots of children found some interesting insects. The children enjoyed having their drink and snack under a shelter, away from the rain.

Forest School

Just a reminder that forest school sessions are on tomorrow so the children will need to bring clothes appropriate for the weather (we are expecting rain). 

Thank you

Miss Edwards

Class 2 weekly update

English – This week the children have continued to look at poems. They have been reciting fun poems in groups and writing their own version using rhyming words.

Maths – The children have revisited money this week. They have been adding coins together to make an amount, finding change from 20p (year 1) £1 (year 2) and using number lines to support their working out.

Science – In Science the children were looking at a range of different trees and the specific parts of a tree. They discussed the importance of a trees roots, bark and leaves etc. Then they drew their own tree and labelled it.

Geography – In Geography we learned more about the way seasonal weather in a polar region is different to the weather in the United Kingdom. The children looked closely at the city of Tromso, Norway. They learned about the typical day in Tromso and compared it to their typical day in the UK and wrote diary entries.

Art – The children completed some lovely paintings of a typical beach scene in the Summer. We discussed how dabbing the paper with a paintbrush causes textured effects. The children had a go at this and I was very impressed!

Spellings – To be tested Friday 30th June 2017.

23.6.17 spellings

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards



Forest School

Just a quick note to make you aware that there will be NO Forest School tomorrow morning as KS2 will be using the school field for Sports Day. The next Forest School sessions is Wednesday 28th June.

The children are welcome to come dressed ready for sports day in the morning and time will be available for the children who wish to get changed at school. A few children have not yet returned their sun cream permission slips, please could these be sent in tomorrow if you’d like us to provide this during the day.

Thank you for your support

Miss Edwards

Forest School – 14.6.17

In Forest School this week, we began the session thinking about how animals and insects camouflage against predators. We had ‘woolly worms’ and walked around the site to try and camouflage our worms, this led to a discussion about how some insects are brightly coloured and have other ways to protect themselves e.g. poisonous or sting. The children then enjoyed searching the forest school site for mini beasts, we looked in lots of different places e.g. under logs, in the bushes and on trees. We had a great time identifying the creepy crawlies on our identification cards and using magnifying sheets to get a closer look.

Some photos for you to enjoy…

Class 2 weekly update

English – This week, in English, Miss Hughes has been teaching the children about poetry. They have been looking at a range of different poems, performing their favourite poems and writing their own versions using adjectives and rhyming words.

Maths – We have been focussing on division this week. Year 1 children have been sharing objects between 2, 5 and 10 and recapping how to write division sentences. Year 2 children have been recalling their times tables to help solve division problems, learning how to use number lines to divide and recognising that division is the inverse (opposite) of multiplication.

PE – Class 2 have been practising for Sports Day in their PE lessons this week. They are very excited for sports day on Wednesday and have brought home a letter explaining which team they are in and what colour we would like them to wear.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 23rd June 2017.

16.6.17 spellings

Have a good weekend

Miss Edwards