Tennis Friday am

Please can the children still come into school tomorrow morning in their PE kits, ready for Tennis (they should have all brought their kits home tonight). They then need to bring in their Pyjamas to change into after their Tennis lesson.

Thank you

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly Update

English: This week Blue group have been reading ‘Pip’s Pizza’ and writing about all of the yummy toppings they can have on their favourite pizza. Red group have been reading ‘ I think I want to be a bee’ and writing about what they want to be when they are older. We had lots of lovely suggestions: vets, doctors, teachers, pop stars, etc. Green and Yellow group worked independently writing instructions on ‘how to make a sandwich’ and progressed onto writing instructions for making a puppet.

Maths: We have started looking at division this week. The children have been learning to share given amounts between 2, 5 and 10 and checking that each group are ‘equal’ and ‘fair’ to get the right answer. Some children have recognised that not all numbers can be shared equally.

PE: The children enjoyed their circuits in PE on Monday to raise money for the NSPCC. Please return any sponsor forms once they are completed. Thank you for sending Class 2 children in their PE kits this morning! It really helped with getting to Worship on time.

History: In History this week, the children made posters of toys in different categories to make a class museum. They made posters about moving toys, outdoor toys, building toys, dolls and stuffed animals and puzzles and games.

D & T: In D & T the children made leavers to make a picture move. They read the story Jack and the Beanstalk and made a moving leaver to make Jack climb up the beanstalk.

Spellings: Spellings to be tested on Friday 17th November 2017.

Spellings 10.11.17

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards



Class 2 School Council

Class 2 voted for their School Council yesterday afternoon and it was lovely to see the majority of the class putting their name forward to be elected. They each took a slip of paper and voted for one boy and one girl who they wanted to represent Class 2. Sam and Sammy were delighted to be voted as School Council! Well done!

Class 2 Tennis

Just a quick note to ask if Class 2 children could come into school on Friday mornings, in their PE kit ready for Tennis. They can then bring their school uniform with them to change back into after the lessons. This will allow the children to come in as usual and we can all make it down to worship on time 🙂

Mr Crefield sometimes take the children out onto the playground if the weather is dry so please could they wear something warm. Thank you.

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Buddy’s Big Workout

Yesterday afternoon the children in Class 2 completed different challeneges in a circuit with lots of different stations to raise money for the NSPCC. They were doing jumping jacks, skipping, shuttle runs, lunges, etc and worked really hard! They were very energetic and worked well within their groups. Well done Class 2! The children were given their sponsor forms last week, please return any sponsors to the box in Class 2 once they have been collected. Thank you for your support 🙂

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly update

English: This week green group have been reading ‘let’s sing’ and writing some interesting sentences about their story and answering questions. Yellow group have been reading a non-fiction text about ‘puppets’. We then had lots of discussions about making our own puppets and which puppets we like best in the book. Blue and red group have worked independently in English this week, writing instructions. They started with writing instructions about how to make a sandwich and progressed onto writing instructions about how to make a wooden spoon puppet.

Maths: In Maths we have continued to practise counting in twos and then challenged ourselves to count in tens and fives. The children have related this to money and have been counting 2ps, 10ps and 5ps.

Science: The children have been investigating day length in Science this week. We have had lots of lovely discussions about clocks going forwards and backwards and how much daylight we get in different seasons. The children have been explaining how it is now getting dark when they come to school and when it is their dinner time.

RE: In RE the children went on a Winter/Christmas walk. They looked for signs around the school that winter was coming and found lots of lovely things e.g. frost on the ground, seeing their breath, colourful leaves, berries, etc.

Spellings: Spellings to be tested on Friday 10th November 2017.

Spellings 3.11.17

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 PE

Just a quick note to make you aware that Class 2 will now have PE on Wednesday afternoons as usual and Friday mornings with Mr Crefield teaching the children Tennis. Please could the children have their kit in school everyday and a warmer kit provided in case their tennis lessons are outside.

Thank you!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 weekly update

I’d just like to say a huge “WELL DONE!” to Class 2 for their performance in Celebration Assembly this morning.

This week in…

English: Red group have been reading the Orange RWI book called ‘Playday’ and answering questions and writing exciting sentences about their book. Blue group have been reading the Green RWI book called ‘The Web’, they have also enjoyed writing interesting sentences about their book. Green and Yellow group have been independently writing this week about our class story Captain Beastlie’s Pirate Party.

Maths: This week the children have been practising counting in twos. We have read the story ‘Noah’s Ark’ and acted out the story in the hall. The children were placed into partners and given an animal to act out, they they counted as a whole class using their counting in two skills.

Science: We had lots of fun in Science this week, luckily it was a lovely, sunny day so we went outside to look at our shadows. We played shadow ‘tag’, drew around each other’s shadows and then made shadow puppets.

History: The children looked at entertainment in the past in our History lesson and watched a Punch and Judy show. We then made our own puppet shows using the wooden spoon puppets we made in a previous lesson and hand puppets.

RE: The children listened to the story of Moses in RE and recognised that he was an important leader for Jews. They then ordered the story and reflected on who they thought was an important leader for them.

Spellings: To be tested on Friday 3rd November.

Spellings 20.10.17

Homework: The children have been given homework for half term. One side of the page is Science homework – the children are to colour in the light sources on their page at night time and day time. The other side of their page is Maths homework – the children are counting in twos and filling in the missing Autumn leaves. Please could homework be returned on Friday 3rd November.

Science and Maths homework 20.10.17

Have a great half term!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 Weekly update

English: In English this week we have continued to read our story books through Read Write Inc (RWI) and also looked in detail at using capital letters for names of people and places. Today the children had the opportunity to independently write about different characters. They were encouraged to use lots of adjectives in their sentences to make their writing interesting.

Maths: We have started subtraction this week and have looked at finding one less than a given number. The children have used lots of equipment to help support them with their taking away. They are getting confident with recording neatly in their maths books on squared paper.

Science: In Science the children learned about how the different seasons affect animals. We looked at robins closely and how they adapt to each season. We also discussed how some animals, such as hedgehogs, hibernate in the winter months and what this means.

History: The children had a fun, practical history lesson yesterday. They looked at a range of different materials and discussed how different toys are made from various materials. They then decided which materials their toys are made from and what they used to be made from in the past. The children then had lots of fun making wooden spoon puppets (photos of these below).

Spellings: Spellings to be tested Friday 13th October. Please be aware that some spellings may be repeated occasionally as I link the spellings with what they have been learning in RWI.

Spellings 6.10.17

Homework: The children are coming home with a piece of Maths homework this week focusing on one more and one less than a given number. Please feel free to write any notes on their homework about the amount of support needed. Homework is due in on Friday 13th October.

Circles/Squares: squares and circles 1 more 1 less homework

Triangles/Cuboids: cuboids and triangles 1 more 1 less homework 

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards