English: This week in English we have continued to practise using the suffixes ‘s’ and ‘es’ and the prefix ‘un’ to change the meaning of words. Yesterday the children made clay monsters to link with our story ‘Not Now, Bernard’ and today we will be writing instructions on how we made our clay monsters. They did a fantastic job! There are lots of little artists in Class 2. I have attached the photos below.
Maths: We have moved onto telling the time this week. We began the week using language such as before and after e.g. I have a bath before I go to bed. I play outside after I have had my lunch. We then moved onto telling time to the hour and half hour.
Science: In Science the children went on a hunt around the school to identify different types of plant e.g. daisies, dandelions, clover, etc.
History: In history the children identified photographs of seaside holidays 100 years ago, 50 years ago and now. They then designed their own bathing suits for a 100 years ago, 50 years ago and today.
RE: The children learned about the Hindu creation story yesterday. They had part of the story given to them and had to draw pictures to reflect their part in the story.
Spellings: To be tested Friday 29th June 2018.
Spellings 22.6.18
Homework: We have been practising our reasoning and problem solving skills in Maths and I’d like the children to complete homework on this relating to our time work this week. They may need some adult support with this as we are still developing our skills. The sheet they have been provided with has a small space for them to explain their answers so please use the back of the sheet if needed. When the sheet says “Explain how you know”, please could you encourage your child to write a full sentence and avoid saying “because I looked carefully”. If you’d like to write any notes at the bottom of the sheet to indicate how much support your child needed – then please feel free to do so. Homework Due in: Friday 29th June 2018.
Sports Day: Just a reminder that Sports Day is on Tuesday 26th June. The children were given a letter on Wednesday explaining which team they are in and which colour we would like them to wear.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Edwards