11 years ago Posted on 06th Mar 2014 by Admin Class 2 Spellings 7/3/14 7/3/14 7/3/14 7/3/14 7/3/14 Red Blue Yellow Green behind remind island disciple volcano tomato potato ocean flute prune salute excuse fortune perfume costume include rude June cube huge flute prune brute salute sure pure cure manure secure  Alternative pronunciation for  i and o New graphemes u_e New graphemes u_e Revision of vowel digraphs ure Â
11 years ago Posted on 06th Feb 2014 by Admin Class 2 Spellings 7/2/14 Red Blue Yellow Green beside whine divide  advertise  exercise  otherwise underline recognise apologise these delete theme athlete complete trapeze concrete extreme eve even Steve Pete scene these theme delete oil boil soil join coin  New graphemes i_e New graphemes e_e New graphemes e_e Revision of vowel digraphs oiÂ