Class 2 have been practising for their Christmas performance in church this week and have been gearing up for the festive season together. There has been lots of talk about Santa (for November), so we have tried to take their minds off the big day with some almost equally exciting work!
The children are starting to practise reading real and nonsense words using sounds they have had a weekly focus on. This week we identified that the children needed to learn more about and practise using their split digraphs. They have played phonics games, have done pre-cursive handwriting and have written words and sentences using them.
In RWI they have moved on to their new stories ‘Cluck’ and ‘Tim and Tom.’ Their reading has been delightful and they are taking real pleasure in spotting ‘special friends’ within their words. Special friends for the children are 2 or 3 letters together which make 1 sound in words.
In handwriting, the children have really tried their best to make their lower case letters the same height and size as each other. They have then demonstrated that they can apply this within their written pieces across the curriculum in their exercise books.
In maths the children have been assessed on what they have consolidated in addition within 20 and have had practical tasks to show their abilities of subtracting using a given models and using resources. We have tried to explain how we have come to get an answer and to double check that we have counted objects or diagrams accurately.
Mr Mavin’s favourite story of the week has been Roald Dahl’s ‘The Magic Finger’ which has made us giggle. We are moving onto ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ next week for some creative letter writing in role as a character. After all, it will be December!
In geography, we have made a start at comparing our own location of Shrewsbury to that of a Polar region. We have a focus on various geographical features such as hills, buildings and bodies of water to consider and contrast.
Thank you again for practising spellings at home with your children. Please ask your children to show you where the special friends are in the word making the sound in which the spelling list focuses on. For example the special friends in the word fear would be ‘ear.’ There is space beside the weekly spelling list in order for it to be used by the child to look, write and then check their spellings. Thank you for continuing to support your children with this.
We have the pantomime next Thursday which we are all looking forward to. Oh no we’re not! Oh yes we are!
Have a lovely weekend together and see you next week.
Mr Mavin