Class 2 Weekly Update 25/01/2019

In Class 2 we have loved listening to the children’s prior knowledge about the Victorians (or what they believed the Victorians and that era to be like) each day.
In English the children have continued to flourish in their RWI groups. In some cases they have been encouraged to use simple conjunctions to link their ideas when either writing or using talk for writing. They have moved onto the next part of the whole class story Beegu and have devised instructions on making sandwich.
In maths we have been using very practical means to add and subtract. We have used part whole models, number lines, apparatus and also using a bar model when subtracting. We have agreed ways of double checking our calculations to see if they make sense and have used reasoning well when explaining to our maths buddies. They children have also discovered that addition is commutative (done in any order) and some children have completed problems and explained their reasoning to give themselves an extra challenge.
Our art lesson has been linked to our History topic of The Victorians and the children have learned about the Victorian artist William Morris. They have now started to recreate strips of wallpaper with their own version of his designs. I can’t wait to see them all on display.
In Science the class have been learning about the grouping of animals. They have investigated sorting them based on certain features, characteristics or traits the animals may have. The prior knowledge and reasoning the children gave was very interesting to listen to indeed and it was something of real interest for this class.
In computing the children have been experimenting with the touch pad on the laptop. They have also been using an online learning platform to practise further their Maths and phonics work.
The children have been doing ever so well with their spellings and a new list is in their books. A special well done to both Dylan and Evie Webster who achieved Star of the Week status for lots of effort with their work in all lessons and tenacity even when they found something quite challenging. Well done to you both!
As a reminder, we have our class trip to Blists Hill on Wednesday. Please refer to the letter which went home for any additional details you may need to know.

Have a lovely weekend together and I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mr Mavin

Class 2 Weekly Update 18/01/2019

The children in class 2 have been doing at least two nice things for each other every day this week. My favourite observation was one of the children sharpening his tables’ pencils with the exhaust hole of his new tractor sharpener.
In our English lessons the children have been using both adjectives and simple conjunctions in their RWI recording work. We are currently making sure that we are verbalising our words and sentences properly when we are both reading and writing in class. Our work buddies have been an essential part of this process offering support along the way. Our stories work has had lots of lovely discussions and ideas have been shared well when talking as a class. For our end of the week book study we have continued with the story Beegu where the children’s inference skills have really impressed us all. They have ordered the story up to a certain point and have made a prediction as to how they feel the story might end. The reason for their predictions was both well thought out and very imaginative.
In maths the children have continued with addition and subtraction. As a whole class warm up we have been focusing on number bonds to 10/20 and have used our rhymes to help along the way. 8 and 2-chicken poo (makes 10) seems to be their favourite for some reason. The children have been looking at adding on from certain numbers and solving problems involving this. They have worked practically and have tried their best to give as much reasoning as possible along the way. They have completed part whole models and have used equipment along the way to support them. They have also worked on finding number bonds. They have also used a mathematics platform on the iPads to co-inside with their work.
In music the children were reading simple music from the front of the class and playing their notes beautifully together with Mrs Tan, a real breakthrough for them all.
This week the children have got in role as the Time Team for our new history topic and I thought it would be a good idea to test out my new metal detector in the school grounds. Well we were in for a surprise! They set off together taking it in turns with the detector and trowel. After the odd bleep for can ring pulls the detector started to frantically bleep on a mound of soil and rubble by one of the hedges. After being unearthed we discovered an old, heavy, cold and dirty tin box. Nobody could believe their eyes as we carefully brought it back into the classroom. Upon opening it we discovered that it was a time capsule full of old possessions. To our surprise we also found a letter addressed from a girl called Mary aged 6 who was from Bicton Village in the year 1870. She wanted somebody from the future to find out about both her and her parents. We investigated the items she had placed in the box which sparked some ingenious ideas as to what they were and what they were used for. One of the children thought it would be a good idea to put the date on her letter into Google. We then found out that Mary was from The Victorian times and we can’t wait to find out more…
In PE the children now have Embrace teaching hockey on Fridays which they are all really enjoying. On Mondays they have also games with Mr Sudlow. Once again I would like to remind you that your child needs outdoor trainers for PE this term.
Spellings have gone home tonight and there will be homework next week for the new term. Homework will be sent a little more frequently with it being in our second term. If you require more activity materials for your child at home please do not hesitate to come and see me.
We have a Class 2 trip booked for Blists Hill linked to our new history topic. The letter has already been sent out, so please could you return them as soon as you can. If you require another you will be able to get one from the office.
Have a lovely weekend together and see you on Monday.
Mr Mavin


Class 2 Weekly Update 11/01/19

A big warm welcome back to you all after what was hopefully a lovely Christmas period for everybody.
The children have come back bright as buttons this week and have effortlessly slipped back into normal routine together for the new term. Apparently there wasn’t any coal or horse manure in their Xmas stockings this year which in my opinion just emphasises what well behaved and studious the children they were last year!
In our English lessons we have moved onto different story books in RWI. Some children have moved onto different stages regarding their story banding. They have been teaching each other very well in partnerships emphasising the right way to say their speed sounds and story words. They have also recalled their essential red story words on sight which has really impressed us. The fluency of their reading is improving and lolly pop sticks have been used very professionally for the direction of what is being read by our ‘budding’ teachers of the future. The children have had very fruitful discussions about what they are focussing on. They have related what they have read to their own experiences, some of which have tickled us, especially anecdotes about bus trips. In addition to RWI we have started our whole class novel study work with our new story book Beegu. The children have listened to the first section of it and have answered simple comprehension questions with their talk buddies. They have acted parts of it out using freeze framing and have made insightful predictions as to what may happen next in the story.
In maths, the children have been chanting and singing counting forwards and backwards in two’s and 10’s. They have consolidated work on place value both comparing amounts, two numbers, ordering up to three groups/numbers whilst using the language smallest to greatest.
In science the children have the new topic of Animals including Humans where we firstly investigated and asked questions of how we have changed since we were babies. We got out of our time machines and looked at photos of teachers as babies and discussed what things looked the same and what had changed. We then did some investigation work involving our bodies, locating the different parts and features, using their scientific names and then learnt what our main senses are and what part of the body drives them.
In RE the children have been talking about how Christians might look after God’s Earth. They devised and described their favourite thing they have seen in their world and made a set of rules which might be followed by others to preserve the Earths’ creation.
All of the children have had a very successful spelling test today. Well done to all, very proud of you! The new list is in their books for next week. Congratulations to Thea who got the classes 1st Star of the week trophy award for persevering with her English work and aiming to improve her sentence word building skills in writing. I wonder who will be going home with the trophy next week?
The children now have a PE session of a Monday and Friday afternoon. Please could you ensure that your child has a kit which includes outdoor trainers in school on those days.
Please come in to see me as usual for a chat if you need to discuss anything to do with your child.
Have a lovely weekend together.

Mr Mavin

Class 2 Weekly Update 07/12/18

What a pleasure it was taking Class 2 to see Mother Goose at Theatre Severn the other day. Not only did the children have a fabulous time, they once again demonstrated impeccable behaviour outside of school.
In our English lessons we have been revisiting phoneme sounds and have applied these when blending them into more unfamiliar words. In RWI we have enjoyed reading our new stories, drawing on their own experiences and talking about what they have just read. Some of the children are being encouraged to use a storyteller voice too. We have also done some detective work whilst spotting alternative graphemes for specific sounds in short comic strip passages. Some have also attempted the initial joining of specific graphemes in their handwriting sessions. Today we have all incorporated Fred talking into our everyday classroom life when asking for certain objects or things during routine. We have also learned how to add the suffix ‘ing’ to make a new words from a root word and then we added the word within our own sentence. We based our words and sentences on our experiences of what happened at the pantomime the day before.
In maths we have looked at the properties of both 2D and 3d shapes and how their shapes correspond to objects in the world around them. We have sorted them based on certain criteria during practical activities and have experimented with pattern linked to clues given on the shapes properties. We aim to link some of this maths work to a whole class piece of artwork next week for our classroom. We have also linked this to design and technology when discussing the shapes used for our Class 2 house model.
Our weekly spellings have gone out today to be tested next Friday. The children are reading to adults throughout the week and we have been so impressed with the enjoyment they are having reading to adults at home.
A big thank you to those who have helped their child learn their lines at home for our Christmas performance. They have remembered them really well when during our practises in Church. Please can we remind you that it would be ideal if your child could have their costumes in by Monday 10th December as stated in the letter which went home. On the letter it stated what your child is and what they would need to wear if they require a costume. Please do not hesitate to come and see me if you have any questions concerning this.
Have a lovely weekend together and I will see you all on Monday.
Mr Mavin





Just a reminder that this Thursday we will be going to the Pantomime.  We will be leaving school at 9.30am and returning at 1.00pm. Children will need to bring a packed lunch to eat when we return to school. They can bring a snack to eat (nothing containing nuts please) during the interval.

Thank you

Class 2 Weekly Update 30/11/18

Class 2 have been practising for their Christmas performance in church this week and have been gearing up for the festive season together. There has been lots of talk about Santa (for November), so we have tried to take their minds off the big day with some almost equally exciting work!

The children are starting to practise reading real and nonsense words using sounds they have had a weekly focus on. This week we identified that the children needed to learn more about and practise using their split digraphs.  They have played phonics games, have done pre-cursive handwriting and have written words and sentences using them.

In RWI they have moved on to their new stories ‘Cluck’ and ‘Tim and Tom.’ Their reading has been delightful and they are taking real pleasure in spotting ‘special friends’ within their words. Special friends for the children are 2 or 3 letters together which make 1 sound in words.

In handwriting, the children have really tried their best to make their lower case letters the same height and size as each other. They have then demonstrated that they can apply this within their written pieces across the curriculum in their exercise books.  

In maths the children have been assessed on what they have consolidated in addition within 20 and have had practical tasks to show their abilities of subtracting using a given models and using resources. We have tried to explain how we have come to get an answer and to double check that we have counted objects or diagrams accurately.

Mr Mavin’s favourite story of the week has been Roald Dahl’s ‘The Magic Finger’ which has made us giggle. We are moving onto ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ next week for some creative letter writing in role as a character.  After all, it will be December!

In geography, we have made a start at comparing our own location of Shrewsbury to that of a Polar region. We have a focus on various geographical features such as hills, buildings and bodies of water to consider and contrast.

Thank you again for practising spellings at home with your children. Please ask your children to show you where the special friends are in the word making the sound in which the spelling list focuses on. For example the special friends in the word fear would be ‘ear.’ There is space beside the weekly spelling list in order for it to be used by the child to look, write and then check their spellings. Thank you for continuing to support your children with this.

We have the pantomime next Thursday which we are all looking forward to. Oh no we’re not! Oh yes we are!

Have a lovely weekend together and see you next week.


Mr Mavin


Class 2 Weekly Update 23/11/18

Once again, Class 2 have had an ‘I can’ attitude in all aspects of their school work this week.
In English they have moved on to different story texts in their RWI groups and have looked more in depth at improving their sentence structure when recording text related sentences. Talk for writing has been key with the children experimenting with more adventurous vocabulary. In reading we have worked on answering verbal comprehension questions, giving more of an evidential answer as well as a predictive one. The children have also enjoyed our whole class story times where I am sharing some of my favourite stories. Next week….one from Roald Dahl. For their spelling and grammar we have used the conjunction ‘and’ to link sentences and our ideas together in our writing based on their ideal birthday parties.
In maths the children have been looking in greater depth at subtraction and how we can use apparatus to help when working something out independently. We also talked about how subtraction is relevant and used in their everyday lives in the world around them. We then moved on to finding the difference between 2 quantities in practical contexts and have recorded our number sentences from this alongside ways to record findings in models used to help us. The children are also starting their times tables journey again with their 2 times table.
In topic the children have been exploring ‘the Polar Bear Capital of the World’, a little natural haven called Churchill, a town in Canada. They have been in role as tour guides who are trying to persuade people to visit there. They watched a visual tour presentation of the place and learned about the bear’s habitats and habits they have there. They also reminded people what items they were required to bring to such a destination and when was best to visit. They also gained an understanding of why the bears congregate in the town and the devastating affects which are happening to the ice caps and their normal environments in the wild.
In design and technology the children have been up and down ladders, sawing and also….painting, cutting and sticking bits of their class ‘Grand Design’ house. After a mildly heated discussion as to whether to paint the door pink or not, watching the collaboration and sharing of ideas and materials this week was a joy. Some of the children have also worked on smaller structures and shapes in which resembles the skeleton of a house after they were shown some visual 3D animations of houses being planned and built.
In music the children have incorporated different instruments into their performances and songs with Mrs Tann. The timing of the children playing along as groups or a whole class is really developing. It is evident that we have a class full of budding musicians.
In Science we are continuing to monitor the seasonal weather using our measuring tools we designed and made to collect our findings. The children have a more developed understanding of the seasons and the affects they have on lives during different times of year.
New spelling lists have gone in the children’s books today to be tested next Friday.
Please do not hesitate to come and see me if you need anything and have a lovely weekend together.

Mr Mavin

Class 2 Weekly Update 16/11/18

It has been another lovely week with my Class 2 Superheroes.
In English we have been reading new stories together in our RWI groups. Every child is taking a lot of pleasure from their own reading as well as that of their peers. They have probably made this evident to you when reading their stories at home.
The children have been trying to improve their writing with adjectives and simple conjunctions. They wrote for purpose about their Chester Zoo trip as a diary entry and used talk for writing beforehand in order to compose their sentences from their very vivid memories of the day. Towards the end of the week our spelling and grammar focus was using exclamation marks. They then went onto using them in a comic strip format involving their favourite superhero’s dialogue.
In maths, we have started chanting and singing our two times tables. We have been learning how to record subtraction number stories as number sentences after using practical scenarios to help us. We have also had a focus on working through both addition and subtraction number sentences systematically explaining their reasoning along the way. All of the children have contributed so well during lesson starters involving mental maths and problems solving with real life contexts with their maths partners.
In Design and Technology the children are in the initial stages of building their class house made from various pieces of cardboard. They have taken real ownership of it in their small groups and have really thought hard about its structure, and which shaped boxes would complement other parts best. We can’t wait to see what they come up with next for it!
The children did wonderfully well again with their spellings today. The new lists have gone into their books today for next Friday. Thank you for supporting your children at home with them.
An enormous congratulations to Cerys for being Class 2’s winner of Bicton’s creative writing competition. Well done also to everybody who entered. We are so proud of you and your entries.
Thank you so much for your continued support and have a lovely weekend together.
Mr Mavin

Class 2 Weekly Update 09.11.18

First and foremost I would like to say a massive “WELL DONE” to everybody in Class 2 for their lovely performance in their Celebration Assembly before we broke up for half term.
In English this week the children in Purple Group have been reading the RWI book ‘Ken’s Cap’ and have been answering questions and writing exciting sentences which have built up to writing a letter of apology concerning a lost item linked to both the text and their own experiences. Red Group have been reading ‘The Big Match’ and have focused on the ‘ck’ speed sound in particular when reading and writing writing this week. The children have also used their literacy skills in their topic work when devising interesting questions to ask a current scientist working in the Arctic.
During maths this week the children have continued the mastery process for addition. They have used lots of equipment and scenarios to aid their understanding of the concept. The children are also becoming very confident with recording their number sentences neatly in their books on squared paper. Today they have moved onto finding one less than a given number through subtraction, something which we will look at in greater depth next week. Another one of our next steps is to start counting confidently in two’s. I can feel a song and rhyme coming on…..
In Science we have learned how the different seasons affect animals. We looked at the Robin garden bird and how it adapts to each season. We also discussed how some animals, such as hedgehogs, hibernate in the winter months and what this means.
New spellings have gone out today to be tested next Friday 16th November. Your children are doing so wonderfully well with them and they relish their Friday challenge every time.
Our trip to Chester Zoo was a very memorable one indeed. The children were wonderfully behaved and we all thoroughly enjoyed the amazing animals we encountered. Mind you, Class 2 had the penguins at the top of their agenda.
Have a great weekend together and see you on Monday.
Mr Mavin