Cooking club – pizza!

Group 1 made pizza yesterday in cooking club, they all smelt so nice but unfortunately there was no spare for me!

Group 2 will be making cupcakes ater half term.

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An early morning reminder for children in class 2 to bring in their jigsaws for maths this morning.

Many thanks

Green Fingers Club

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Cooking Club 12.5.14

Group 1 enjoyed making cup cakes today. We made lots of mess and had great fun! As a group we have decided what we would like to make next week, let’s hope it turns out just as tasty.

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Class 2 Holiday Homework


I’d just like to say thank you for the support you have given to children completing their homework over the holidays. I can see that alot of time and effort has gone into it and the children should be proud of what they have produced.

Well done children…and parents!!

Thank you again for your support,

Mrs Chadwick

Class 2 – Year 2 Holiday Homework

In the excitement of finishing for Easter, I forgot to hand out holiday homework! Apologies. I have copied and pasted it below and will ask Miss Edwards to hand out the paper copies on the first Monday back. Hope you all have a lovely Easter break.


We have been doing lots of work in class on character descriptions. We have looked at a characters appearance, personality and likes and dislikes.

I would like the children to read as many Horrid Henry stories as they can and then use the information they have learnt to write a character description of him under the sub-headings appearance, personality and likes and dislikes.

They can include illustrations and present the character description as a booklet, poster or piece of writing. Please let me know if you need any resources such as paper etc.

Miss Moran would also like the children to carry out some research about nocturnal animals (foxes, bats, badgers and owls). It is up to the children how they choose to present the information (poster, leaflet, report)

The homework will be due in on the first Friday back after the Easter holidays (Friday 2nd May.)

There will be no spellings to learn over the Easter holidays. New spellings will be given on the first Friday back after Easter.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.


Class 2 – Year 1 Holiday Homework

In the excitement of finishing for Easter, I forgot to hand out holiday homework! Apologies. I have copied and pasted it below and will ask Miss Edwards to hand out the paper copies on the first Monday back. Hope you all have a lovely Easter break.


We have been doing lots of work in class on character descriptions. We have looked at a characters appearance, personality and likes and dislikes.

I would like the children to choose a character from one of their favourite stories and write some sentences under the sub-headings appearance, personality and likes and dislikes.

They can include illustrations and present the character description as a booklet, poster or piece of writing. Please let me know if you need any resources such as paper etc.

The homework will be due in on the first Friday back after the Easter holidays (Friday 2nd May.)

There will be no spellings to learn over the Easter holidays. New spellings will be given on the first Friday back after Easter.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.



Class 2 playing hockey

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Class 2 have been learning hockey skills for a second week. Lots of brilliant ball skills shown today and team work during games! Well done class 2!

Football Club – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

Football Club for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children will start on Tuesday 18th March – 3.15pm until 4.15pm.    Children can go into Film Club when football finishes but they will still need to pay £1.50.   Thank you




Our New Role Play Costumes!


We raised £40 to spend on costumes for our role play area, The children picked the ones they wanted and they look fantastic! Thank you again for your support with our cake sale.