Class 2 Celebration Assembly

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next Friday will be celebration assembly and Class 2 will be linking their presentation to our Science topic ‘Seasonal Changes’.

I would like the children to wear specific clothes for our performance, according to the group I have put them in (a letter is being sent home with your child). They can either come to school Friday morning dressed in these clothes (with their school uniform to change into after the assembly) or they can bring their clothes to change into first thing. The different groups and ideas for clothes they should wear are:

Autumn – red, yellow, brown, golden clothes with cardigans, jumpers, leggings.

Winter – coats, gloves, scarves, hats, etc.

Spring – umbrellas, rain coats, wellies, flowery clothes.

Summer – sun hats, sun glasses, dresses, shorts, t-shirt (you may want your child to get changed in school before assembly if they are in this group).

Please come and see me if you have any questions or problems.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Edwards

Spellings and homework due-16.9.15

Please find attached the new spellings for this week.

Spelling Week 9.10.15

I have also attached the homework I have set today based on conjunctions. We have had a couple of lessons on conjunctions this week, the children have found this quite difficult so I’d like them to practise. Please encourage your children to complete this homework in pencil!

conjunctions homework

Please do not hesitate to come and see me if you have any questions or problems.

Have a nice weekend.

Miss Edwards


As it was sunny this morning, we thought we would continue our Science lesson on shadows by going outside. We posed in lots of different positions on the playground and drew around our shadows in chalk. We have been keeping an eye on these throughout the day and have found out that our shadows do not stay in the same place and their size changes.

Apologies for the chalk covered clothes!

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Edwards

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Maths in Class 2

Here are a few pictures from our maths lesson this morning. We were practising ordering numbers to 20. Each child in the class was given a number and had to work with other children in the class to get themselves cheap tramadol 50mg online into the correct order. We then tested each other, asking what is one more or one less than a given number.

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PE lesson

Class 2 enjoyed their PE lesson today, we were focussing on the different shapes we can make with our bodies and how to move around the room gracefully. The children were then given pieces of ribbon to try and make different shapes in the air and make up a short routine. They had lots of fun and came up with some fantastic ideas.

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First day back to Class 2

The children in Class 2 had a fantastic first day back! Thank you for all of the lovely post cards and holiday scrap books that were returned yesterday, we had a lot of fun reading through each others and explaining all about our holidays.

As our topic is The Great Fire of London this term, we have set up Pudding Lane Bakery as our role play area. We made lots of baked goods out of salt dough yesterday to add to our role play area. We then painted some lovely fire pictures with red, yellow and orange paint.

Well done for a brilliant first day back Class 2!

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Class 2 – ‘Goodbye Mr Davies’ Assembly

Class 2 had a very wet morning!

This morning we have been learning about capacity. Some of us were comparing different containers and which container held the most water and some of us were estimating and measuring how many cups of water a container held. We had lots of fun splashing about and luckily it was a sunny playtime to dry off! (Apologies for the quality of some photos).

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Class 2 spellings to be tested – 19.6.15


(to be tested 19.6.15)


(to be tested 19.6.15)


(to be tested 19.6.15)


(to be tested 19.6.15)






































Alternative spellings for the igh phoneme and oa phoneme. Alternative spellings for the igh phoneme and oa phoneme. Alternative spellings for the igh phoneme and oa phoneme. New graphemes ir and ue