Class 1, 2 and 3 Christmas Party

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is our Christmas party next Thursday afternoon (17th December). We would very much appreciate contributions of food for the party, there is a list on Class 2’s window for you to sign to say what you are bringing. If your child goes on the bus then please write in your child’s home-school link book what you will provide. You can bring the food in on the day itself or earlier if appropriate, just hand it to your child’s class teacher or send it in with your child if they go on the bus.

Please could you also ensure that on the day of your party your child brings in their party clothes to change into.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Barratt, Miss Edwards, Mrs Conde & Mrs Bowes.

Nativity costumes

Just a reminder that all costumes need to be in school on Monday so we have chance to check them all and prepare for the Christmas rehearsals.

If anybody has any shepherd costumes (whether your child is a shepherd or not) we would greatly appreciate any contributions.

Thank you for your support

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Tennis

Just a reminder that class 2 have tennis lessons every Friday morning. Please could you ensure that all children have a warm PE kit in school (jogging bottoms, jumpers, etc) and outdoor shoes. If the weather is dry the children will be outside.

Thank you

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Targets

The children have been given their Maths and English targets today and I have provided a copy to come home. We will be working on these in school but you may also want to work on them at home.

If you have any questions please come and see me 🙂

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Edwards


Class 2 Homework

I am sending home this fun activity to do with the children at home to help them with their counting in twos, fives and tens.

Clapping Times Tables Activity

We have had a go in class and the children really enjoyed it, however they do need a lot of practise.

This homework doesn’t require any written work to be handed in but I will be having another go with the children on Friday 27th November. With practise at home, I am expecting the children to be a lot more confident.

Counting in twos, fives and tens is very important in class 2 and a very common target,  with most children being set this. Please encourage your children to do this activity at home whenever they can, to help them reach their target.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to come and see me.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Edwards

Class 2 PE changes

Just a note to say that Class 2 will now have PE on Mondays and Fridays. Friday mornings will now be Tennis taught by Mr Crefield. Please ensure all children have their full PE kits in every week with outdoor footwear.

Thank you

Miss Edwards

Spellings and Homework due 6.11.15

The children have been given maths homework to complete over half term, relating to 2D and 3D shapes that we have been working on in class.

maths 23.10.15

Please find their new spellings below to be tested after half term on Friday 6th November.

Spelling Week 23.10.15

Have a lovely half term 🙂

Miss Edwards