Class 2 update and homework

Year 1

English: This week we have been looking at a range of poems with the theme of night time. The children have enjoyed looking at them and have all identified features of poetry that they enjoy. The children have written their own ‘goodnight’ poems and have been adding adjectives and commas where appropriate.

The year 1 children have been given a sheet to complete over the half term holidays. Miss Owen would like them to write their own poem based on a theme of their own choice, remembering to include adjectives and commas.

Year 1 English homework

Maths: This week we have been looking at weight. The children can identify which items are heaviest and lightest using estimation and a balance scale.

Year 2

English: The year 2 children have continued to focus on punctuation this week; we have looked at capital letters, full stops, commas, question marks, exclamation marks and apostrophes over the last 2 weeks and learned how to apply these in our independent writing.

The year 2 children have been given a sheet to complete over the half term holidays. I would like them to write about their holiday, remembering to include punctuation, adjectives and conjunctions.

Year 2 English homework

Maths: Last week the year 2’s became much more confident with their multiplication work, this week have focussed on division and how we can use equipment and pictures to divide an amount.

D & T

This week we made our fruit salads. The children enjoyed this and should now progress to completing their evaluation sheet which was given as homework.

D & T homework


I have provided the children with a sheet called ‘Spelling – Homework Ideas’, this provides the children with lots of fun, creative ways of learning their spellings. They do not have to learn them this way but I thought I would share it for those who would like to have a go.

Spellings 12.2.16

Spelling Homework Ideas

Have a lovely holiday!

Miss Edwards and Miss Owen


We would just like to say a massive thank you to all children and parents who made, bought and donated cakes and biscuits to our sale today.

Thank you also to the co-op who donated boxes of buns for us to sell.

In addition to this, many children brought money to spend and Class 4’s cake sale was a roaring success!

We will let you know exactly how much was raised and children in Class 4 will help decide exactly which natural disaster charity we will send the money to.

D & T fruit cocktails

Class 2 would like to say a massive thankyou to the Co op for supplying the fruit for today’s lesson. We had a great afternoon trying lots of different fruit and we were very impressed with the children trying things they had never tried before.

Miss Edwards and Miss Owen

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Cake Sale

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Wednesday 27th January at morning break, Class 4 will be holding a cake sale outside their classroom to raise money for people affected by the recent flooding.

A few of the children in the class had wanted to do something after learning about different natural disasters around the world as part of out topic ‘Extreme Earth’.

Class 4 would like to ask for any donations of cakes, buns or biscuits to be brought in before Wednesday.

The cake sale will be open to all children. Small cakes and biscuits will be 20p. Larger cakes and biscuits will be 50p. Please could children bring in no more than £2.

Thank you for your support,

Class 4

Save the Whale!

Class 2 had a fun starter activity in Maths today, we focussed on number bonds and played ‘Save the Whale’ on ICT games. The children thoroughly enjoyed this game and it helps to support all their number bonds to 10. Even the year 2 children can practise at home to help them recall their number bonds a lot quicker.

(You might want to turn the sound down) Have fun! 🙂

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Homework

The homework for Class 2 this weekend involves completing a food diary. This has been explained to all of the children. Their food diary should be completed for Saturday and Sunday.

Due in Monday 18th January.

Thank you for your support

Class 2 Homework due 18.1.16

Miss Owen

Finding out our topic…

We started off our new topic guessing where Shrewsbury is in the UK. We had lots of interesting suggestions! Later on this afternoon we had lots of clues about our new topic on the tables and we guessed correctly that Japan is our focus this term. We are all very excited to start learning about Japan and have thought of lots of questions we would like to answer in the next few weeks.

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ICT – Beebot’s invasion!!!!

LO: I can give instructions to my friend and follow their instructions to move around.

The children have had a fantastic ICT lesson this afternoon playing with the Beebots. They were programming the instructions and making estimates about where their Beebot would end up.

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