Well Done Year 2!

We would like to say a big thank you for the contributions to our picnic celebration yesterday. The children had a lovely afternoon celebrating the end of the year 2 tests. We are extremely proud of all the children this week, they have worked very hard and should be extremely proud of themselves!

Have a relaxing weekend 🙂

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Information regarding the Phonics Screening Check

I have sent home information about the phonics screening check today which will take place in June. Any support you give your children at home is greatly appreciated!

If you have any queries at all or want more information or resources to support them at home, please do not hesitate to come and see me.

Here is the power point I sent home – Year 1 Phonics screening check

Thank you for your continued support 🙂

Miss Edwards

Class 2 update


This week in maths we have been focussing on telling the time. Year 1 have concentrated on telling the time to the hour and half hour. Year 2 children started off with recognising quarter past and quarter to and today have been challenged further with telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes.


We have linked English with our Science topic – Year 1 have looked at Handa’s Surprise and had discussions about the story, sequenced the story and told it in their own words. Year 2 have been researching about habitats and writing at length about hot and cold habitats, using the conjunctions when, if, that and because.


To be tested on Friday 6th May:



Year 1 have been given a piece of homework to follow on from our time lessons to complete for Friday 6th May.

year 1 time homework

Year 2 have been given their Grammar booklets and I would like them to complete pages 8, 13, 16 and 40 for Friday 6th May.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards

Class 2 update

This week the children have been introduced to their new topic ‘Fighting Fit’, they were given lots of different clues to try and work out the topic and then we discussed it as a class.

In Science we started by looking at the human body and labelling different parts, we then looked at the human life cycle and discussed this as a class. The year 2 children were then challenged to think about things that they could do when they were a baby and things that they can do now they are older.

English lessons this week have focussed on information texts. We have been looking at information texts about Owls and finding out different facts. We came up with lots of questions together and have been researching the answers. Today class 2 came up with their own commands, telling someone how to draw an owl.

In Maths, class 2 have been working on fractions. Year 1 have been finding half and quarter of shapes and amounts by sharing different equipment and drawing pictures to support them. Year 2 have been looking at half, quarter, three quarters and a third.

I have sent home a letter today explaining more about the subjects the children will be looking at this term.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards

A massive thank you to Mr Williams!


Class 2 would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Williams for making us our fantastic robot!


Samba Drumming in Class 2

Class 2 had a fantastic morning in the hall today. They had a go at Samba drumming! Well done for brilliant behaviour Class 2!

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World Book Day

Well done class 2 for making an amazing effort with your costumes today!


Painting like Monet

We had a brief look at Claude Monet’s work today and focused on his painting of a Japanese Bridge. After this we had a go at our own drawing and painting of a landscape and used finger painting to recreate the style of Monet.

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