Class 2 Weekly update


This week we have discussed the importance of an introduction to stories and recounts and how they make the reader want to carry on reading. The children have practised writing their own introductions to a recount about a time they wish to share. We also recapped on the use of conjunctions to extend sentences.


Year 1: Recognising number bonds to 8 and 9 and learning how to double numbers.

Year 2: Using number facts to add and subtract and adding a single digit number to a two digit number, using 100 squares and number lines.


Year 1: Exploring alternative pronunciation of the ‘i’ grapheme e.g. tin and mild, alternative pronunciation of the ‘o’ grapheme e.g. hot and don’t and alternative pronunciation of the ‘g’ grapheme e.g. gap and germ.

Year 2: Exploring words ending in ‘tion’ e.g. action and looking at words ending in ‘le’ e.g. kettle.


The children investigated objects around the classroom that needed to be pushed or pulled to make them move. They then drew their findings and labelled and described them.


The children were shown two types of castles this week – motte and bailey castles made from wood and keep and bailey castles made from stone. They looked at the differences and discussed which would be easier to build and which would be easier to defend.


Spellings to be tested Friday 27th January 2017.

20.1.17 spellings

Have a good weekend

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly update


This week in English, Class 2 have continued to look at recounts. We have read the story ‘Oh no, George’ and discussed how to change it from present tense to past tense, recapped on using exclamation marks and began to plan our own recount of our holidays.


Year 1: Have been finding one more and one less than a number and recapped on number bonds to 10 and 20.

Year 2: Have been using number facts and place value to solve problems.


This week the children explored a range of different toys and objects, whilst they were playing they were encouraged to say whether the toy/object needed to be pushed or pulled to make it move.


After an introduction to our topic ‘Castles’ last week, this week the children have been finding out who built the first castles in the UK and why they built them.


To be tested Friday 20th January 2017.

13.1.17 spellings

Have a good weekend

Miss Edwards


Well Done!

Just a quick message to say well done to all of Class1 and 2 with both Nativity performances, you made us proud!

Class 2 have had a fun filled Christmas activity week and are looking forward to the break.

I have set the children homework to complete on Purple Mash – they are to create a winter scene and describe it. I would like this back by 6.1.17.

Thank you for all of the lovely cards and gifts 🙂

Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 weekly update


We have carried on with our letter writing this week, reading ‘Dear Father Christmas’ and ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ to influence our writing. The children have also written a character description of Father Christmas using adjectives (year 1) and adjectives, verbs and adverbs (year 2).


This week the children have learned how to tell the time. Year 1 have learned o’clock and half past times and year 2 have focussed on o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past times.


We have explored the different animals that live in the Arctic this week and how they camouflage to keep them safe. We then looked at maps and where the animals live in the Arctic Circle.

Letters and Sounds

Year 1 New graphemes ‘ue’, ‘wh’ and ‘ph’.

Year 2 Adding suffixes to words ending in ‘y’ – change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ and add ‘es’.


The children have not had new spellings this week as next Friday we will be very busy with the Nativity and end of term activities.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 weekly update


We have continued our work on grammar this week…

Year 1: Using exclamation marks in sentences, adding ‘ing’ to words and to add ‘s’ to show a plural in our writing.

Year 2: Using commas in a list, reading and writing compound words and using apostrophes to show possession.


This week we have been learning about fractions.

Year 1: Finding ½ of a shape, finding different ways to make ½, finding ½ of a quantity and a set of objects.

Year 2: Finding ½, ¼, ¾ and 1/3 of shapes and quantities.


Year 1: New graphemes – ou, ie, ea, oy and ir.

Year 2: Adding suffixes – ing, ed, er, est and y.


The children have been provided with a fractions worksheet for homework this week. I would like this to be returned by Friday 2nd December.





Thank you for the support you have been providing the children with learning their lines. Next week we will be visiting the church whenever we have the opportunity. Please could you ensure that your child has a coat and appropriate clothing for making this visit as we expect it to be chilly!


Spellings to be tested Friday 2nd December.


Have a good weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards

Children in Need

Well done Class 2 for dressing up for Children in Need today! You all look fab!

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Class 2 weekly update

This week in…


The children have been working on their grammar to improve independent writing.

Year 1 – have been joining words and clauses using ‘and’, putting sentences into the correct sequence and learning how to use a capital letter for the personal pronoun ‘I’.

Year 2 – have been recapping on expanded noun phrases, using the suffix ‘ly’ to change adjectives into adverbs and learning how to use subordinating conjunctions ‘when’, ‘if’, ‘that’ and ‘because’.


We have continued to look at shapes but this week we moved onto 3D shapes from 2D.

Year 1 – have learned how to recognise and name common 3D shapes (cubes, cuboids, spheres, cylinders and cones).

Year 2 – have been naming 3D shapes in everyday objects, sorting the shapes into given groups e.g. shapes with/without curved faces and identifying 3D shape properties (edges, faces and vertices).


Year 1 – phase 3 ‘ure’ and ‘er’ phoneme and phase 5 ‘ay’ phoneme.

Year 2 – adding ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ to root words.


This week we were recognising and drawing food chains in a range of different habitats.


The children have enjoyed learning the songs for the Nativity this week, next week we will start rehearsals in the hall. Please could I remind parents to practise children’s lines a few minutes a night in preparation for our rehearsals. A costume letter will be given out at the beginning of next week.


Spellings to be tests Friday 25th November 2016.


Have a good weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards


Class 2 weekly update


This week in English, we have continued to look at poems and identified rhyming words in well-known nursery rhymes. We have also discussed what a syllable is and recognised how many syllables are in our name and listened for them in poems. The children also completed an independent piece of writing – they watched a short video clip about a boy going to space on a rocket and wrote a recount about what they had seen.


We have moved onto Geometry in maths and started to look at 2D shapes this week.

Year 1: Have sorted shapes into shapes with curved/without curved edges, labelled shapes with the correct name, sorted shapes into polygons/non-polygons and arranged shapes into triangles and rectangles.

Year 2: Have learned how to recognise a polygon, looked at irregular polygons and drawn and labelled polygons in their books. The children have also looked at how to make tessellating patterns using shapes.


Year 1: ‘oi’ and ‘ow’ phonemes.

Year 2: The vowel phonemes spelt in different ways e.g. a, e, i, o, u, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo.


This week the children have labelled plants and animals in different habitats e.g. the Desert, Arctic and Rainforest.


The children have learned about the Arctic Circle this week and looked at the 7 countries in the Arctic Circle.

Year 1: Drew and labelled the flags for the 7 countries.

Year 2: Matched the flags and country names and found the countries on a world map and coloured them in.

Purple Mash

Thank you for the support with the homework set during half term. The children seemed to really enjoy this task and I enjoyed reading all of their postcards.


Spellings to be tested on Friday 11th November 2016.


Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 update


In English this week we have been looking at animal poems. We started the week reading nursery rhymes about animals that we have already heard of e.g. Pussycat Pussycat, Hey Diddle Diddle and Mary had a little lamb. The children have enjoyed looking at nonsense poems e.g. On the Ning Nang Nong and have had the courage to perform a chosen poem in front of the class with actions. Year 2 have been challenged to write their own versions of poems we have been looking at.


Year 1 children have been learning to add and subtract using a number line this week, they have also used equipment to check their answers carefully.

Year 2 have moved onto division, starting off the week using equipment to work out division problems and then moving on to drawing pictures to work their answers out.


Year 1 have looked at phonemes ‘oo’, ‘ar’ and ‘or’.

Year 2 have been learning about words ending with a ‘y’ and how the letter ‘a’ represents the ‘or’ sound in some words e.g. ‘walk’.


We have continued to look at habitats and linked Science this week with our topic and looked at the Polar Regions. We discussed what organisms can be found in the Arctic and Antarctic.


The children have made leaflets to persuade visitors to go on a Polar Bear experience in a place called Churchill.

Purple Mash

I have shown the children their half term homework on Purple Mash and explained their task. I would like the children to complete a postcard, pretending that they have visited the Polar Regions and tell me what it is like there. There are prompts available around the postcard to help. I would like the children to submit their homework to me by Friday 4th November. If you have trouble accessing this or would prefer your child to complete a paper copy please let me know on the first day back (Tuesday 1st November).


Spellings to be tested 4.11.16


Have a great half term holiday!

Miss Edwards


Class 2’s library

In class 2, we have introduced a new book system. The children still have their books from the reading schemes to take home but have the option to choose an additional book from our own box of books. These include fiction and non fiction books. The children may read these at their own leisure and return them when they have finished.

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