Class 2 Weekly Update

English – This week we have been describing characters feelings in books. The children have had some Grammar lessons. Year 1 have been using adjectives and suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing. Year 2 have been using contractions and suffixes ‘ful’, ‘ness’ and ‘less’.

Maths – We have been recapping on telling the time. Year 1 telling the time to the hour and half hour. Year 2 to the quarter hour and some have been challenged to the nearest five minutes.

Science – The children enjoyed their lesson experimenting with different materials, they were discussing whether materials could bend, squash, stretch etc and find out if they return to their original shape.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 10th March

3.3.17 spellings

Homework – Thank you for the homework handed in this week. I would like year 2 children to complete pages 12 and 13 (conjunction/joining words) and 20 and 21 (apostrophes). Please could they hand this in on Friday 10th March.

Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 World Book Day

Class 2 World Book Day

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Class 2 weekly update

English – We have been looking at non-fiction reports and how these tell us information. The children have then had a go at writing their own non-fiction text about ‘Ourselves’.

Maths – This week we have been learning about money and how to make amounts in a variety of different ways using different coins. The children enjoyed playing an interactive game at the start of a lesson, this is the link if they wish to play it at home:

Phonics – Year 1: Alternative spellings of the ‘ai’ phoneme.

Year 2: Continuing with homophones.

History – The children have been learning about taxes in the medieval times and how these were spent on castle repairs.

Science – We have been investigating natural and man-made materials and sorting them into groups.

Spellings17.2.17 spellings

Homework – The children have been provided with homework to complete over half term, due in: 3.3.17. Year 2 children have been given two booklets for SAT test paper practise accompanied by a letter explaining how I’d like them completed and Year 1 have an A3 sheet on days of the week and money.

year 1 maths homework

Have a lovely half term!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 update


This week we have been thinking about newspaper reports. Linking to our class story ‘Funnybones’ the children imagined that they were in the story and have written newspaper reports about what they saw and heard the night the skeletons made lots of noise.


We have moved onto looking at capacity this week – the children have enjoyed measuring how much a container holds either using cupfuls (year 1) or millilitres and litres (year 2).


The children have sorted materials using different criteria this week e.g. soft/hard, rough/smooth, transparent/not transparent, bendy/not bendy.


We have learned about who lives in castles this week and looked at the different jobs they do. The children enjoyed saying which job they’d have liked if they lived in the medieval times.


Year 1: Alternative pronunciation of ‘y’, ‘ch’ and ‘ou’ grapheme.

Year 2: Homophones (words that sound the same but have a different spelling and different meaning).


Spellings to be tested Friday 17th February 2017.

10.2.17 spellings


It is the last session of tennis next Friday (17.2.17) – Please could the children come into school in their PE kits ready to start the session after registration, they may stay in their PE kits all day.

Have a good weekend

Miss Edwards


This week in Class 2…


The children began the week looking at syllables and counting syllables in our story ‘funnybones’. Then we made a story map, discussing the events that happen in the story and placing them in the correct order.


This week we have continued with measurement but moved onto measuring weight. Year 1 have been measuring with non-standard units such as cubes and marbles and year 2 have been using grams to measure objects in a balance scale.


Year 1: Alternative pronunciations of ‘ea’, ‘er’ and ‘a’ graphemes.

Year 2: Apostrophes for possession.


In Science this week the children explored how wind makes things move. They had lots of fun outside with bubbles.


We looked at a range of different castles today (even Hogwarts from Harry Potter), then the children made castles from junk and did a fantastic job!


Spellings to be tested 10.2.17

3.2.17 spellings

Have a good weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards



Junk model castles

This afternoon in Class 2, we have been making castles from junk. The children’s junk modelling skills have been absolutely fantastic! They have all been discussing as a group who will make which part of the castle. We have seen moats, turrets, battlements, drawbridges and much more! Well done class 2 for such a fantastic afternoon.

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Maths game

Year 2 children have been weighing items to the nearest 100g this week, our starter today was a game of ‘MostlyPostie’ on ICT games. The children enjoyed this game and would like the link to play it at home.

Enjoy 🙂

Never a dull day…

It’s certainly never a dull day at Bicton, as you can see from the gallery below!  We had some unexpected visitors shortly after 7:30 this morning so it was quite an experience for the staff as well as the children arriving for Breakfast Club.

Thankfully Mrs Ross and Mrs Hill came to the rescue and stepped in to escort the horses back to their field, accompanied by Miss Moran (in some very inappropriate footwear!)  – thank you ladies 🙂 Thank you to the children for being so sensible and to all the staff who directed traffic, escorted children safely past the horses and for cleaning up what the horses left behind!

Class 2 update


This week in English we started the story ‘Funnybones’ – the children have enjoyed listening to the story, rewriting the opening and role playing conversations between the skeletons.


We have moved onto measures this week and have been focussing on measuring length. Year 1 have been measuring objects using non-standard units e.g. cubes and year 2 have been using cm and m to measure objects around the room. We have also been practising our estimating skills.

Please could year 2 continue to practise their times tables. I am sending home some more resources with the children tonight.


This week we have enjoyed discussing the effect Gravity has on objects – the children were given time to explore gravity with a bouncy ball in the hall. Then they drew pictures to show their findings.


Continuing our topic on Castles, the children were shown pictures of a range of different castles in England. We discussed the different features of a castle e.g. drawbridge, portcullis, battlements, etc and then the children labelled pictures of castles with these features.


To be tested Friday 3rd February 2017.

27.1.17 spellings

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Edwards