Class 2 Weekly update

English: In English this week, green group have been reading the story ‘Jam’ and completing sentences about what they have read. Blue group have been reading the story ‘Chips’ and red and yellow groups have been reading ‘Red Ken’. Once the children have read the story with their partner and heard an adult read it with expression, they are encouraged to talk about the story and answer questions. We then write sentences relating to the stories.

Maths: We have continued with addition this week. The children have been using ten frames to make number bonds to 10 and 20, learned how to count on from a given number to add and looked at patterns to help solve addition sentences. We have also discussed starting with the biggest number and adding on the smallest number to make addition easier.

Science: We had a class discussion about the season we are in at the moment and how we can tell. The children then came up with a list of ideas to suggest what to look out for in Autumn.

History: In History this week, we looked at a range of adjectives to describe toys and sorted them into a Venn diagram. The categories were ‘adjectives to describe an old toy’ e.g. old-fashioned, rusty, chipped, etc and ‘adjectives to describe a new toy’ e.g. shiny, modern, colourful, etc.

Spellings: The children have all been working really hard with their spelling practise and this has been showing in their results. Thank you for your continued support with reading and spelling practise at home. New spellings to be tested on Friday 6th October 2017.

Spellings 29.9.17

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards


Secret Teacher Award 22.09.17

Well done to Harry who won this week’s Secret Teacher Award.  Miss Edwards nominated Harry for his beautiful manners!

Class 2 weekly update

English – This week the children have been reading ‘Flip Frog and the bug’ (red and yellow group), ‘Black Hat Bob’ (blue group) and ‘A Cat in a pot’ (green group). The children share the reading in partners and we discuss using expression to make the story more exciting. After reading the story the children are encouraged to write sentences about what they have read, remembering to include capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and we are now using adjectives more confidently. The children read everyday in school as we now use the Read Write Inc program for our English lessons. I would just like to reassure parents that we hear the children read everyday in class, however we only record in their reading book when we hear them individually. Thank you for your continued support with hearing your child read at home!

Maths – We have focused on addition this week. The children have been learning their number bonds to 10 and 20 and using equipment to show number bonds in a range of ways. In today’s maths lesson the children have been introduced to ten frames and how these show number bonds to 10 easily.

Science – Our Science linked with Art this week and the children made some beautiful collages of different seasons. These are displayed outside Class 2 on our ‘Work to be proud of’ display.

History – In History we looked at decades 1950 – 1990 and how toys have changed over time and what has stayed very similar. The children then put these dates into order and looked in more depth at the different toys.

Spellings – Spellings to be tested Friday 29th September 2017.

Spellings 22.9.17

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly Update

English – In English this week we have been focusing on the sounds s, d, igh and ow. We have continued to learn about the importance of capital letters and full stops in sentences and the children finished the week having a go at writing independently after watching a short video called ‘bubbles’.

Maths – We have continued place value and number recognition this week. The children have represented numbers in a range of different ways and had a go at their first arithmetic test. I was very impressed!

Science – The children made posters about different weathers in Science. They were put into partners and worked together to discuss the clothes they’d wear, activities they would do depending on the weather and how it would make them feel.

History – In History, we shared our findings from talking to older people at home and lots of children enjoyed talking about what they had found out. We then looked at lots of old toys and picked our favourite ones to draw and write descriptive sentences.

Art – Today we enjoyed looking at the artist Piet Mondrian. We then re created a piece of his art and made our own collages using the primary colours red, yellow and blue.

Spellings – Well done to all of the children for completing their first spelling test today and thank you for supporting the children with learning these. You can see their test in the back of their spelling book. New spellings to learn for next Friday are stuck in at the front of their books.

Spellings 15.9.17

Homework – The children have been given a piece of homework today on capital letters to link to our work in class. If they could complete and return this by Friday 22nd September please. On the back of their sheet is an additional piece on full stops. Please start with the capital letters and if you feel your child needs an additional challenge they can complete the work on full stops. Please feel free to write notes on the homework to allow me to see how much support your child needed in completing this.

capital letters and full stops homework

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 Weekly Update

We have had a brilliant first week back in Class 2 and the children have settled into the class routine very well!

English: The children’s English lessons this year are taught through Read Write Inc. The children begin each lesson with a speed sound (this week the sounds are m, a, ay and ee). We then get into our groups and spend time reading a book with our partner, the children are then given time to discuss the story before moving onto sentence work. We have been focussing on the correct formation of our letters, using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

Maths: In maths this week we have been counting to 10 and 20 and learning how to create these numbers in a range of different ways, using play dough, cubes, bears, etc. The children have also been matching up numerals to amounts and writing numbers as words.

History: Our new topic ‘Toys – Past and Present’ has been a great success with the children enjoying telling each other all about their favourite toys! They have painted their favourite toys for a display outside Class 2 (in the role play area) and spent time Friday afternoon writing descriptive sentences. Just a reminder that the children have been asked to find out what an older person at home used to play with when they were a child, ready for our next lesson on Thursday.

Science: In Science we discussed the four different seasons and what sort of weather to expect. They then had an activity where they had to decide what clothes their character would wear in each season.

Spellings: The children have been given a yellow Spelling book to keep in their book bags. We will have a weekly spelling test on Friday mornings relating to the sounds they have been focussing on in phonics that week. We had a practise of our new spellings on Friday morning in preparation. Please could you continue to support your child at home with learning their new spellings on the sheet they have been provided with. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in coming to see me before or after school.

Spellings 8.9.17

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards

First Day Back

We have had a busy first day in Class 2 today! The children have enjoyed sharing their Summer holiday adventures and showed each other what they have collected in their envelopes. If you still wish to bring in any envelopes they will be going on display at the end of the week.

The children were introduced to their new History topic ‘Toys – past and present’. We had a class discussion about our favourite toys and the children had fun painting their favourite toy for a display. I have challenged the children to ask an older person at home what they used to play with when they were younger. We will be starting our lesson (next Thursday), sharing our findings. Any notes or photos to help the children with this would be greatly appreciated. Some children have had fun in our new role play area this afternoon, which is our new Toy Shop outside Class 2.

A curriculum letter has been sent home today, giving an overview of what to expect this term. A copy is attached below.

Curriculum letter autumn 2017

Here are a few photos of their day 🙂

The last Forest School session

We had a brilliant last Forest School session on Wednesday. We luckily had another day of lovely weather and we finished with a fire and marshmallow smores! The children had a great understanding of health and safety and really enjoyed themselves.

Class 2 Weekly update

This week the children have been enjoying D&T. We started the week looking at a variety of fruits and describing them to our friends. The children were then asked to write descriptive sentences about the fruit they liked the most. We then carried out a survey to find out which fruit was the most popular. Year 1 children completed a pictogram to show their findings and year 2 made bar charts. We have been discussing healthy eating, the children enjoyed making their own balanced meals on a paper plate and sharing their ideas with their friends. On Tuesday we had lots of fun making our own fruit salads and the children were very sensible in the new eco room. We have been evaluating our fruit salads today and discussed what we liked and what we could have done to improve our over all product.

Spellings – The children had their final spelling test today. They have not been given new spellings to learn for next week.

Carrier Bags – Please could your child come to school next week with a carrier bag. This will allow them to start bringing home work and books we have gathered over the year.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards


Homework for children coming into Class 3 next year

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you are aware, the children from Class 2 spent a day in Class 3 yesterday for transition day. It was lovely to spend some time with them and get to know them all a little bit better.

All the children were given an envelope to take home with them over the summer holidays. I have asked them to fill the envelope with memories from their summer – leaflets, photos, pictures, shells, pieces of writing etc so that on the first day back in September, we can spend some time finding out about each other’s summer.

Please don’t worry if you misplace the envelope over the holidays, I have told the children to just collect things and put them in another envelope or bag.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop into Class 3 at the end of the school day to see me.

Thank you,

Miss Barratt