Class 2 Weekly Update

English: Blue group and Red group have worked within Read Write Inc groups Monday-Wednesday, whilst Green and Yellow group have worked independently on Little Red Riding Hood. These children have been writing questions to interview the Big Bad Wolf and then carrying out their interviews using the Ipads to record themselves. On Thursday (World Book Day), the children were introduced to our new story, ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’, we will focus on this story on Thursdays and Fridays. They began acting out the story and performing their presentation to the rest of the class, we then had a lovely Tiger Tea Party in the afternoon (photos to follow on Monday).

Maths: In Maths, the children have continued with place value and comparing numbers using the more than, less than and equal too symbols.

Science: The children investigated using magnets on Tuesday. They were challenged to find magnetic objects within the classroom and then had to draw and label these. On Thursday they decided that the Tiger in our new story does not have a very good diet as he eats everything! We designed a healthy, balanced meal for him and drew these ideas onto paper plates.

RE: Our question in RE, this half term is, ‘Why does Easter matter to Christians?’ The children began by thinking about Springtime and how we recognise signs of Spring. They then listened to the Easter story and discussed the sad and happy parts of the story.

Phonics: In phonics, we are now recapping on sounds as we have covered all of set 2 and 3 sounds in the Read Write Inc program. The children are now having phonics lessons focusing mainly on the spellings of different sounds and looking closely at real and nonsense words in preparation for the Phonics Screening test in June.

Spellings: We will complete our spelling test on Monday due to the snow day on Friday.

The new spellings for this week are to be tested on Friday 9th March 2018.

Spellings 2.3.18

I hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the snow!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly Update

English: In English this week we have been planning our own story based on ‘Beegu’. The children planned their story using story mountains and answering questions about their characters and the setting. They have written a draft version of their story, edited to improve it further and today have written their story in best – with some children earning a ‘pen licence’ and writing their story with a handwriting pen!

Maths: We have moved onto Place Value this week. The children have been learning to represent numbers in a range of different ways using base 10, ten frames and numicon. For example the number 32 can be represented as 3 tens and 2 ones.

Science: The children were experimenting with materials this week in Science. We met Ted who got wet at break time because he didn’t have an umbrella. The children made predictions, guessing which material would be best for an umbrella, then it was their job to test lots of materials to decide which would be best to make Ted his own umbrella.

Geography: In Geography, the children were given a picture of a jungle scene. We discussed what we could see and imagined what it would be like if we were stood in the middle of the jungle. The children used their senses and have written a lovely piece, describing their surroundings.

RE: The children have written their own prayers, inspired by everything they are thankful for.

Art: We looked at lots of natural objects on Tuesday e.g. shells, sticks, conkers, pine cones, etc. We then drew these in detailed sketches with a pencil.

Spellings: To be tested on Friday 2nd March 2018.

Spellings 16.2.18

Homework: The children are coming home with a piece of English homework – using ‘and’ to join two simple sentences and a piece of Maths homework – Counting in tens. This is due back on Friday 2nd March 2018.

English        Maths

Have a great half term!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 Weekly Update

English: Green and Yellow group have been doing RWI this week, whilst Blue and Red group have been writing as the Big Bad Wolf, they have written a letter to the Woodcutter apologising for trying to eat Little Red Riding Hood and writing questions to interview the Big Bad Wolf to get his side of the story. In Thursday’s lesson the children were learning how to write lists and wrote a list of all the places Beegu visited before finding her mum and dad. Today the children pretended to be Beegu and have written brilliant postcards to Beegu’s mum, informing her of their time on Planet Earth.

Maths: The children have continued with subtracting this week. They have been finding the difference between two numbers and using the inequality symbols (< > =) to complete number sentences.

Science: In Science, we were testing a range of materials to what properties they had e.g. were they bendy, not bendy, waterproof, not waterproof, opaque, transparent, etc.

Geography: We had a great time in the woods for our Geography lesson, identifying the features of a British Woodland. Today we compared our findings to that of a jungle/rain forest.

Computing: The children learned how to open applications such as Microsoft Word on the laptops this week and experimented with the program.

Spellings: To be tested Friday 16th February 2018.

Spellings 9.2.18

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Woodland Walk

We had a great afternoon in Bicton’s woodland area! The children were challenged to find things on a list that make up a British Woodland e.g. Streams or ponds, Fungi, Leaf litter, Insects, Birds, etc. We will have a class discussion tomorrow afternoon about how our British Woodland is very different to a Jungle/Rain forest


Thursday’s Geography Lesson

Please could Class 2 children bring in wellies and a waterproof coat on Thursday. The children will be going on a walk around the village and into the woods to identify the similarities and differences between our woodlands and the jungles/rain forests they have been learning about in Geography.

Thank you

Miss Edwards

Class 2 weekly update

English: Blue and red group have been doing RWI this week with adult support. Green and Yellow group have been reading Little Red Riding Hood and acting out the story. They have completed story maps showing the main parts of the story and put the story into the correct order. On Thursday the children were writing invitations to Beegu asking her to a pretend picnic and today they have written an independent letter as Beegu, to the children in the playground saying thank you for being so kind to her when she was lost.

Maths: The children have been learning how to subtract in a range of different ways this week. They have been practising counting back, using equipment and counting backwards on a number line to support them.

Science: In Science the children were making posters about a chosen material and describing their properties. They were then challenged to write sentences to describe their materials and a partner had to guess which material they were describing.

Handwriting: The children have been focusing a lot on their handwriting in Class 2. We have been learning how to form our letters correctly (starting in the correct place), practising leaders and descenders to lead onto joining our writing later in the term and remembering to check that our capital letters are much bigger than lower case letters and tall letters are tall, etc.

Computing: In Computing the children were learning about the different features of a laptop and had to label a laptop with a partner. They have been learning how to turn a laptop on and off safely.

PE: The children have been enjoying gymnastics on Mondays and placing movements into different sequences. Mr Bebb has been very impressed on Friday afternoons with the children’s enthusiasm in PE.

Spellings: To be tested Friday 9th February 2018.

Spellings 2.2.18

We said goodbye to Miss Roberts yesterday who has been working with the children in Class 2 for the last half term. We wish her well in her next placement and with the rest of her PGCE!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Edwards


Science Material Homework

Dear Parents and Carers,

In Class 2 we have started to learn about different materials such as metal, plastic and glass. We are now moving on to  what properties different materials have such as rough, smooth, shiny and soft. I would like the children to find any objects that have these properties in and around their house and draw and label pictures of their objects. We will talk about what they have found next week.

Homework due Friday 2nd February 2018.

Science Homework

Thank you for your support,
Miss Roberts

Class 2 weekly update

English: This week Green and Yellow group have been reading our RWI books as part of a guided read. On Thursday the children worked together to imagine Beegu’s planet and describe it using lots of lovely adjectives, they were then asked to write interesting sentences to describe the planet. Today we enjoyed our session in the outdoors, making shelters for Beegu and her friends.

Maths: The children have continued with addition this week. They have developed their addition skills using the part-whole models and looked at counting on from a given number to find a missing number in an addition sentence.

Science: The children were identifying the differences between an object and the material that it was made from.

RE: This week, we were thinking of examples of how Christians put their beliefs into practise in the church community and their own lives e.g. charity, confession.

Geography: In Geography this week, the children have looked at cloud forests. They were writing an extended piece to describe a cloud forest from what they have learned.

Spellings: To be tested on Friday 2nd February 2018.

Spellings 26.1.18

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards

English in the Forest area

We had a lovely morning in the Forest School area for English today. The children discussed what they imagined Beegu’s planet to be like and thought about how they could create her a home using the materials outside. The children were then challenged to make Beegu and her friends little homes in the Forest School.

English Lesson in the Forest School

Just a reminder, following my message on Friday – I would like to take the children into the Forest School tomorrow morning as part of our English lesson. Please could the children come in any old clothing and appropriate footwear e.g. wellies or walking boots. They will also need a waterproof coat and if available, waterproof trousers. If the weather is a little bit wet we will still go outside! The children will need to bring their school clothes to change into afterwards and their PE kits for PE with Mr Bebb in the afternoon.

Thank you

Miss Edwards