Forest School Session 2

We had a fantastic morning looking for mini beasts! The children were really careful with the bugs and made sure they placed them back where they found them.

Class 2 Weekly Update

Well done for a great first week back Class 2!

English: We have continued with Read Write Inc this week and some groups have been writing seaside poems independently. We have also started our new class book ‘Owl Babies’. The children have been acting out the story, discussing the owl’s feelings at different stages and sequencing the story.

Maths: The children have been counting in twos, fives and tens this week and grouping objects to find the answer to statements such as ‘how many lots of…?’ or ‘how many groups of…?

Science: We have started our new Science topic this week ‘Animals including humans’. The children began with drawing and labelling their body parts.

History: We have made a good start on our new topic ‘Seaside Holidays – past and present’. The children made seaside pictures out of a range of materials, researched different seaside animals in information books and watched a Punch and Judy show. They then had a go at performing their own puppet show in groups.

Art: We made seaside collages today. The children were brilliant at ripping up their different textured paper and placing them into a seaside scenery.

Spellings: Spellings to be tested Friday 27th April 2018.

Spellings 20.4.18

The children have been given a Forest School letter today and a letter about our class trip to the Cheshire Ice Cream Farm. Please come and see me if these did not make it home and I can give you another copy.

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 First Forest School Session

We had a great first session in Forest School this morning. The children explored the site, made their name badges and had fun spotting lots of different insects. We enjoyed our snack outside of biscuits and hot chocolate.

Class 2 Weekly Update

English: We have continued with Read Write Inc this week. The children have been encouraged to stop and check their work regularly to make sure they have included the correct punctuation, they are trying their best with their handwriting at that their writing makes sense.

Maths: The children have continued with measurement this week, concentrating on weighing different objects. They have been using balancing scales to say statements such as “a water bottle weighs the same as 35 cubes”. We have weighed objects with non-standard units only.

Science: In Science this week, the children were excited to write their own alternative version of The Three Little Pigs. They were asked to include different materials for the houses and include adjectives describing their properties.

RE: In RE the children listened to and sequenced the Easter story, some children were challenged to write sentences about what was happening at different stages of the story.

Spellings: Spellings were given out last week to be tested on Friday 20th April 2018.

Homework: Miss Melville has given the children a piece of Maths homework to complete over the Easter holidays on measuring and Miss Neal has provided the children with some English homework about the Easter Bunny. Please could this be handed in on or before Friday 20th April 2018.

Easter Maths homework

Easter English homework

Thank you for your hard work this term Class 2 and I hope you all have a love Easter holiday!

Miss Edwards, Miss Melville and Miss Neal


Class 2 Weekly Update

English: The children have continued with their RWI books Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and yesterday the children were thinking about where the tiger in our class story had come from. We decided he had escaped from the zoo! To help the zoo find him, the children were asked to make a missing poster including lots of details about the tiger.

Maths: In Maths this week, the children have been learning to measure using a ruler in centimetres. They have measure lots of objects and identified items that are shorter than 20cm and longer than 20cm. We then moved onto using a metre ruler, discussing that this is made up of 100cms and thinking about objects that are longer than 1m and shorter than 1m.

Geography: We have now finished our topic on Jungles and Rainforests and to show what the children can remember about their learning, they made little booklets including as much information as possible.

D & T: The children really enjoyed D&T on Tuesday. They tasted lots of different fruits and vegetables and discussed which was their favourite. I was very impressed with children trying new fruits and vegetables that they hadn’t tried before e.g. Mango, passion fruit, etc.

Spellings: Class 2 will be tested on their new spellings when we come back from the Easter holidays on Friday 20th April 2018.

Spellings 23.3.18

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards



Class 2 Weekly Update

English: As well as Read Write Inc at the beginning of the week, the children have been looking at non-fiction texts. They have been looking at information texts about tigers and finding out interesting facts. They have learned about the key features of a non-fiction text e.g. headings, sub-headings, pictures, labels and captions, etc and had a go at writing their own.

Maths: In Maths we have moved onto measuring and comparing lengths and heights. Today the children were using non-standard units to measure objects e.g. how many cubes long is this pencil? Whiteboard? etc.

Science: In Science the children had a lots of fun building The Three Little Pigs houses out of a range of different materials. They were given junk modelling, Lego, straw and sticks and had to make the houses working with a group. The children were encouraged to think about which was the best material due to its properties e.g. which was the strongest? Which was bendy? Which would withstand the wind? etc.

Geography: The children learned about the different layers of a rain forest this week and what we would find in each layer, e.g. in the Forest floor layer we would find leaf litter and animals such as beetles and other insects, in the Understory layer we would find shrubs and frogs and snakes, in the Canopy layer we would find tall trees and animals such as sloths and toucans and in the Emergent layer we would find the extremely tall trees and butterflys and Eagles.

D&T: Just a reminder that on Tuesday the children will be trying a variety of different fruits and vegetables. I have had a few slips back however if I do not hear back I will make the assumption that your child is OK to try all fruits and vegetables. Please let me know if there is anything your child cannot try by Monday. Thank you!

Spellings: To be tested Friday 23rd March 2018.

Spellings 16.3.18

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards

Today’s PE with the equipment

In today’s PE, the children showed great listening skills whilst having the gym equipment out. They had lots of fun exploring the equipment and worked well in groups and with a partner to support each other on each station.

Class 2 Weekly Update

English: In English, Yellow group and Green group have been doing Read Write Inc. Red and Blue group have been working independently on Little Red Riding Hood. They have been describing characters and settings and using a story mountain to plan their own version of the story. Thursday and Fridays lessons have been looking in more depth at ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. We noticed that the story has lots of apostrophes and looked at the difference between apostrophes for contraction and possessive apostrophes. This is very challenging work and the children have shown a very good understanding – Well done Class 2!

Maths: We have finished Place Value this week, ordering 3 numbers from smallest to largest and using the more than and less than symbols to compare them. We move onto measurement next week.

Science: In Science, the children were given different criteria to arrange materials e.g. rough, smooth, waterproof, not waterproof, transparent, opaque, soft and hard. They became detectives and walked around the school looking for materials that they could draw and label under each heading.

Geography: The children enjoyed looking at the artist Henri Rousseau in Geography this week. He paints jungle scenes which the children found very interesting. They had a go at creating their own versions of his jungle paintings, using watercolour paints. We have lots of little artists in Class 2!

D&T: We have started D&T by gathering data. On Tuesday the children had to make a tally chart of which fruit and vegetable was the most popular in Class 2. Once they had completed their tally charts, they made a pictograph to show their results.

Spellings: To be tested Friday 16th March 2018.

Spellings 9.3.18

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 World Book Day

On World Book Day, Class 2 were introduced to our new class story ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. We had a day based around this story, completing lots of fun activities. We began with listening to the story, followed by acting the story out in a group and presenting it to the rest of the class. We then thought about the Tiger’s diet and decided he didn’t have a very healthy diet as he ate lots of food from Sophie’s house. The children were given the task of designing a healthy meal for the tiger and drawing their design onto a paper plate. Before lunch we decorated biscuits ready for our Tiger Tea Party in the afternoon. The children had a lovely afternoon, decorating a tiger mask and eating lots of goodies at the tiger tea party.