Class 2 Weekly Update

The children have worked really hard this week and should feel very proud of themselves.

Maths – We have continued to identify and represent numbers in maths this week.

Year 1 – The children have been counting forwards and backwards from given numbers within 20. We have also had a go at painting our numbers really neatly to help with forming numbers properly and the correct way around. I have set the children some counting homework to complete and return by Friday 23rd September. Please encourage your children to complete this independently, if you wish to support your child, a little note at the bottom would be really helpful to suggest what they may have found difficult.


Year 2 – We have recapped on estimating this week, the children would look at a group of objects and make a sensible guess as to how many objects were in the tray. Year 2 have identified the tens and ones in two-digit numbers, using base 10 equipment and pictures. Finally we have been comparing numbers using mathematical language, greater than, less than and equal to. The children have been given a worksheet to complete and return by Friday 23rd September, they are expected to write the greater than (>), less than (<) and equal to (=) signs to make the number sentences correct.


English – After looking at the story ‘Who’s that’ – Arctic Animals, we have developed our writing skills to produce our own version of the story. We have discussed nouns this week and why it is important to use capital letters and have developed the use of adjectives to describe nouns. Thursday’s and Friday’s lessons were spent making our own book called ‘Who’s that’; the children have written and illustrated their stories beautifully.


Year 1 – have focused on the ‘j’ phoneme this week.

Year 2 – have learned the ‘dge’ spelling at the end of a word.

Spellings – We have completed our first spelling test this week and they have all done a fantastic job! Thank you for supporting the children throughout the week with their practises. They have been given their new spellings to be tested Friday 23rd.


Reading – Over the next couple of weeks I will be listening to individual children read. Therefore some children may move between bands until we are sure of their decoding and comprehension skills as well as their reading fluency. When you read with your child, it is helpful if you can ask them questions about the text as well as support them in decoding difficult words/sounds.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in coming to see me.

Have a brilliant weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards

Class 2 update


This week in maths we have been focussing on telling the time. Year 1 have concentrated on telling the time to the hour and half hour. Year 2 children started off with recognising quarter past and quarter to and today have been challenged further with telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes.


We have linked English with our Science topic – Year 1 have looked at Handa’s Surprise and had discussions about the story, sequenced the story and told it in their own words. Year 2 have been researching about habitats and writing at length about hot and cold habitats, using the conjunctions when, if, that and because.


To be tested on Friday 6th May:



Year 1 have been given a piece of homework to follow on from our time lessons to complete for Friday 6th May.

year 1 time homework

Year 2 have been given their Grammar booklets and I would like them to complete pages 8, 13, 16 and 40 for Friday 6th May.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards

Class 2 update and homework

Year 1

English: This week we have been looking at a range of poems with the theme of night time. The children have enjoyed looking at them and have all identified features of poetry that they enjoy. The children have written their own ‘goodnight’ poems and have been adding adjectives and commas where appropriate.

The year 1 children have been given a sheet to complete over the half term holidays. Miss Owen would like them to write their own poem based on a theme of their own choice, remembering to include adjectives and commas.

Year 1 English homework

Maths: This week we have been looking at weight. The children can identify which items are heaviest and lightest using estimation and a balance scale.

Year 2

English: The year 2 children have continued to focus on punctuation this week; we have looked at capital letters, full stops, commas, question marks, exclamation marks and apostrophes over the last 2 weeks and learned how to apply these in our independent writing.

The year 2 children have been given a sheet to complete over the half term holidays. I would like them to write about their holiday, remembering to include punctuation, adjectives and conjunctions.

Year 2 English homework

Maths: Last week the year 2’s became much more confident with their multiplication work, this week have focussed on division and how we can use equipment and pictures to divide an amount.

D & T

This week we made our fruit salads. The children enjoyed this and should now progress to completing their evaluation sheet which was given as homework.

D & T homework


I have provided the children with a sheet called ‘Spelling – Homework Ideas’, this provides the children with lots of fun, creative ways of learning their spellings. They do not have to learn them this way but I thought I would share it for those who would like to have a go.

Spellings 12.2.16

Spelling Homework Ideas

Have a lovely holiday!

Miss Edwards and Miss Owen

Class 2 Homework

The homework for Class 2 this weekend involves completing a food diary. This has been explained to all of the children. Their food diary should be completed for Saturday and Sunday.

Due in Monday 18th January.

Thank you for your support

Class 2 Homework due 18.1.16

Miss Owen

Class 2 Homework

I am sending home this fun activity to do with the children at home to help them with their counting in twos, fives and tens.

Clapping Times Tables Activity

We have had a go in class and the children really enjoyed it, however they do need a lot of practise.

This homework doesn’t require any written work to be handed in but I will be having another go with the children on Friday 27th November. With practise at home, I am expecting the children to be a lot more confident.

Counting in twos, fives and tens is very important in class 2 and a very common target,  with most children being set this. Please encourage your children to do this activity at home whenever they can, to help them reach their target.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to come and see me.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Edwards

Class 3 Targets

Dear Parents/Carers,

I have sent home each child’s maths and literacy target today. These are things that we will be working on in school but are also things for you to focus on with your child at home.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s target please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Barratt

Spellings and Homework due 6.11.15

The children have been given maths homework to complete over half term, relating to 2D and 3D shapes that we have been working on in class.

maths 23.10.15

Please find their new spellings below to be tested after half term on Friday 6th November.

Spelling Week 23.10.15

Have a lovely half term 🙂

Miss Edwards


Spellings and homework due-16.9.15

Please find attached the new spellings for this week.

Spelling Week 9.10.15

I have also attached the homework I have set today based on conjunctions. We have had a couple of lessons on conjunctions this week, the children have found this quite difficult so I’d like them to practise. Please encourage your children to complete this homework in pencil!

conjunctions homework

Please do not hesitate to come and see me if you have any questions or problems.

Have a nice weekend.

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Spellings

Dear Parents/Carers,

There will be no spelling test tomorrow (Friday 20th June) so the children will be tested on their current spellings next week instead. Class 2 will be taking part in tennis and yoga lessons tomorrow as part of health and fitness week and there will not be time to fit in spellings aswell.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Chadwick