Just a little update about what we have been up to this week…
This week in English we have been looking at the settings in fairy stories e.g. a castle setting in Sleeping Beauty, gingerbread house in Hansel and Gretel, etc. We have also taken part in more role play to act out our favourite scenes, used adjectives to describe the settings (year 1) and written expanded noun phrases (year 2). The children have enjoyed drawing their favourite setting and describing it to a partner.
As homework this week, I have provided the children with a sheet to draw their favourite fairy tale character. I would like the year 1 children to write adjectives around their character to describe them e.g. beautiful, funny, scary, etc. Year 2 children have a similar sheet however I expect them to write expanded noun phrases to describe their character e.g. She was lovely, beautiful and caring. Year 2 if you can add a conjunction and extend your sentence further…even better!
We have completed a second week looking at addition.
Year 1 – Year 1 started the week learning how to recognise one more/one less than a given number to 20. Then we explored how to add small numbers together mentally by starting with the larger number and counting on. We have also looked for patterns in addition sentences and have ended with addition word problems today.
Year 2 – Year 2 have learned how to partition 2-digit numbers into tens and ones using base ten. We then focussed on adding 2-digit numbers together, adding tens first then the ones to combine the two for an answer. Year 2 then recapped on adding 10 to a 2-digit number using a 100 square (as some children found this difficult last week), the children that grasped this were extended to add 20 and 30 to 2-digit numbers. Today we have completed addition word problems.
Year 1 – Have been recapping on the ‘ch’ and ‘th’ phoneme.
Year 2 – Have been looking at the ‘j’ sound spelt ‘g’ before ‘e’, ‘i’ and ‘y’ e.g. gem.
Here are this week’s spellings to be tested on Friday 7th October.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Edwards