English: The children have continued in their groups with Read Write Inc this week. Green group and Yellow group have worked on their new books with lots of lovely discussions taking place whilst Blue and Red group have been thinking about our topic Rainforests. They have worked with Miss Roberts to describe a rain forest setting and created a poem linked to our topic. Thursday and Friday English lessons were based on our new class story Beegu. The children were encouraged to write a set of instructions, explaining how to make a jam sandwich as Beegu wanted to have a picnic!
Maths: The children have been developing their addition skills this week. They have been looking in depth at the part-whole model, e.g. if 5 is the whole number, what could the parts be? 4 + 1, 3 + 2, 5 + 0, etc. They have completed these models with numbers up to 10 using equipment or drawing the model to support them. The children have also discovered that addition is commutative (it can be completed in any order) and some children have completed problems and explained their reasoning to give themselves an additional challenge.
Geography: In Geography we imagined that we were in a jungle and came up with different scenarios. The children then role played these scenarios in a group and performed them to the class. They were then challenged to draw their journey in the jungle and write a sentence explaining what they saw on their adventure.
RE: In RE the children have continued with our topic Gospel – What is the good news Jesus brings? We discussed how Jesus chose 12 men to be his world-changers, but they were not who people might expect. They had to think of some qualities for world-changers e.g. strong, kind, clever, helpful, good at sharing, etc and decide who they would choose as their world-changers.
Computing: Computing this week, saw the children experimenting with the touch pad on a laptop. They were using a program to design their own house, using the touch pad to drag and drop different items such as a door, window, fence, etc. They made some beautiful houses!
Spellings: To be tested on Friday 19th January 2018.
Spellings 12.1.18
Homework: The children were given a piece of handwriting homework to complete and return on Friday 19th January 2018. Green group were focussing on forming their letters correctly using the lines to support them. Blue group are focussing on forming their letters of a consistent size using the sun, boat and water to support them. Yellow and Red group are to practise their leaders and descenders, making sure they take care to stay on the line. I have attached the Read Write Inc guidance for handwriting below (please see Handwriting 1b to support with sun, boat and water letter formation).
RWI Handwriting Guidance
Nativity: Thank you for your support with the Nativity on Friday morning and Monday evening. The children did a fantastic job and made me very proud!
If you have any questions about the homework this week, please do not hesitate in coming to see me!
Miss Edwards