Bookworms – Thursday 19th January

Mrs Hughes is unable to do Book Club this week but children are welcome to go to Games and Modelling Club instead.

Forest School

We are pleased to let you know that when you shop at Tesco this month you will be given a blue token (if the cashier forgets, ask them for their charity tokens).  You can use this to vote for Forest School Sessions at our school.  The scheme is called Forest Meets Garden. The more votes we get the more likely we are to be able to offer more Forest School Sessions.

Thank you for your support


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Please can you return your Allergy sheet as soon as possible.   If you would like a new form please contact reception.

Happy New Year

We hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year and look forward to seeing the children again on Wednesday 4th January.

Mrs Johnson and staff

Class 3 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

The children have been set a Christmas Holiday homework on purplemash. They have been asked to write a poem about winter or snow. We have been doing lots of work on poetry over the last few weeks and they are very good at writing poems.

There are prompts on the left hand side of the homework online but I have told the children to ignore these and just focus on:

-Descriptive language

– Repetition

– Structuring and organising their poem correctly

This homework is due in on Friday 6th January. I have provided paper copies for the children who said they needed them.

Also, I have reminded children that they are expected to be learning their times tables each week. It is really important they continue to learn them throughout the year as this will help them in many different areas of  maths. We will begin to do times tables tests next term.

Thank you for your continued support throughout this term, it is very much appreciated. I hope you have a very happy Christmas. See you in the new year!

Class 3 Christmas Party

Dear Parents/Carers,

This year we will be having our own class Christmas party on the afternoon of Wednesday 14th December. As I am sure you are aware, this is the same day as the school Christmas Lunch so we are not doing a food list as in previous years but would appreciate any contributions of snack type food – biscuits, crisps, popcorn,  which the children can have throughout the afternoon.

The children must come to school in their uniform but can bring party clothes to change into in the afternoon.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop into school to ask. I would just like to take the opportunity to say thank you for your continued support throughout this term and have a Happy Christmas.

Photography Club

In view of class Christmas parties this week, photography club has been cancelled.