London Marathon – Design a Costume

Nikki Cooke is running the London Marathon in April to raise money for our school. Can all completed designs for the costume be returned to the office by Thursday 2nd March.

Valentines Disco – Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Valentines Disco and to the FOBs ladies (and Doug!) for organising yet another fantastic event. It raised £329 which is an amazing amount ?

Homework: Junk model musical instrument

Over the half term we would like children in Class 1 to make a musical instrument to bring into school on the first week back.  We would love to see what they can create using empty cereal boxes/tubes/ food packaging etc.  Don’t forget to put photos up on Tapestry of their creating.

The children will then get a chance to show the rest of the class their handiwork and the whole class will use them as part of our Mardi Gra celebrations.

We are also collecting junk modelling  so that the children can do more junk modelling during Child Initiated times.

Thank you 🙂

Mrs Bowes

School Disco on Friday

Just a quick reminder that all parents/guardians need to collect their children at 3.15pm on Friday and then accompany them to the disco at 3.30pm.

There will be no Cross Country club on Friday.

Thank you

Fobs competition

Dear parents and guardians,

If your child would like to take part in the competition to design the outfit for Mrs Nicola Cooke to run the  London Marathon, please return your child’s design to the school office by Friday 17th. The winning design will receive a T-shirt with the printing design on.  

Thank you for your support.


Condover – 2nd Payment

Please can we have your 2nd payment by Friday, 17th February 2017, at the latest.


Arthog – 2nd payment

Please can we have your second payment before we break up for half term – Friday, 17th February 2017 – £50.00.

Arthog – 2nd payment

Please note the 2nd payment for Arthog is due by Friday, 10th February 2017 – £50.00.

Class 3 Homework

This week the children have been set some maths homework on purple mash (paper copies have been given out to the  children who requested them).

The children need to use the shapes provided and describe their properties in as much detail as they can. Here are some key words to help them with their descriptions:

Regular, Irregular, angles, right angle, obtuse angle, acute angles, sides, equal.

This homework is due in on Friday 3rd February.