Class 3 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child has come home today with a short poem relating to one of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters. They have been asked to try their best to learn the poem for celebration assembly – this will be their homework for this week. Any support you can give them to help them learn their poem would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your continued to support,

Miss Barratt

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today revising the use of homophones.

Please encourage your child to complete their homework independently. This homework will be due back on Monday 27th March.

Thank you!

Miss Carr

Lost uniform

Please could you check that your child has not come home in any items of clothing which belong to another child, as we have a couple of children who have mislaid sweatshirts/cardigans in the last week (both of which are labelled with their names.)  If you could also check that your child’s uniform is labelled at the same time, we would be very grateful.

Many thanks for your support.

Mini Marathon – Latest News From Nikki!

Thank you to all the children and their parents who have taken the time to create an outfit for me. The thought and effort that has been put into them all is wonderful. Choosing a winner is not going to be easy!
The winner will be announced in the celebration assembly on March 31st.
This is also the day of the Mini Marathon.

I will be at the school all day to support the children in their efforts. I am training hard every week and have just completed 18 miles. Are any of the children in training?
It may help them to get further on the day!
Every child will take part in doing laps of the field. It doesn’t matter how many they do or how fast they do it. We will count the laps completed throughout the day and see how many Marathons the children can cover between them all!
It’s all about having fun whilst being active and hopefully raising some money for the school through being sponsored by family, friends and neighbours for their efforts.
I have also been busy fundraising; my raffle raised just over £400 and with my family and friends’ donations on top of that,I have raised a total of almost £900 which is brilliant! I would love to get more for the school so I will keep fundraising.
Remember, all the money that I raise and your children raise at the Mini Marathon goes to the school, which will benefit the current and future children of Bicton School.
To thank the children for the efforts on the day and their fundraising, they will all be rewarded with a medal when they have finished their laps of the field just like a real marathon runner!
They will be returned to them by the end of the day if necessary, for them to collect any remaining sponsorship (all to be handed in by the 7th April).

Thank you so much in advance for your support with this exciting event.

Nikki x

Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 17th March

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child has been set some homework on purplemash – it’s a bit different this week as I have set them a game to play. This game will reinforce their understanding of fractions and assess their understanding so far. I have told children that they can play on it as many times as they want to but they must play on it at least once. They choose the level called ‘Pizza Rookie’ – please do not allow them to choose any other level as they will not have covered work relating to those levels.

The children who have recently joined Class 3 have been given their username and password on a laminated card which they need to keep safe. They have also come home with a letter which explains what purplemash is and how to access it.

If for any reason your child is unable to access the purplemash game at home, please could you write a note in their home-link book and I will find some time within school to allow them to complete their homework.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Barratt

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 have been set a reading comprehension as homework today. Year 5 will be reading a non-fiction text, and Year 4 will be reading a historical diary entry.  Please remind your child to look at how many marks the question is worth – this will tell them how detailed their answer should be.

This homework is due in on Monday 13th March.

Thanks for your ongoing support.

Miss Carr



Class 3 Trip to Chester Reminder – Monday 6th March

Dear Class 3 Parents and Guardians,

As you are aware Class 3 are going to visit The Roman Dewa Museum in Chester on Monday. This is just a reminder of the key details of our trip:

• We will be leaving school after registration and will be returning to school at approximately 3:40pm.

• Children should wear school uniform. The trip will include a Roman Soldier Patrol around Chester so it is important your child wears warm clothing, comfortable shoes and a rain coat, preferably with a hood.

• Children will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink (no glass bottles please). Please can packed lunches be brought in plastic carrier bags so they can be thrown away.

• Children may bring spending money for the shop if they wish which should be in a named envelope or purse/wallet (No more than £5 please).

Both children and staff are really looking forward to the trip and it is going to be a fantastic day for all.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Miss Barratt

Mardi Gras day in Class 1

Next Tuesday ( 7th March), we will be having a Mardi Gras celebration day. The colours of Mardi Gra are Green, gold and purple, and we would like all the children to come to school wearing one, two or even all of those colours on that day.

On the day we will have a parade around school wearing our masks and playing our instruments, plus lots more Carnival fun.

Thank you for completing the musical instrument homework, it has inspired the children to form bands, talk about how they made them and have a go playing each others.  With all the junk modelling that has been donated many more will be made in class.




The children really enjoy using money for role play. Today they were busy busy pancakes for 1p and 2p.

We thought it would be nice if we can have some real coins for the children to use and would be very grateful if you could raid your pockets and purses and donate some 1p and 2 p coins.

thank you

Class 1 🙂

Class 4 Homework

The children in Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today based on their learning in English over the past few days.

The Year 4 children will be practising using adverbial phrases, and ensuring that they are punctuated correctly.

The Year 5 children will be practising recognising and using modal verbs.

Please encourage your child to complete as much of their homework as they are able, and to return their homework books promptly on Monday 6th March.

Miss Carr