Class 3 Outdoor Learning

Dear Parents/Carers,

Just a reminder that your child will need to bring a raincoat and wellies (or trainers that they don’t mind getting wet) to school this week. These will need to stay school all week so that your child can take part in our English and Maths lessons outside this week.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt

Gardening Day – THANK YOU!

Thank you to everyone who came along and helped at the gardening day on Saturday.  It was a fantastic day and, thanks to all the groundwork, gardening and painting that was done, the wildlife garden is really taking shape.  One more day should do it!

Thank you to FOBs for serving refreshments throughout the day, to the Co-op for their generous donations and to people who brought along cakes and snacks to keep everyone going.

Class 3 Outdoor Learning Next Week

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next week we are doing some outdoor learning linked to both our English and Maths work. We are planning to go out whatever the weather so please can your child bring in suitable clothing to school. The weather is set to be quite changeable throughout the week so it would be good if your child could bring clothing suitable for both wet and warm weather – wellies, raincoat, sun hat and sun cream. I have asked the children to bring in their clothing on Monday and leave it in school until Friday. The children still need to wear school uniform each day.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Miss Barratt

Class 4 Homework

Class 4 will be bringing home a new piece of homework today, revising the use of commas in writing.  Please encourage your child to complete their homework as independently as possible.

This homework is due back on Monday 15th May.

Thank you!

Miss Carr


Disabled parking spaces – polite reminder

Please could we ask you not to park in the disabled parking spaces in front of and alongside the school, unless you have a blue badge or you have mobility difficulties.  We have a number of parents/grandparents who need a disabled parking space as close as possible to the school building, especially at the end of the day.  We are aware that these spaces are frequently being used by adults who do not need a disabled space so we thank you in advance for your cooperation with this.

Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 12th May

This week I have sent home some maths homework relating to column addition. We are due to revise both column addition and subtraction next week so revision at home will definitely help them with our lessons next week.

Below are copies of the homework should your child loose their sheet. They should remember which one they were given.

Sheet 1 – Column Addition using pictures to develop understanding (no carrying involved).

Picture Column addition (no carrying)

Sheet 2 – Column Addition with numbers (no carrying)

Column addition no carrying

Sheet 3 – Column Addition with numbers (with carrying)

Column addition with carrying

Feel free to support your child as necessary. In class we focus on using the correct place value terminology when using column addition. For example:



We would say 4 add 2, 20 add 40 (or 2 tens add 4 tens), 300 add 500 (or 3 hundreds add 5 hundreds) – this reinforces to the children the place value columns each number is in to deepen their understanding of the method.

If you have any questions please feel free to pop in and ask.
Please can children hand in this homework by Friday 12th May.

Just a side note – some children requested two pieces of homework because they were unsure whether they could remember how to carry or not.  I have allowed them to have two but have made it clear they are not expected to complete both sheets, they can if they want to but they are only expected to complete one. I have explained that they may want to have a go at maybe 3 on the no carrying and if they are confident they can stop and have a go at the carrying sheet.

Gardening Party Saturday 13th May

Are you free for a few hours on Saturday 13th May?  If so, we would love you to join us at our next ‘all hands on deck’ gardening party!

We still have lots of planting to do, fences to be painted and play equipment to be reinstalled, as well as plenty of other jobs, so your help is much needed.  If you would like to take part in the event on 13th May, please could you sign the contact list in reception or speak to myself or one of the FOBS committee.  We would like to know who is coming so we can prepare the tasks and organise refreshments.

Even if you weren’t able to join us at our previous gardening day a few weeks ago, you may remember seeing the photos on the website and it really was a fantastic and very productive day for all those involved. We are hoping that this next event will help us finish as much as possible in the wildlife garden so that the children can start to enjoy it!

Thank you in advance for your support.

Years 3 – 6 Research study

Get Involved in a National Research Study!
Our school is taking part in a national research study about child anxiety funded by the National Institute for Health Research.  We are hoping as many families as possible with children in Years 3 – 6 will get involved.  The research team from the University of Reading are really keen for a broad range of families to take part, including those with children who are confident, those who are anxious and those in between.   We are sending home information about the research study, together with some short questionnaires.  You can also find out more about the research, agree to take part and complete the short questionnaires here: 
As a way of saying thank you, the University of Reading will provide our school with £1 for each complete set of returned questionnaires (parent, child, teacher) – so it’d be great to get as many families involved as possible!

New Summer topics

Our new topics this term are All Creatures Great and Small and Green fingers.  A paper copy of the areas we will be covering will be sent home tomorrow.

Please find attached a topic web displaying initial ideas for activities and learning opportunities. These activities and learning opportunities will be adapted and enhanced depending upon the interests and progress of the children.

Things to remember: 

  • Your child can bring in a named water bottle into school. There is always water available throughout the day.
  • Your child can bring in a healthy snack to eat at break time.   Fruit is provided on a daily basis in school.
  • Please provide a coat as the weather is still changeable.  This can be kept in your child’s locker.
  • We have a wellie rack outside for your child to keep a pair of named wellies in school.
  • Please make sure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name, including shoes/pumps.
  • There is a green basket in the room, near the lockers. This basket is there for your child to put the home link book messages, money, messages into.
  • Any monies for school dinners etc. are to be put in a named, sealed envelope stating what the money is for.
  • Please could we ask for children to refrain from bringing in their own toys into school. Children get very upset if their toys get broken by accident or go missing!

Reading:  The children in Class 1 are making super progress, reading at  home really helps them to continue to improve.

Reading/book bags need to be in school each day. Reading takes place every day in class, whether through guided reading, group reading, shared reading or independent reading sessions. Your child will read to an adult regularly in class on a one to one basis. Children should be encouraged to read a range of materials as well as their reading scheme books, such as magazines, leaflets, newspapers etc. When you have read with your child at home, please write a comment in the reading diary.

PE Kits

Physical development takes place at least twice a week. Please could you ensure that your child has a full PE kit in their locker all week.


The first term of using Tapestry has gone well.  The children enjoy sharing what they have done at home and the photos that you add.  So do please keep adding to your child’s online journey.

summer 17