Class 5 Homework

Homework this week is based on our learning in English this week; using commas for clarity. The homework is to review how confident children are with the placement of commas in sentences. This will be due back by Wednesday 4th October.

Class 5 Weekly Update


In English we have been creating a piece of writing based on an eyewitness account of somebody who saw the murder of King Duncan in our novel, Macbeth. At the beginning of the week we improvised a piece of drama based on what we thought had actually happened, and then we drafted, edited and improved our own account of the events of that night. We also focused on using commas for clarity in our writing.


In Year 6 this week, we have been learning the formal written methods of long division. We began the week dividing by using factors, and then moved onto long division without remainders, and then with remainders. We also had a go at solving problems using reasoning. Year 5 have had a week problem solving based on inverse operations, rounding, and multistep addition and subtraction problems. They have also been using reasoning to show how their answer has been reached.


This week we continued looking at the evolution and adaptation of plants and animals. The children worked in pairs to create an animal and a plant that were perfectly suited to their given environment. They had to describe the adaptations the creature and plant had made, and some were challenged to explain how their creature contributed to its own environment.


We began our bread-making unit this week. The children completed an in-class survey of different bread types that were used in everyone’s households, and what bread products were most commonly used for. They used the results to inspire a prototype shape design for their own bread roll. We will be testing which shapes will be the most successful next week when we do some salt dough baking.


In R.E this week, we completed our research on the five pillars of Islam. The children are now creating their own five pillars reflecting on those who support them in their everyday life.


In P.E this week, the children learned about counter balance and counter tension which they will be using to create routines next week.

A week in Class 1

What a busy week!   We have learned 3 new sounds – n, p and g.   Ellie visited the class on Wednesday to do Music, the children explored different ways to play the drum and make loud and quiet noises.

In Maths we have looked at 2d shapes, made shape pictures, gone on shape hunts and practised counting as high as we can.

Our Nursery rhyme was Rock a bye baby, this linked to our theme of babies this week and people who we love and who are special to us.

In PE the children enjoyed using the balance bikes and have had plenty of outdoor physical development opportunities.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in their details for Tapestry, passwords have been emailed out, please check your Junk mail as this is where the activation link may be.


Read Write Inc – ‘g’

Today the children looked at the sound ‘g’ . They practised saying this bouncy sound – g,g,g,g, looked a t objects and pictures beginning with the sound.

The children had a go at forming the letter, as they write the letter we say ‘ round the girls face, down her hair and giver her a curl.’

Read Write Inc – ‘p’

Today the children looked at the letter and sound ‘p’.  This a is bouncy sound.

We looked at pictures and objects beginning with ‘p’.  Finally we had a go at forming the letter.  As we write ‘p’ we say ‘ Down the plait and over the pirate’s face’

Pantomime Visit – Reminder

Please can all Pantomime permission forms be returned by Friday 29th September, I need to confirm numbers by 1st October.

If you do not wish your child to watch the pantomime, please can you indicate this on the permission slip.

Image result for snow white and the seven dwarfs




Class 5 Homework

New homework linked to our learning in maths has been sent home today in homework books.

Year 6s will be practising the method of long multiplication, and Year 5s will be applying their learning in addition and subtraction to solving multistep problems.

This homework will be due back by Wednesday 27th September.


New spellings have been set today.  Please encourage your child to read the word aloud, cover it, and then spell it.

I would also like every child to choose four of the spellings to write in sentences.

These spellings will be tested on Friday 29th September.
