Harvest Celebration Assembly

As you are hopefully aware, it is our Harvest Celebration Assembly on Friday 20th October. As well as sharing in the children’s achievements this term, we will also be saying thanks for any Harvest donations you are able to offer.

Last year we collected a fantastic amount of food items which were donated to the Shrewsbury Food Bank.  If every child could bring in just one item that would be amazing and all donations of tinned provisions, packets, fruit and vegetables etc will be very gratefully received.

Please could you leave any donations on the table at the main office and we thank you in advance for your support.

Read Write Inc ‘u’

Today the children looked at the letter ‘u’.  They practised saying this bouncy sound and looked at pictures beginning with ‘u’.

The children  then had a go at forming the letter, when we write ‘u’ we say ‘Down and under the umbrella, up to the top and down to the puddle.’

All letters and sounds covered can be found here:


Class 5 Weekly Update


In English we have concentrating on the use of formal and informal language. This week, the children wrote an extract from either Macbeth or Lady Macbeth, using formal language. They then drafted a newspaper article in which they are quoted from this extract. We looked at the features of newspaper articles, and how we could include these in our own articles.


In maths this week we have been revising finding factors of numbers. Year 5 have been finding common factors of numbers, and Year 6 have been problem solving and reasoning. We have also learned about prime and composite numbers by creating prime factor trees, and Year 5 have been learning the prime numbers below 20. Year 6 finished the week by learning about common multiples of numbers, and solving some tricky problems using their knowledge of factors and multiples. Some children also had a go at an online game; making a chain of factors and multiples. If they would like to have a go at home, the game can be found following this link:

Factors and Multiples Game



We continued our bread-making unit this week. The children had a brilliant time on Tuesday afternoon doing different bread related activities! They sifted different types of flour and thought about what kind of bread each flour would make, they tasted different bread rolls and described what they liked and disliked about them, they made and shaped salt dough bread roll designs to see which shapes were most successful, and they smelt a variety of spices that would have been available to the Ancient Egyptians to see which one they wanted in their own roll.


In R.E this week, we shared our ideas to describe the Muslim faith, based on all the knowledge they have gained so far this term. The children generated some fantastic ideas; generous, committed, faithful, peaceful, respectful and more. The children then created their own plan describing all the people and things that they were respectful of in their own lives.


In P.E the children worked in pairs to create a presentation using all the skills they have learned over the last few weeks which included moving symmetrically, counter balance, and counter tension. They have also continued invasion games with Mr Bebb on Friday afternoon.

Read Write Inc – ‘k’

Today the children in Class 1 looked at the letter ‘k’.  They practised saying this bouncy sound k-k-k-k.  They looked at pictures and objects beginning with ‘k’.  The children then had a go at forming the letter. When we write the letter ‘k’ we say ‘Down the kangaroo’s body, tail and leg.’

All the letters we have covered and will be covering this term can be found on this Powerpoint:


Read Write Inc -‘c’

Today the children in Class 1 looked at the letter ‘c’.  We practised saying  this bouncy sound c-c-c, we looked at pictures and objects that begin with ‘c’.

The children then practised forming the letter, when we write ‘c’ we say  ‘Curl around the caterpillar.’

All of our sounds can be found on this PowePoint –  Set-1-Sounds-PowerPoint


Tapestry – online learning journal

Thank you for returning your details to set up a Tapestry account.  All details have been entered into the system.  Half of you have now activated your accounts.  If you have not done so yet, please check your junk/spam boxes for the email.  I have resent the link this morning to all accounts that have not yet activated their account.


Thank you

Open Door

Year 6 had a brilliant day at Shrewsbury Abbey.

They did lots of different activities; silk painting, mosaics, creating a stole, maths models and many more!


Read Write Inc – ‘o’

Today the children looked at the sound ‘O’.  We practised saying this bouncy sound – o-o-o-o.  The children looked at pictures and objects beginning with ‘o’.

Finally we practised forming the letter.  When we write ‘o’ we say ‘All around the orange.’


Harvest Service – Choir Performing

We hope to see as many of the Choir as possible tomorrow at the Harvest Service at Bicton Church at 6:30 pm. The children will be singing 2 songs and we would prefer children to be wearing school uniform please.  Many thanks