Weekly News 27.10.17

Non-uniform Fundraiser 

On Friday 3rd November (next Friday), we are having a non-uniform day to help raise funds for school. Children are able to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for paying £1 per child (£2 per family) and some of the monies raised will be put towards buying prizes for the tombola at the Christmas Fair.

We thank you in advance for your support.

Mrs Johnson and FOBs


We look forward to seeing the children on Monday 30th October and hope you have a good weekend.

Harvest Celebration Performances

Just a quick note to let you know that the Harvest Celebration videos are now in the class areas for you to enjoy! Thank you again to Mr Williams for filming the performances for us.

Class 5 Homework

Class 5 homework over half term is revising some of the trickier concepts we have learned in maths this half term.

Year 5 will be multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, and Year 6 will be solving problems using their knowledge of ‘Order of Operations’ (BODMAS/BIDMAS, follow link for more information BODMAS/BIDMAS ).  I would like your child to complete the highlighted sections on their sheet.

This homework is due back by Wednesday 1st November.

Assembly request!

Please could all Class 5 children come to school on Friday wearing a black outfit? This can be black leggings/trousers and a black tshirt/jumper, or a black skirt and black tights.  If you don’t have any black clothing then dark grey or navy is fine.  We would be grateful if the children could bring their school polo-shirt and jumper/cardigan to change into after the assembly.

We are really looking forward to Friday and hopefully we will see you there!

Miss Carr and Mrs J

Read Write Inc – ‘r’

Today the children looked at the letter ‘r’.  They practised saying this stretchy sound – rrrrr. We looked at pictures and objects beginning with ‘r’.

When we write the letter we say ‘Down his back and curl over hos arm.’

Weekly update 17.10.17

Harvest Celebration

We hope to see you at our Harvest Celebration this Friday in the school hall at 9:25.  The children are looking forward to sharing their end-of-half-term performances with you and celebrating their achievements this term.  Please can we ask that you use the Village Hall, once the school car park is full, and refrain from parking outside the school on Bicton Lane as this can cause the road to become blocked. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

This time we will require all visitors – parents, friends and family members – to sign in on arrival and signing-in sheets will be at the main entrance for you to use on arrival and then sign out on your departure. This is part of our safeguarding procedures.

Harvest Donations

Thank you for the donations we have received so far and there is still time for you to bring a donation into school if you would like to do so.

Car Park Safety

Please can we remind adults to adhere to the speed limit when driving into and out of the school car park, particularly when dropping off at Breakfast Club.  The speed limit is there for everyone’s safety. Thank you.

Church Inspection

We are looking forward to welcoming an inspector into school this Thursday, to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of our school as a church school.


Please remember to check the website for clubs running next half-term, just in case there are any changes.

Letters home this week

NSPCC letter – whole school


On behalf of all the staff and governors, thank you for all your support this half term and we hope you have a good half-term break.


Harvest Celebration in Class 1

This half term the children have been learning about Harvest Festival. They have looked at Harvests around the world as well as in the UK.  To end our unit the children will be baking bread on Thursday.   We have read the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ and all the children have agreed that they will be very helpful not like the animals in the story.

As part of our Celebration the children would like to bring in some food from home and set up a Harvest Festival display in the class room (this will then be added to the whole school Harvest collection on Friday). 

Some of the work we have done is displayed in outside the classroom in our Reflection area.

Read write inc – ‘h’

Today the children in Class 1 looked a the letter ‘h’.   They practised saying this bouncy sound – h-h-h-h.  They looked at pictures and objects that begin with’h’.

When writing the letter we say ‘ Down the head to the hooves and over his back.’


Read Write Inc – ‘l’

Today the children looked at the letter ‘l’.  They practised this stretchy sound – llll and looked at pictures and objects beginning with ‘l’.

To write the letter we say ‘Down the long leg.’