Class 5 Weekly Update


We began this week in English with an exciting invitation to a feast held by Lady Macbeth in the Great Hall. We all sat down to enjoy food and drink when Macbeth (Mrs J), began to act very strangely… We discussed what was happening to Macbeth and decided that all of his crimes were causing him to become insane. We then planned, drafted and published an essay based on how the insanity of Macbeth becomes more and more apparent as the story goes on. The children worked extremely hard on these and should be very proud of the fantastic writing they produced.

We also learned about the active and passive voice in our GPS session, and the children converted sentences from active to passive.


We began a new unit on fractions this week. The children began the week by using bar models to simplify fractions, and show equivalent fractions using bar models. Year 6 then moved on to converting mixed numbers and improper fractions, and creating addition and subtraction number sentences showing these. Year 5 compared fractions by converting them so that they have a common denominator.


We have continued with our topic of Evolution and Inheritance this week. We looked at human evolution, and where Scientists discovered what they know about human evolution. We looked at an image of the earliest fossil that showed Bipedal walking, and talked about the advantages of humans evolving to walk on two feet. The children then investigated the evolution of flight, and how Cladograms can be used to show evolutionary relationships. They then created their own cladograms showing the relationships between different living organisms by considering their shared characteristics.


In R.E this week, we introduced our new topic which is ‘The Big Story’ in Christianity. This week, we looked at what the Old Testament said about Jesus. The children wrote their own section of the Old Testament and the class created an amazing mind map of words and phrases to describe Jesus.


In P.E this week, the children began the unit of football with Mr Steed. Next week, please can all children bring in footwear suitable for wearing on the school field. The children have also been asked as part of next week’s PE session to consider different types of dancing ready for our dance unit with Mrs J.


Dear Parents/Carers,

I have sent home a copy of our school handwriting patter which we follow in class. This is so that you can help your child to form their letters properly and reinforce how we teach them at school – this will particularly help them with their spelling homework (please see the front of their spelling books for a note about this).

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to pop in and ask.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt

Read Write Inc this week

This week the children have looked at a new sound each day.

‘v’ – Down a wing, up a wing.’

‘y’ – ‘Down a horn, up a horn and under his head.’

‘w’ – ‘Down, up, down, up.’

‘z’ –  ‘ZIg, zag, zig.’

‘x’ – ‘Down the arm and leg, and repeat the other side.’


Class 3 Spellings – to be tested on Friday 10th November

Dear Parents/Carers,

There is a note in the front of every child’s spelling book regarding spelling practise from now on. Please ensure you read this and if there are any questions please don’t hesitate to pop in and ask.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt



Non Uniform Day – Reminder

Tomorrow, Friday 3rd November, is a non-uniform day to help raise funds for school. Children are able to come to school wearing their own clothes in exchange for paying £1 per child (£2 per family) and some of the monies raised will be put towards buying prizes for the tombola at the Christmas Fair.

Arthog – 2018

If you would like your child to attend Arthog next year please can you return permission slip and £30 deposit by Thursday, 16th November at the latest.

Class 2 PE

Just a quick note to make you aware that Class 2 will now have PE on Wednesday afternoons as usual and Friday mornings with Mr Crefield teaching the children Tennis. Please could the children have their kit in school everyday and a warmer kit provided in case their tennis lessons are outside.

Thank you!

Miss Edwards

Clubs this week 30.10.17 -03.11.17

Just to confirm that cross country and Brill club are on this Friday – they may not have shown on the original clubs list but they are definitely on!

Football club has now finished until later in the spring term and we would like to say a huge thank you to James Webster for running the club last half term.
