Tennis Friday am

Please can the children still come into school tomorrow morning in their PE kits, ready for Tennis (they should have all brought their kits home tonight). They then need to bring in their Pyjamas to change into after their Tennis lesson.

Thank you

Miss Edwards

Scholastic Book Club

Please can I have all orders by the end of school tomorrow, Thursday 16th November.  Thank you

Raffle Tickets

To help raise funds for Friends of Bicton School (FOBS)  4 raffle tickets have been sent home to each family today which we would appreciate if you could sell amongst your friends and family for £1 per ticket. Your tickets will be entered in the national prize draw, which will take place on 5th January 2018, giving you an opportunity to win the prizes detailed in the poster below. 75% from the sale of each ticket will be paid to FOBS helping us raise much-needed funds for the school.

A4 Raffle Poster FOBS

We appreciate that not everyone will wish to participate in the raffle; please then simply return the unsold tickets to the school as soon as possible. For those who do wish to participate, please return the completed ticket stubs, payments and any unsold tickets to school by Monday 27th November. We thank you in advance for your support.

Class 5 Weekly Update


In English this week, we have been planning a piece of poetry based on the witches prophesy in Macbeth. We have looked at similes, metaphors and personification, and the children looked at a range of poetry and spotted as many poetic features as they could. They then created their own mind map of ideas that would create strong imagery for the reader, ready to start drafting their poems next week.

We also began looking at colons, semi-colons and dashes, and when to use which in our writing. We found this quite challenging, and will continue practising this next week.


We have had another good week learning about fractions in maths. We started the week adding fractions with the same denominator (Year 5), and adding fractions with denominators that are multiples of each other (Year 6). The children are getting good at giving fractions a common denominator in order to compare them, add or subtract them. We then moved on to adding mixed numbers and showing our calculations as bar models, and then as jumps on a number line. The children have done really well with this and most feel confident in this area.


In Science, we are reaching the end of evolution and inheritance unit, and the children began planning their own ‘Just so’ story, based on the stories by Rudyard Kipling. They each chose an animal, and then had to research a physical characteristic of that animal and create a fictional story explaining how the animal got that physical characteristic. They are in the midst of writing their final versions, and we hope to finish these off next week.


In D.T this week the children evaluated the bread rolls that they made before half term. They described the appearance, taste and texture of their rolls, what they liked and disliked, and what they would do differently if they were making them again.


In R.E this week, we have continued our topic of Incarnation. The children have been discussing how important Jesus is to Christians. They discussed all the different names that Jesus is known by, and recorded these names and all the different qualities that support these names.


In P.E this week, the children continued their football sessions with Mr Steed on the field.  As part of the NSPCC ‘Buddy’s Big Work Out’, the children have decided to have a sponsored dodgeball tournament . We will be doing this in next week’s PE session.

Class 1 and 2 Nativity

A king is born 

The children and staff are very excited that it is that time of year again for the Christmas production!

A letter has been sent home with the part your child will be playing in the production and details of any items of clothing they might need to bring in from home.

We have some costumes in school for the children to use, but would appreciate any that can be provided from home.

If you have any difficulty getting hold of any of this, please don’t hesitate to let us know.  Please bring your child’s costume from home in a named carrier bag no later than Monday 4th of  December.

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to come and ask us.

Read Write Inc

This week the children have looked at 4 digraphs (2 letters that make one sound)

‘sh’ – When writing it we say – ‘Slither down the snake; down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back.’

‘ch’ – When writing it we say ‘curl around the caterpillar, then down the horses’ head to the hooves and over his back.’

‘th’ – When writing it we say ‘ ‘Down the  tower, across the tower, then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back.’

‘qu’ – When writing it we say ‘ round her head, up past her earrings and down her hair, then down and under, up to the top and draw the puddle.’

Missing Purse

I am sorry to have to inform you that Lily in Class 4 has had her purse taken from her locker at some point this afternoon (Tuesday.)  It is a small green canvas purse with a yellow L on it and it had £1.20 inside in 20p pieces for her milkshake.

I have already spoken to several Class 4 parents or grandparents in the last hour and I am very grateful for your support in this matter.  I am still working my way through the Class 4 register but, in the meantime, please could I ask you to check your child’s bag with them just in case they have brought the purse home in error.  We take matters like this very seriously and would ask that you speak to your child just in case they think they may know who may have taken the purse and money.

This has been copied to Class 5 parents, as the children share the same cloakroom.  If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to speak to me and I thank you again for your support.

Mrs Johnson

Class 2 Tennis

Just a quick note to ask if Class 2 children could come into school on Friday mornings, in their PE kit ready for Tennis. They can then bring their school uniform with them to change back into after the lessons. This will allow the children to come in as usual and we can all make it down to worship on time 🙂

Mr Crefield sometimes take the children out onto the playground if the weather is dry so please could they wear something warm. Thank you.

Miss Edwards

Class 5 Homework

This week’s homework is to create a character portrait and character description of Macbeth. I have talked this through with the children, and we shared ideas about what our portrait could look like, and how we could describe Macbeth’s character. This is all to be completed in pencil please, and I would like it to be returned by Wednesday 8th November.