Class 5 Homework

Year 5 – I would like Year 5 to complete a reading comprehension. This is in their books and I would like the answers to be written in full please. This is due back by Wednesday 29th November.

Year 6 – Year 6 are today taking home a copy of the 2017 Maths SAT papers that they have completed over the last fortnight. I would like the children to look at the problems they got wrong, and work with an adult to see where they have made errors. Please could these papers be returned inside the red folders by Wednesday 6th December.

Free online books to read at home

The children in Class 1 have been enjoying reading and listening to stories from the Oxford Owl website.  I have set up a class 1 login for them to access this at home.

username:  class1bicton

password: bictonschool

Do write in your child’s reading diary if they read some of these books with you.

Read Write Inc – Digraph revision

This week the children have revised qu, ch and ng.

The children though of words containing the digraphs and had a go at spelling them.  Many have used some of their phonic knowledge to write menus for our class cafe.

qu – queen, quick, quarrel, squirrel, quiz

ch – cheese, chips, chocs, chatter, children

ng –  strong, long, song, king, ring

Here is a fun set of games to play that will help your child with segmenting and blending:

NSPCC Sponsorship

Can all sponsorship forms and money be returned to the school office by tomorrow morning at the latest. The NSPCC are delivering a thank you assembly in the morning.

Class 3 PE

Dear Parents/Carers,

This is just a reminder to let you know that the children have PE on a Thursday and Friday so they will need a full kit, including trainers in school on these days.

On a Friday the children have football so need to make sure they bring trainers which are okay to get muddy and also a plastic bag to put them in afterwards. Football boots are allowed.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt

Tomorrows Science Lesson

Tomorrow afternoon I would like to take Class 2 on an Autumnal walk around the village to gather Autumn objects. We will then return to class to discuss and write about our findings. If you do not wish for your child to take part then please let me know in the morning.

Please could all children have their PE footwear in school and a warm coat for the walk.

Thank you

Miss Edwards

Class 5 Homework

This week’s homework is set on Purple Mash. I would like the children to log on and click on the ‘2Do’ section. I have set a grammar task for them, where they are asked to add missing words and semicolons, colons and dashes to sentences. I would like this to be completed by Wednesday 22nd November. If you do not have access to the internet at home, children are welcome to complete it at break times in school. They have been given a copy of their login today.

Maths this week and request for 1p and 2p coins

This week we have concentrated on numbers.  The children have practised counting to 10, 20 and even higher!

We have ordered numbers, said which numbers are bigger or smaller, estimated how many objects then carefully counted.

The class has shown an interest in setting up a Cafe this week, so next week we will be concentrating on money – role play shop / cafe / burger van / ice cream parlour.

We would be grateful if you have any spare 1p and 2p coins if you could donate them to the class to give the role play a more authentic experience for the children.

Also if you have any old pots/ pans / trays / bowls / cutlery etc, we would love them for our role play areas.

Read Write Inc

This week the children have looked at the digraphs ng and nk.  We have revised sh and th.

For ng we say ‘Thing on a string’

For nk we say ‘I think I stink!’

For sh we looked at words that have the sound, we made a very long list:  Ashanti, shepherd, sheep, shark, ship, shoe, shop, shack, shed.

For th :  Thea, thick, thin, moth, mouth, this, that, maths, path, bath, cloth.


Class 5 Weekly Update


In English this week, we have drafted, edited and published a piece of poetry, based on the witches prophesy in Macbeth. The children were using personification, metaphors, similes, alliteration, and lots of other fantastic poetry features. We then had a session where the children performed their poem to either a peer or the whole class, and were given feedback from their classmates. They all worked really hard on these and produced some excellent poems.

With Mrs J, the children looked again at semi-colons, colons and dashes. They all feel much more confident with when to use these, and it has been lovely to see some in their poems this week.


We have continued our work on fractions this week. We began the week by subtracting fractions with the same denominator, and denominators that are multiples of the same number. We then moved on to multiplying fractions by whole numbers (Year 5), and multiplying fractions by fractions (Year 6). Year 6 also completed some of the SAT sample papers this week. Once they have all been completed, I will send home copies of the papers so that parents can become familiar with the expectations for the end of Year 6.


In Science, the children have drafted and published their own ‘Just so’ stories. These are fantastic and the children really enjoyed writing and illustrating these. Some are now on display in the classroom.


In P.E this week the children took part in their NSPCC ‘Big Buddy Workout’ challenge. The class voted for a dodgeball tournament, and they all really enjoyed playing in their teams on Thursday with Mrs J. They were all brilliant team-players and had a fantastic afternoon.