FOBs Christmas Hampers

Please see attached poster with details of when tickets for the Christmas Hampers will be be on sale and when the draws will take place.

Hamper poster

Ofsted Inspection – 5th and 6th December

We will be inspected by Ofsted on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th December 2017.  Your child has been given a letter today with instructions on how to give your views about our school by completing Ofsted’s online survey, Parent View, at:

At the end of the parent letter, there is also information on how pupils can share their views by completing an online pupil questionnaire at the following link:

We thank you and your child in advance for taking the time to provide your views which we value very much.

Mrs Johnson and staff


Class 5 Homework

Year 5 – I have set a decimal place value activity for Year 5 this week. This is due back by Wednesday 6th December.

Year 6 – Just a reminder for Year 6 to bring back their maths SAT papers by Wednesday 6th December please.

Read Write inc – phonics

Segmenting and blending

This week the children have been revising their phonics knowledge of the sounds taught so far and have focused on – m, a,s,d,t

They have used magnetic letters to form and read cvc words using these sounds –   dog , mad, sad, mat, sat, sam

Some of the children have had a go at  writing short sentences – a dog can yap, a cat in a hat, sit on a hat, get a cat in a hat.

Raffle Tickets – FOBs

Please can all Raffle Tickets be returned to the school office by Monday 4th December at the latest. We would appreciate if all unsold tickets are returned also. Thank you.

Christmas Baubles

Following last year’s success, we have been asked by the Co op to decorate some Christmas baubles, which will be displayed at the Co op.  These will be given out on Wednesday 29th November and need to be returned by Friday 8th December,  at the latest.

Image result for christmas bauble

Please ensure all baubles are clearly marked with you child’s name and class

Christmas Concert Tickets – Classes 3, 4 & 5

Tickets are now on sale for the Classes 3, 4 and 5 Christmas concerts on Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th December.  Tickets are restricted to 2 per family until the end of this week.  Once all families have had the opportunity to purchase 2 tickets, the remaining tickets will go on sale and these will be sold on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Thank you

Weekly News 24.11.17

NSPCC Fundraising – Thank You

We would like to say a huge thank you and well done to all the children who obtained sponsorship for the NSPCC Buddy’s Challenge.  They raised an incredible £871.80 which is an amazing achievement.  The NSPCC visited school this morning to announce the amount raised and say thank you to all the children.  I will upload a photo from the assembly over the weekend.

Governor Visit Day

Thank you to the governors who were able to give up some of their time to visit school on Friday.  They visited all classes to observe lots of activities including maths, drama (in the woods!), tennis, phonics and indoor athletics, as well as join us for the NSPCC assembly and for lunch.

No Smoking

Please can we remind all adults that smoking is not allowed anywhere on the school site at any time.  This includes no smoking in vehicles on the school car park. Thank you.

Letters out this week

December diary dates – whole school

U10s football 29.11.17 – group of Y4/5 boys

Music invoices – children who have peripatetic lessons

Christmas concerts – Classes 3,4,5

Thank you