Hats, drinks and sun cream! ☀️

With the sunny weather set to continue for the next few days, please make sure your child brings a water bottle and hat, and has sun cream applied before arriving at school/nursery. Please share with other parents if you can!
Thank you

Weekly News 03.09.21

Hello everyone,

We have had such a great start to the new school year and it has been wonderful to see so many smiling faces wherever you look!

The children have amazed us with how well they have settled into their new classes and especially Willow class who are just starting their school journey – they really are little stars!

After-school provision

Your child has been given a letter today outlining our new clubs provision. Thank you for the super response to our recent survey, which has helped shape our new provision.

PE sessions
Please remember that your child needs to come to school wearing their school PE kit on their PE days which are shown below (starting from Monday 6th.) Children need to wear a plain blue or white t-shirt or a blue t-shirt with the school logo (optional), black or navy shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and pumps/trainers.
Birch – Monday and Thursday
Hazel – Tuesday and Friday
Maple – Tuesday and Friday
Rowan – Monday and Thursday
Oak – Wednesday and Thursday
Forest Church
Dear children, caregivers and staff,
We at church really hope you’ve had a wonderfully restful holiday and feel ready and confident about a new term?!
Before the holidays I mentioned that we will be resuming Forest Church. We are really pleased to announce that we’ve organised one for Sunday, 12th September at 3pm. The venue is the Isle Estate, Bicton (by kind permission of Edward Tate). Do bring warm, waterproof clothes and a picnic- we will be enjoying the great outdoors! We will spend an hour doing activities followed by a short worship service, and then have a picnic together. All ages are most welcome. To get there, turn into Isle Lane at Bicton and keep going through the Lion Gates and on straight until you reach the car park in the stable yard. Though in Bicton, we are actually really near to Leaton, which is just the other side of the river- so it should feel close to home for everyone!
With love and blessings,
Hannah and all at church 
Music Lessons
In school we are pleased to be working with Shropshire Music Service to offer small-group and individual lessons – currently in keyboard, violin and brass instruments. Shropshire Music Service are a non-profit council organisation dedicated to providing high quality music education for the county’s young people.  The lessons are not free, but substantial reductions in the cost are available for those in challenging financial circumstances. SMS also offer affordable instrument hire for most instruments, along with opportunities to perform in musical groups.  You can enrol your children using this link, or search Shropshire Music Service to find out more.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Johnson x

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a lovely summer and I can’t wait to hear the children’s news when they return to school on Thursday 2nd September!

COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Please take a few minutes to read our updated risk assessment below, so that you know what we need you to do to keep everyone safe. With COVID-19 cases still high, it is vital that everyone continues to adhere to our measures – this will support us in keeping school as safe and as ‘normal’ as possible for children and staff.

Bicton COVID-19 Risk Assessment V21 29.08.2021

We are no longer asking you to wear a face covering when you drop off or collect your child but please respect the parents / staff who choose to do so. The important thing is that you leave the site promptly and do not congregate with other parents.

Thank you in advance for sticking to the rules!

Dinner Money

Please remember that the price of a school lunch is now £2.40 per day, which is payable in advance.


Please see a reminder of our uniform expectations below. I know some parents have had difficulty in purchasing the school logo sweatshirt in certain sizes – a plain royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan is fine with us.

Please pay careful attention in the letter below to our expectations for PE kit – your child’s teacher will let you know their PE days for this term when we return to school.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of staff.

Uniform September 2021

After-school Clubs

Information on our after-schol provision for the next half term will be sent out next week. In the meantime, please continue to book your child into breakfast or after-school club using sQuid.

See you all on Thursday!

Mrs Johnson x

After school clubs

Many thanks for the responses to our after school provision survey. The results will help us shape our provision for September to suit our school community but we would like to confirm there will be after school provision available for all families that require it until 4.30pm every weekday.

Further details will follow in due course.

After school provision

Dear parents/carers,

We would be grateful if you could complete this short survey so that the Senior Leadership Team can get a clear picture of the requirements for after school provision from

All of our provision is currently staffed by school staff, however we do not have the capacity to continue this in September. We know some parents rely on this provision and so we are considering a range of different options including curriculum enrichment clubs from external providers.

Your responses will be vital in ensuring we provide sufficiently for the needs of our school community and we thank you in advance for your participation.

Best wishes,

Senior Leadership Team


Weekly News 09.07.21

Hi everyone,

I hope you have all had a good week and it has been nice to see some drier weather at the end of the week! This came right in time and allowed our KS1 and KS2 classes to hold their sports day events yesterday. Even though we weren’t able to have spectators, the children did a great job cheering each other on!

Special Notice

A special message has gone out via Class Dojo this afternoon. With many of our children (and staff!) staying up to watch the England v Italy final on Sunday evening, we are allowing children to arrive a bit later – up until 10:00 am – on Monday morning. If your child is unwell and not going to be in school on Monday, you must still let the school office know.

End-of-year reports

Your child’s end-of-year reports have been given out today, together with a letter containing lots of information. If your child has been absent today, they will be given their report next week.

Carrier bags

Please can your child bring in a bag for life or a strong carrier bag next week, to take their school books home in. Thank you.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Mrs Johnson x