Read, Write inc

This week we have revised:  m   a    s   d   t  i  n  p  g  o  c k u  b f e l h sh ck   r j v y 

New sounds:

ou – shout it out 

oy – toy for a boy 

ea – cup of tea  

The children have applied phonic knowledge to read,  make (magnetic letters) and write words containing this weeks sounds and form CVC words.

This week’s words:    red, run, rat, jog, jet, jam, vet, yap, yes, yum, web, win, wish, wet, sock




Special places

This half term we have been been looking at Special Places.  The children have talked about and drawn their Special place and explained why it is special to them.


We would like it if you can talk to your child about their Special place/s too and if possible send in photographs. We would also like to know about any Special family places, e.g. Where you got married, your child was Christened (photos of the church), places you visit.


Thank you.

Miss Lloyd

Class 5 Homework

Year 6 homework this week is based on our learning so far in Algebra. They will be bringing home their maths ‘SATs Buster’ workbooks, with the page numbers I would like them to complete circled at the back of the book.

Year 5 have been given a grammar activity, revising different word types, punctuation and grammar rules.

Class 5 Weekly Update


In English this week we have been writing a non-chronological report about Axxa – a species of alien from our class novel. We looked at a range of report texts and picked out their features, and then decided on subheadings for our own text. We then went through the planning process where we made brief notes under each subheading, drafted and then redrafted our reports. The finished result is fantastic and the children are demonstrating that they can securely write a range of different types of text.


We have begun a new unit of Algebra this week. We have been solving simple equations where the variables are given, and then moved onto working out missing values later in the week. We then applied our learning to solving some problems and explaining our reasoning for our solutions. We will continue algebra next week.


In Science this week have been writing our persuasive argument about how we know that the Earth moves around the Sun. The children used their research of Copernicus and Galileo to support their arguments, along with diagrams clearly showing the movement of the Earth and other planets in relation to the Sun. Next week, the children will be performing their persuasive speeches for the class or group.


Geography this week has been based around the different climates in North America. We studied a climate map and began thinking about why cities are in certain places. We thought about reasons why people might choose to live in a place, and what potential challenges the climate could present. The children then presented their findings through a piece of extended writing.


This week in RE, we have been looking at the stories Jesus told during The Sermon on The Mount, Matthew 5-7. They chose several different passages and recorded how they could apply the teachings of Jesus in their lives today.


In PE this week, Class 5 have enjoyed tennis with Mr Creffield.

Read, Write inc

This week we looked at:

 ir – whirl and twirl   air –  that’s not fair

Revised –   m a s d t i n g p o c k u b 

Applied phonic knowledge to write words containing f e l h sh    This week’s words – fit, fun, fab, peg, bed, ted, hop, hid, had, hit, ham, leg, let, lit  



English Lesson in the Forest School

Just a reminder, following my message on Friday – I would like to take the children into the Forest School tomorrow morning as part of our English lesson. Please could the children come in any old clothing and appropriate footwear e.g. wellies or walking boots. They will also need a waterproof coat and if available, waterproof trousers. If the weather is a little bit wet we will still go outside! The children will need to bring their school clothes to change into afterwards and their PE kits for PE with Mr Bebb in the afternoon.

Thank you

Miss Edwards

Class 5 Homework

Year 6 children have each been given a grammar ‘SATs Buster’ workbook today. Homework this week is to complete pages 32 and 33 of the workbook, in preparation for our learning about different types of conjunctions next week.

Year 5 have been given a translation activity, where they are translating tricky shapes across a grid.

Homework is due back by Wednesday 24th January.

Class 5 Weekly Update


In English this week we have been writing a newspaper article about the events that have happened on the planet of Phoenix. We started the week with some drama, considering the mood of the scene and the emotions the characters could have been feeling. We then drafted our newspaper articles, thinking carefully about which presentational devices we could use the guide the reader. We then redrafted our articles with improvements in place.


This week in Maths we have been revising position and direction. We have been finding coordinates of given points, in the first quadrant and then across 4 quadrants, and we have also been reflecting and translating shapes across 4 quadrants. Some children applied their learning to solving some challenging problems.


In Science this week we found out about the findings of Copernicus and Galileo. We decided which was the best scientist and justified our choices. We then researched further into the findings of our chosen scientist, in preparation for writing a persuasive argument to convince people that the findings accurate in the next session.


We began exploring databases this week using 2investigate on Purple Mash. We did a quick survey of popular websites used by members of the class, what they were used for, how and how often they were accessed, and the duration of each visit. Everyone then had a go at inputting the data onto the website and looking at the ways in which it could be grouped and organised. We will continue this next week.


Following on from analysing the parable of Matthew 7:24-27 last week, the class wrote their own understanding of the parable. They also considered what Jesus’ message was from this parable.


In PE this week, Class 5 enjoyed Quick Sticks with Mrs J and tennis with Mr Creffield.