Valentine’s Disco – thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Valentine’s disco and to FOBS and other parents who organised and helped out at the event.  The total amount raised was £290 which is a fantastic effort.

Thank you again.

Class 5 Homework

Year 6 homework this week is to look through their SAT papers that they have completed this week and check through the errors that they made.
Year 5 have been set a reading comprehension linked to our Science topic where they will be practising their retrieval and inference reading skills.
Homework is due back on Wednesday 14th February.

Class 5 Weekly Update

Year 6 have completed another set of SAT papers this week in preparation for their tests in May. It has been wonderful to see how much progress they have made since the Autumn term and it has shown which areas need increased focus over the next few months. The Year 5s have also completed a reading, maths and grammar assessment which they have gone through with Mrs J to see where they have made errors.
In Science this week we investigated the different timezones around the world, and how they and day/night are created by the movement of the Earth around the Sun. The children represented this movement through a Scientific diagram, and then clearly explained what they diagram showed. They then created a daily timetable involving different countries around the world to show what is happening across the world at different times of day.
As part of our topic work this week, the children have begun investigating Native American tribes. They have studied where the 5 main tribes lived on a map of North America, and then researched the different cultures and traditions of the different tribes.
In RE this week, the children were creating their own prayers linked to the teachings of Jesus in The Gospel of Matthew. Some of the prayers have already been used in whole school Worship.
The children have continued developing their skills in Quick Sticks this week. They also played in teams in a small tournament. On Friday, they had a tennis lesson with Mr Creffield.

Read, Write inc

This week the children have revised:  m   a    s   d   t  i  n  p  g  o  c k u  b f e l h sh ck r j v y

Focused on:  w, th, z, ch, qu

They have used these sounds to form words containing these letters,  for example:  thin, thick, this, zag, zip, chin, chop, chat, quiz, quit

We have also looked at some split digraphs this week:

a-e – Make a cake

i-e – nice smile

Thursday’s Geography Lesson

Please could Class 2 children bring in wellies and a waterproof coat on Thursday. The children will be going on a walk around the village and into the woods to identify the similarities and differences between our woodlands and the jungles/rain forests they have been learning about in Geography.

Thank you

Miss Edwards

Valentine Disco Friday 9th February – Cakes

FOBS would be very grateful for any cake donations for the Valentine’s Disco on Friday. (Nothing containing Nuts please). Donations can be left in Reception.

We look forward to seeing you all there and thank you again for your continued support.

Class 5 Homework

Year 6 homework this week is based on the correct use of apostrophes. They will be bringing home a punctuation ‘SATs Buster’ workbook, with the page numbers I would like them to complete circled.

Year 5 have been given an algebra activity where they must crack a code to find the missing message. This is using skills we have been learning in class, however if your child finds it tricky I am happy to go through it with them in class next week.

Class 5 Weekly Update


We have been doing some challenging writing in English this week. The children’s task was to rewrite a section from Phoenix, from the perspective of an Axxa (alien) instead of as the main human character, Lucky. We planned out our extract first, looking at ways in which we could create atmospheric shifts in our writing. The children then drafted, edited and redrafted their story independently.


We have continued algebra this week, focusing on linear number sequences. The children have solved a range of problems including finding missing terms in a sequence, creating their own number sequences, finding the nth term, and applying their learning to solving a range of challenges.


In Science this week the children performed their persuasive speeches in small groups. The other members of their group listened to their speech and then gave them a strength, a weakness and a next step. Mrs J and I were very impressed with the scientific understanding that the children showed, and they were very convincing in persuading their peers that the Earth isn’t the centre of the Universe.


In Geography this week, the children were tasked to choose a physical or human feature of North America that interested them. We had a great range of features including the Statue of Liberty, Niagra Falls, the Golden Gate Bridge and the Grand Canyon. The children then worked in pairs to research their feature, and presented their findings through a non-chronological report. They had to make sure they were presenting facts not opinions, using a wide range of conjunctions, and structuring their report clearly.


In RE this week, we have continued our theme of ‘What Would Jesus Do?’, the teachings of Jesus. The children were given a copy of The Lord’s Prayer, taken from the Authentic Youth Bible, which they analysed, interpreting the words and phrases into their own understanding.


The children have continued developing their skills in Quick Sticks this week. They also discussed leadership and captaincy of a sports team. On Friday, they had a tennis lesson with Mr Creffield.