Forest school and tennis session dates

Due to the bad weather we have taken the decision to postpone the start of Forest School to the 15th of March.  The children will still get the planned 5 sessions as we will continue after the Easter break.

We do however have another treat for the class.  This Friday and the following 2 Fridays the children in class 1 will take part in some tennis coaching sessions.  We will send your child’s PE kit home with them, so that they can come into school wearing their PE kit on a Friday am.  We will continue to have PE on a Monday afternoon, so please send their kit back in on a Monday morning.


Thursday 1st March:   World Book Day – come to school dressed as a character

Friday 2nd March:  Tennis session 1/3:  Come to school in PE kit, bring school clothes to change into afterwards.

Friday 9th March: Tennis session 2/3:  Come to school in PE kit, bring school clothes to change into afterwards.

Thursday 15th March: Forest School Session 1/5:  Come to school in old clothes / wellies /boots.   Bring school clothes to change into afterwards.

Friday 16th March: Tennis session 3/3 :  Come to school in PE kit, bring school clothes to change into afterwards.

Thursday 22nd March: Forest School Session 2/5:  Come to school in old clothes / wellies /boots.   Bring school clothes to change into afterwards.

Thursday 29th March: Forest School Session 3/5:  Come to school in old clothes / wellies /boots.   Bring school clothes to change into afterwards.



World Book Day

Dear Parents/Carers,

I have asked the children to bring in one of their favourite books from home on Thursday for World Book Day so that we can spend some time talking about them as a class.

Thank you,

Miss Barratt


Weekly News 23.02.18

Changes to Clubs

In response to parents’ requests, we are starting a Homework Club next Monday for Key Stage 2 children; this will run instead of Science Club.  At Homework Club, children will be able to complete any homework set by their class teacher, as well as read with an adult or carry out revision or research linked to what they have been doing in class.

We are currently monitoring attendance at all clubs and we will reduce the clubs that are provided, if we find that some are no longer viable.

Year 6 SATs Booster

Year 6 SATs Booster will run every Monday from 26th February from 3:15 to 4:30 and we hope that all Year 6 children will be able to attend. A parent meeting will be arranged before Easter, to provide information on the SATs which take place in May.

World Book Day – Reminder

As in previous years, we are taking part in World Book Day next week on Thursday 1st March.  Children can come to school dressed up as a book character of their choice and there will be a prize for each class, including Nursery, for the best costume. We can’t wait to see who or what the children dress up as!

We hope you have had a good half-term and we look forward to seeing all the children again on Monday 26th.


Weekly News 16.02.18

World Book Day – Thursday 1st March

As in previous years, we are taking part in World Book Day the first week back after half-term (Thursday 1st March.)  Children can come to school dressed up as a book character of their choice and there will be a prize for each class, including Nursery, for the best costume. We can’t wait to see who or what the children dress up as!

Government’s height and weight check – Reception and Year 6

If you do not want your child to take part in the height and weight check with the School Nurse on 15th March, please ensure that you have informed the Office that you wish to opt out.  We have attached the Year 6 letter below for your information.

Premeasurement_letter_to_parents year 6

Swimming letter reminder

Please can any outstanding permission letters and monies for Years 4 and 5 swimming be returned to the Office, when we return after half term.

Letters home this week

Bicton Church children’s Lent workshop – whole school

Staffing changes – Classes 4 and 5

Adcote School science workshop – Class 5


On behalf of all the staff, thank you for all your support this half term.  It has been a busy few weeks and we are very proud of how hard the children have worked.  We hope you all enjoy the half-term holiday and look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday 26th February.

Read, write inc

This week we have continued to focus on the sounds that we have already covered.  Everyday we work on segmenting and lending with Green Set 1 sounds -these can be viewed on the power point :   green words 1         or PDF: green words 1

Our focus sounds have been – th, ay and oy.

We have also practised our letter formations, I will attach these below for you to share with your children:  masdt


Half term Junk model instruments and Mardi Gras

On Tuesday 6th of March the we will be having a Mardi Gras celebration day. The colours of Mardi Gras are Green, gold and purple, and we would like all the children to come to school wearing one, two or even all of those colours on that day.

On the day we will have a parade around school wearing our masks and playing our instruments, plus lots more Carnival fun.

Over the half term we would like children in Class 1 to make a musical instrument to bring into school on the first week back.  We would love to see what they can create using empty cereal boxes/tubes/ food packaging etc.  Don’t forget to put photos up on Tapestry of their creating.

The children will then get a chance to show the rest of the class their handiwork and the whole class will use them as part of our Mardi Gras celebrations.

We are also collecting junk modelling so that the children can do more junk modelling during Child Initiated times.

For ideas –

Thank you


Mrs Bowes


Class 5 Homework 16.02.18

Year 6 homework for half-term is based on verbs.  I would like children to complete pages 9, 10 and 11 in their Grammar ‘SATs Buster’ workbook, and I have circled these pages to remind them.

Year 5 have been given a maths activity to reinforce this week’s work on converting units of measurement. They should be able to complete the puzzle independently but please make a note on their homework if they needed your support. Thank you

Y5 16.02.18


Class 5 Weekly Update 16.02.18


This week we have revisited persuasive writing. Children have produced some fantastic writing aimed at persuading others to want to become or dress as an Axxa, using evidence from our class novel Phoenix. They have drafted, edited and redrafted their extended writing and each group then chose the strongest argument to present to the class in a bid to persuade them. Well done Class 5!


In Maths this week we have focused on converting different units of measure. Children have solved a wide range of problems, including converting between different metric units to measure length, mass and capacity, as well as converting from metric to imperial units and vice versa. Year 5s’ half-term homework will reinforce this week’s activities on converting measures.


Children have continued researching Native American tribes. They looked at a range of aspects including religion, dwellings, hunting and food, to develop their understanding of how external factors affected the tribes’ lifestyles.  They have produced an extended piece of writing on 2 of the tribes that they researched.


In RE this week, the children worked in groups to create mood boards of how Christians and some non-Christians have taken the teachings of Jesus and been able to apply them to their own lives e.g. through charity work and how they conduct themselves.


The children have had their final week of Quick Sticks and been able to apply the skills they have learnt to a mini tournament.  They have also had their final week of tennis with Mr Creffield and will be starting gymnastics after half-term.  Please can children have their PE kit in school every day, to allow for any changes to our normal PE times

Year 6 SATs Booster

I will be starting Year 6 SATs Booster every Monday from 26th February onwards from 3:15 to 4:30 and I hope that your child will be able to attend. After half-term, I will arrange a parent meeting to provide information on the SATs in May.


Homework is due back on Wednesday 28th February.




Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 2nd March

Year 2: Please can the Year 2 children complete pages 2-3 and page 30 of their Grammar work book and pages 35 – 37 of their Maths Reasoning work book.

Year 3: Lots of the children enjoyed last weeks homework so I’ve decided to set a similar writing task again where the children need to finish the story. Please see attached.


All homework is due in on Friday 2nd March.

Just to let you know that we are currently doing work on telling the time in maths, any support and help you can give to the children at home with practising to tell the time is very much appreciated.

Thank you and have a lovely half term.