Gardening Day – Cancelled

Due to the weather forecast – rain for Friday and near-freezing temperatures on Saturday – we have decided to cancel the gardening day for this weekend.  We will let you know, as soon as a new date has been arranged. Thank you

Wednesday Clubs

Craft Club will not be running again (this week was the last session) and we would like to say a big thank you to Kerry for giving up her time over recent months to organise and run the club for us.

Next Wednesday there will be a combined Colouring and Computer Club but no Multi-sports Club, due to parent meetings taking place in the Hall.

From Wednesday 28th March, and after Easter, there will be: Colouring Club for Nursery, Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3, and Multi-sports for Years 4, 5 and 6. Thank you.


Read, write inc

This week we have continued to focus on Set 1 sounds and writing words containing these.

We have also revisited and written sentences with words containing the following digraphs:

ir – whirl and twirl

ee – what can you see?

ou – shout it out

oo – look at the book

Class 5 Maths homework to be handed in 09.03.18

This week’s homework is a Maths activity based on what we are currently working on in class which needs to be handed in by Friday.  Children need to remember:

  • perimeter is the length/distance around the outside of the shape
  • area is what is inside the shape and it is measured in square units

Year 6s who are not in Purple or Yellow groups have been given the 2nd activity below.

Y5 & Y6 Purple 05.03.18

Y6 05.03.18

Y6 Yellow 05.03.18

Class 5 weekly update 02.03.18


This week we have revisited diary writing. Children have created some excellent diary entries in role as Lucky from our novel Phoenix.  Children’s main focus was to infer to the reader the different emotions that Lucky was going through, by using carefully-chosen vocabulary and punctuation to enhance their writing. We will finish the diary entries on Monday, before starting a new unit on poetry.


At the start of the week children solved problems involving time, which included using bus/train timetables and converting between different units of times to answer word problems. We have now started a new unit on area and perimeter, involving rectilinear (compound) shapes. Next week we will focus on both area and perimeter, including using formulae to find the area of triangles.


In Geography this week, children were finding the capital cities of the North American countries.  They recorded their information in a table and many extended their task by adding extra information such as population, the language spoken or famous landmarks. They will continue this next week before choosing one of the capital cities to research in further detail.


On World Book Day, children designed their own front covers for our novel Phoenix. They produced some beautiful work which will be displayed alongside some of their English work.


We started a new unit on gymnastics this week and had a fantastic first session using the wall apparatus, the ropes and other floor equipment. The children’s perseverance and pride in their achievements was wonderful to observe and we are looking forward to seeing their skills and confidence increase over the coming weeks.


Because of the snow closure, homework will be given out on Monday and due in on Friday 9th.

Year 6 SATs Booster

In SATs Booster this week, we focused on grammar and explored the different types of noun: proper, common, abstract and collective, as well as looking at singular and plural. We also revised different word classes including determiners. Next week’s after-school booster session will be maths-based.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson and Mrs Foster

School Opening

Please keep an eye on the school website and Shropshire Council website on Friday morning to check if the school is open.  We will make the decision as early as possible on Friday morning if we need to close.

Class 4 homework

Apologies for the confusion of homework set this week…the homework that was set before half term is due in tomorrow please.  Many have handed this in already, thank you. The play script homework that was set on Monday is due in next Wednesday (March 7th).  If there are any questions about this or you need a copy please ask me. In future, homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday as usual.

I also asked the children if they have a copy of their favourite book at home if they could bring it in tomorrow please for World Book Day. Please don’t worry if they don’t have one.

Many thanks, Mrs Thomas