Class 5 Weekly Update 27.04.18


The children have continued their novel study of Goodnight Mister Tom. Their task this week was to produce a public information leaflet for host families to explain how to care for an evacuee. We have focused on using standard English and cohesive devices, including adverbial phrases, conjuctions and pronouns, and Class 5 have worked hard to produce some excellent pieces of formal writing.  Our grammar, punctuation and spelling work has included dictation activities to practise using adverbial phrases e.g. as a result, in addition, and spelling Year 5/6 words.


In Maths this week, we have continued our work on the properties of shapes. Children have applied their knowledge of angles in a triangle to solving problems involving special triangles and quadrilaterals and have ended the week constructing shapes with given angles and dimensions. Year 6s have also looked at the radius and diameter of circles and practised using a compass to construct circles of given diameters.


Children have worked in small groups to explore some of their questions and hypotheses about shadows such as what affects the length and size of a shadow. This allowed them to reinforce work on angles, when discussing how the angle of the light source in relation to the object affects the shadow produced. Next lesson we will start to look at reflections and refraction of light.


Whilst the Year 5s were at swimming, Year 6s have practised different volleyball skills in small groups and they ended the session evaluating the skills shown by each group. They have also continued their tennis sessions with Mr Creffield.


Children had an extended session with Mrs J this week to allow them time to discuss and explore the resurrection in more depth.  We are hoping to create a display of their work over the next few weeks, to showcase their ideas and achievements.

Year 6 Booster

Just a reminder that Year 6 Booster is running every Monday after school until 4:30 to help prepare children for the SATs in the middle of May. I have attached the presentation again from the Year 6 parent meeting last week.

SATs 2018 Presentation to parents

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Lunch Friday 27th April

The school lunch menu for this Friday will be Pizza, Pasta and Salad bar.

Gardening Day 28.04.18

Can you spare a few hours this Saturday morning on 28th April? If so, we would love you to join us at our first  gardening party of the year

We are hoping to paint the fence at the front of the Early Years playground (weather-permitting) and have a general tidy-up in the wildlife garden and flower beds. If you are able to spare a couple of hours between 10:00 and 1:00, please write your name(s) on the contact list in reception or speak to myself or Catherine Orrell.  We are trying to provide refreshments and we will let you know more details at the end of the week.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Read, write inc

This week the children have looked at:

igh – fly high

aw – yawn at dawn

are – care and share

ow – blow the snow.

They have also looked at ee / ea sound  – we found lots in our story Jack and the Beanstalk.

Read, Write inc

We have continued to read and write words containing Set 1 sounds green words 1 PDF 

Useful booklets for revision at home:

Word-Time-Book-1 Word-Time-Book-2 Word-Time-Book-3 Word-Time-Book-4 Word-Time-Book-5 Word-Time-Book-6

This week we have revised and written sentences with words containing:   ng, nk, sh and ch.   This booklet is useful to reinforce these sounds at home – .Word-Time-Book-7

We have also revised set 2 words 2 PDF

Easter Eggstravaganza – Friday 23rd March

Fobs Easter event is this Friday 23rd March, 3.30pm – 5.00pm. Please see attached poster for details.

Easter Eggstravaganza – 23 March

There will be NO After School Clubs running on Friday in view of the party.

Easter Eggstravaganza – 23rd March

Friday – 23rd March – 3.30pm – 5.00pm – £1.50 per child (£3.00 per family)

Food and refreshments will be available to buy – Games and Music

All children must be supervised by an adult


Parent notice

It has been brought to my attention today that some incorrect information is being shared amongst parents regarding our school status. On behalf of the governors, I can confirm that we are not forming a multi-academy trust with Woodfield Infant School and St George’s Junior School in Shrewsbury and neither are we in the process of joining another academy. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to me. Thank you

Read Write Inc

The children have continued to revisit Set 1 sounds and used them to write words and sentences.  We are starting to see a lot more children have the confidence to write in Child initiated time and show good use of  their phonics knowledge to sound out and write words.

Some children have revisited igh – fly high, ow – blow the snow and oo – poo at the zoo.   For each trigraph/digraph the  children have written their own independent sentence with words containing the sound.



Class 5 weekly update 16.03.18


This week children have analysed the features of explanation texts and written their own explanation texts based on our novel Phoenix.  They have also completed reading assessments which we will be going through with them in class before the end of term.


In Maths, children have been finding the volume of cubes, cuboids and highly-complex 3D shapes composed of several cubes/cuboids.  It has been wonderful to see the children’s progress during this unit of work and seeing them apply previous learning on  area and perimeter.  They have also completed assessments, which we have started to look through and will continue to work through some of the questions next week.


In Science this week, we carried out a simulation to show the phases of the Moon using children’s written plans from last week. Children then completed an independent piece of writing to explain to other children how to carry out the simulation, which reinforced our work in English on explanation texts.


Children completed their analysis and research of capital cities in North America.  Next week we will start to make comparisons between specific areas in the UK and North America.


In RE this week, we started a new unit on Salvation. We discussed why the resurrection is so important to Christians and used an artwork freeze to revise the ‘big story.’


We have continued our gymnastics work using the apparatus and also made the most of the sunshine to do one PE session on ball skills outside.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson, Mrs Foster and Mrs J